Taxes • Finances Published April 11, 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on tax season and finances.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz 

Which was searched more in the past month?

tax return deadline or tax return extension?


  • “how often does irs audit” and ”what triggers an irs audit” are breakout searches, past week, US

  • San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose CA was the top US metropolitan area searching for Taxable income over the past week

  • Searches for Tax advisor are currently at an all-time high in the US

  • Searches for “how to file a tax extension” spiked +550% in the US over the past month

GRAPH: Search interest in “file taxes for free” is currently at an all-time high in the US

Most searched “do i need to report … on my tax returns”

past week, US

  1. Form 5498

  2. Roth IRA

  3. Form 1095-C

  4. Form 1099-G

  5. 401k

Most searched “is it better …” on taxes

past week, US

  1. Is it better to file jointly or separately?

  2. Is it better to claim 1 or 0 allowances?

  3. Is it better to file single or head of household?

  4. Is it better to do taxes online or in person?

  5. Is it better to pay taxes now or later?

Financial Literacy

GRAPH: Search interest in IRA is currently at an all-time high this month and has surpassed 401(K) in the US

Most searched finance related “ how much do i need to …”

past week, US

  1. Retire

  2. Make to file taxes

  3. Buy a house

  4. Make to live comfortably

  5. Donate to get a tax deduction

Most searched “financial advisor for …”

past week, US

  1. Low income

  2. Debt

  3. Young adults

  4. Small business

  5. Federal employees


Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: tax return deadline

Jenny Lee

Lead Google Trends Analyst

With Sabrina Elfarra

Coachella Published April 10, 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on Coachella.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz 

Which No Doubt song is more searched in the US since 2004?

Don’t Speak or Spiderwebs?

Coachella Performances

  • coachella fortnite” is the top trending Coachella search over the past day in the US

  • Hatsune Miku and Sabrina Carpenter are the top trending Coachella 2024 performers over the last week in the US

  • coachella weekend 2” has been more searched than “weekend 1” since 2011, the first year the Coachella Music and Arts Festival expanded to two weekends

  • Global search interest in holography spiked +480% in April 2012, reaching an all time high, when a Tupac Shakur hologram joined Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre on the Coachella main stage

  • With the exception of 2020 and 2021, searches for “surprise guests” and “lineup” in the US have spiked every April for the past 10 years

Top Coachella 2024 performers

since the lineup was announced on January 16 2024, US

  1. No Doubt

  2. Hatsune Miku

  3. Lana Del Rey

  4. Peso Pluma


Most searched Coachella performers

of all time, US

  1. Beyoncé

  2. Tupac (hologram)

  3. Frank Ocean

  4. Kanye West

  5. Harry Styles

  6. The Weeknd


  8. Billie Eilish

  9. Ariana Grande

  10. Daft Punk

Coachella Fashion

  • “hair bow stacking” searches related to Coachella have nearly doubled over the past week in the US

  • white combat boots” and “cowboy boots” are the top trending boot styles searched with Coachella over the past week in the US

  • hoka clifton 9” and “adidas ultra boost” are the top trending shoe models searched with Coachella over the past week in the US

  • james charles coachella outfit” and “selena gomez coachella outfit” are the top trending coachella celebrity “outfit” searches over the past month in the US

GRAPH: With the exception of 2020 and 2021, when many festivals were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, US search interest in “festival outfits” has increased year over year since 2010

Top trending Coachella apparel

past week, US

  1. Overalls

  2. Parachute pants

  3. White skirt

  4. Denim romper

  5. Denim set

Top trending Coachella clothing accessories

past week, US

  1. Coach purse

  2. Loop earplugs

  3. Ray Ban sunglasses

  4. Brown bandana

  5. Trucker hat

Top Coachella outfit styles

past month, US

  1. Sporty

  2. Rave

  3. Boho

  4. Western

  5. Y2K

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


with Katie Seaton



Багато хто чув про камінь таффеїт, але мало хто знає, що це дуже рідкісний камінь. Був відкритий графом Таффе з Ірландії, завдяки чому і отримав своє ім’я. Має цікаві властивості, що відрізняє його від багатьох інших дорогоцінних каменів. Цінується досить високо, тому вартість його на ринку досить велика. Єдине, складно дістати оригінальний самоцвіт. Дуже часто трапляються підробки.

У 60-х роках XX століття було проведено необхідні дослідження, і з’ясувалося, що цей рідкісний мінерал – самостійний вид. Він має іншу природу, ніж інші камені. У результаті вийшло, що любитель відкрив новий вид мінералу. Спочатку Таффе зацікавили властивості каменю, що не відповідають його кольору. Існують й інші назви таффеїту, наведемо найуживаніші:

  • беринель;
  • магнезіотааффеїт;
  • бемагаліт.

Місця видобутку

Як уже зазначалося, таффеїт – камінь надзвичайно рідкісний, і знайти його можна лише в кількох куточках планети. Ще дуже важливо, щоб самоцвіт був необхідної якості, бо в іншому разі його не можна буде використовувати в ювелірній справі. Він буде або недостатньо міцний, твердий, або недостатньо красивий. Отже, найкращі камінчики розробляються на Шрі-Ланці поблизу міста Ратнапура.

Зрозуміло, в цьому місці видобувають не тільки ці самоцвіти, а й сапфіри, агати, аметисти, аквамарини та інші. Потрібно згадати, що найбільший кристал таффеїту, який був знайдений тут, має розмір 71 карат.

Хімічний склад

Хімічний склад непростий: Mg3Al8BeO16. Тобто цей рідкісний камінь не що інше, як похідна магнію, алюмінію, берилію. З формули стає зрозуміло, чому самоцвіт такий рідкісний.

Звичайно, є домішки, це:

  • хром (Cr);
  • цинк (Zn);
  • залізо (Fe).

Крім того, що камінь дуже рідкісний, не обходиться без різновидів, вони мають дещо іншу структуру, інші домішки, загальна формула також трохи змінюється. Йдеться про такі камені, як мусгравіт (Австралія, гора Мусгрейв), феротаффеїт (з великим вмістом заліза), тапробаніт (Тапробана – так раніше називався Цейлон).

Якщо розглянути в мікроскоп кристали таффеїту, то можна помітити, що вони часто мають неправильну зерноподібну форму. Але також є і гармонійні зразки, здебільшого у формі призми і піраміди.


Забарвлення перебуває в межах відтінків червоного: від слабо-рожевого, майже прозорого, до насиченого фіолетового. Якщо таффеїт майже безбарвний, то він може бути блакитним або зеленуватим. Такі кристали цінуються дуже високо, але їх дуже легко сплутати з іншим дорогоцінним камінням, яке коштує в кілька разів дешевше.

Потрібно зазначити, що мінерал дуже крихкий. Заломлення променів дуже високе, тому таффеїт дуже легко відрізнити від його аналогів. Спайність відсутня зовсім. Твердість – 8,5 за шкалою Мооса. Щільність – 3,6 г/см3. Видно, що щільність звичайна за дуже високої твердості. Потрібно визнати, що обробляти камінь не так просто, але після ограновування він надзвичайно довговічний. Не реагує на температуру, сонячне світло, сприйнятливий до кислот та інших хімічних впливів.

Лікувальні властивості

Насамперед самоцвіт чинить седативну, заспокійливу дію, тобто розслабляє людину, покращує настрій, нормалізує сон. Сприятливо впливає на нервову систему. Для отримання такої дії потрібно надягати на ніч браслет. Крім того, напади страху і кошмари минуть і не будуть вас переслідувати.

Якщо у вас каблучка або кулончик, то вдень ваша працездатність збільшиться, ви відчуєте прилив сил, бадьорість, бажання жити. Посилює почуття, можете сильно закохатися не за віком. Дівчатам додасть шарму. Чоловіки набудуть статевої сили.

Магічні властивості

З давніх-давен відомі магічні властивості самоцвіту. Маги використовують камінь для залучення коханого, привороту. Якщо камінчик одягне сімейна людина, то отримає щастя в сімейному житті, припиняться сварки й образи, настане період спокою й умиротворення.

Потрібно бути обережним, оскільки цей період незабаром закінчиться. Камінь потрібно знімати, оскільки його дія може вичерпатися. Дівчатам, щоб знайти коханого, потрібно носити браслет з камінчиком на лівій руці. Чоловіки повинні носити каблучку на середньому пальці бажано правої руки, але це може заважати роботі.

Амулет, талісман, оберіг

Використовується як талісман людьми, які зайняті будь-яким прикладним ремеслом. Наприклад, люблять його художники-оформлювачі, скульптори, а також теслі, слюсарі. Майстерність із цим самоцвітом підвищуватиметься, а повага до вас як до майстра зростатиме. Дуже радять камінь музикантам. Як оберіг використовують дуже рідко.



Серед небесної височини,

Блакиті й тиші

Ширяє ДРАКОН… У своєму польоті

Охоплює серцем небеса.

Його ДУША прагне туди –

До вершин, до таємниць світобудови!

Туди, де жевріє ПРИЗНАННЯ,

І де горить його ЗІРКА…

Туди, до Вселенських статуй,

Де в лазуритах небеса,

Де він усвідомлює ПОКЛИК,

Де пізнаються ЧУДЕСА…

Біля ніг його розпластана ЗЕМЛЯ –

Земні гори і долини,

А далі океани і моря,

Всипані мінералами рівнини…

Агат, аквамарин там, розсип таффеїтів,

Арагоніти і кристали на полях.

На крилах кварців поєднання димних,

Пухнасті хмари на небесах.

І зелень очей у мерехтінні хризоліту

Манить і занурює в глибину.

Притягує погляди, як магнітом,

І відчуваємо ми гармонію і тишу….


B.B. King is the King of the Blues

Life journey

Recognized as the “King of the Blues”, B.B. King has long been among the most influential musicians in the world. The legendary performer’s name was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987. Born on a cotton plantation, at the height of his fame he gave hundreds of concerts a year. The record year for B.B. King was 1956, when the musician took the stage more than 340 times. B.B. King (B.B. King, real name – Riley B. King, Riley B. King) was born on September 16, 1925 in the American state of Mississippi. His mother abandoned her son when he was only four years old. His father then had to work very hard, so the upbringing of the child was mainly occupied by his grandmother. In his youth, BB sang in the church choir. The first guitar appeared at the boy about twelve years of age. In 1943, King, quitting his job as a tractor driver, decided to devote his life to creativity. Leaving Kilmichael, where his grandmother lived, he rushed to Memphis. However, in the state of Tennessee, the future star had a hard time. After a few months, unable to withstand the hardships, the guitarist returned home, where he continued to study music. A couple of years later, King’s talent was appreciated at a radio station in West Memphis, where he performed as a singer and disc jockey. It was there that the artist was nicknamed “Blues Boy” (Blues Boy), a shortened version of this stage name that would later become well known in the music world.

The breakthrough came in 1949, when King managed to record the first four tracks for Jim Bulleit’s Bullet Records. Then a contract was signed with the Los Angeles studio RPM. Compositions for it were produced by another relative of the musician – Sam Phillips, who at that time was actively cooperating with famous American bluesmen. During the 1950s, King’s fame only gained momentum. The musician quickly took a place among the most notable rhythm and blues musicians. The United States enthusiastically received compositions like You Know I Love You, Sneakin’ Around, Bad Luck and Please Accept My Love, as well as other B.B. King songs. Instead of $85, the artist was already earning $2,500 for the week.

In 1970, The Thrill Is Gone won a Grammy Award, and Rolling Stone magazine listed the song among the “greatest songs of all time”. Subsequently, the musician will receive the Grammy more than once. Different albums will receive the award, as well as B.B. King himself – for his “life achievements”. Yes, and the list of other awards, which during the creative path awarded to the performer, strikes the imagination with its length. B.B. King was officially married twice. However, neither Martha Lee Denton, nor Sue Carol Hall did not suit too tight schedules of performances of the famous spouse. According to the American press, the king of the blues had many novels. Different women gave birth to him at least fifteen children. Up until the early 2000s B.B. King actively toured. In 2004, having celebrated his 75th birthday, the musician announced that he would perform less often. However, despite the “Farewell Tour” through Europe in the summer of 2005, he returned there a year later. Performances continued in his native States as well. In the fall of 2014, B.B. King, who has lived over twenty years with type 2 diabetes, already seriously admitted that he stops concert activity. In the spring of 2015, the musician was urgently hospitalized due to a sharp deterioration of his condition. Despite all the efforts of doctors, the disease went too far… On May 14, 2015, B.B. King died in his own home in Las Vegas (USA) due to complications of diabetes. The artist was 89 years old.

Some quotes

The water from a black fountain tastes no worse than white water.
Many people believe what other people say.

If you can’t get your songs to people one way, you have to find another way.

When I was growing up, I was taught that a man must protect his family. When the wolf tries to come in, you have to stand in the doorway.

Blues was like the problem child that can be in a family. You’re a little embarrassed to show him to others, but you love him. You just don’t know how others will receive him.

Yes, I love women more than anything else in the world, but that doesn’t mean I want to sleep with them all. Let me explain. It’s like looking at a rose. A rose is a rose. It’s beautiful. But that doesn’t mean you have to pick it and put it on your lapel.

It seems like I’ve always had to work harder than other people. At night, when everyone else is asleep, I sit in my room and try to play scales.

I think I started liking the blues when I was about 6 or 7 years old. There was something about it because nobody else was playing that kind of music.

I tried to relate my voice to my guitar and my guitar to my voice. How they both speak to each other.

I don’t think anybody steals anything; we all borrow.

No one loves me except my mother, and maybe she’s cheating on me too.

The beautiful thing about teaching is that no one will take that away from you.
If there were no women, I wouldn’t want to be on this planet. Women, friends and music – without those three things I wouldn’t want to be here.

I never wanted to be like other blues singers. I could listen to them play, but I never wanted to be anything other than me. There are a few people that look like I wanted to play like, but when I tried, it didn’t work out.

I don’t have a favorite song of the ones I’ve written. But my favorite song is “Always On My Mind,” the Willie Nelson version. If I could sing it the way he did, I’d sing it every night. I love the story it tells.

I never use that word, retire.

When I am finally gone, I pray to God that it will happen in one of three ways. One, on stage or when I walk off stage, two, it’s in a dream. What’s the third? You’ll have to guess for yourself!

Translated with (free version)


Solar Eclipse. April 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on the Solar Eclipse.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz 

What was searched more in the past day:

Eclipse glasses or eclipse path

Solar Eclipse

MAP: the metro areas searching for the solar eclipse the most describe its path


Lodging searches for top eclipse-viewing cities that have increased over the past week / past month in the US

Songs that spiked during the last total solar eclipse viewable in the US

August 13 – 20 2017, US

  • Blinded by the Light by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band (spiked +575%)

  • Blinded by the Light by Bruce Springstein more than doubled (spiked +160%)

  • Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash more than doubled (spiked +100%)

  • Eclipse by Pink Floyd (spiked +325%)

  • Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden more than doubled (spiked +115%)

  • Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler (spiked +355%)

Top “what does the solar eclipse mean for…” astrological signs

past month, US

  1. Libra

  2. Aries

  3. Aquarius

  4. Scorpio

  5. Leo

MAP: Search interest in sunglasses vs. eclipse glasses in the past month


Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: eclipse glasses

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


with Sabrina Elfarra and Daniel Doebrich


General characterization

Tridymite is a rare mineral that forms clusters of three crystals. Hence its name: “tridimos” means “triple” in Greek. The first description of the gem was made by geologist Gerhard von Rath.


In its chemical composition tridymite is identical to quartz – SiO2. That is why this gemstone under the influence of high temperatures (about 870 ° C) is transformed into quartz. Subsequent increase in temperature leads to the transformation of the mineral into coesite. Sometimes there are impurities of iron or aluminum in the composition of tridymite. However, their percentage is very small and does not affect the color of the stone.

The stone is characterized by a white color, sometimes it is colorless. Its crystals are transparent or translucent. However, crystals with high purity are almost never found in nature. Most of them have various defects and microcracks.

Main physical properties:

hardness – 6.5-7
density – 2.27 g/cm3
luster – glassy
transparency – transparent, translucent
cleavage – absent
singony – rhombic


The origin of the stone is magmatic. Its crystals have the shape of hexagonal plates. The aggregate of these plates forms fan-shaped, kidney-shaped or scaly aggregates.

The mineral is commercially mined in the San Cristobal deposit in Mexico and Veseh in Slovakia. Small crystals are occasionally found in the USA (Utah), Japan (Ishigayama), and Germany. Large amounts of tridymite are also found in meteorites.


Despite its external attractiveness, the gem is practically not used in jewelry. The small size and hexagonal shape of the crystals make it difficult for jewelry processing. However, it is often possible to find jewelry with various silicon minerals that contain tridymite inclusions. Tridymite is especially common in opal, agate, and chalcedony.

Magical properties

Tridymite protects family relationships and helps to find your other half. It enhances the feeling of love and helps to avoid quarrels in personal relationships. Also this stone is an amulet from various scammers and financial losses.

Meaning in astrology

This stone harmonizes with the entire zodiacal circle. Tridymite can be used without restrictions. However, astrologers believe that the strongest impact it has on Aries and Gemini.

Medicinal properties

Tridymite is attributed the ability to cure infertility and impotence. It normalizes the hormonal background, and therefore promotes pregnancy. Lithotherapists also recommend wearing it to those who want to lose weight.

The merging of energies gives sometimes surprising bursts and discoveries. Interacting with stones, we discover new directions in our creativity, which in turn give a new round of inspiration.

Covered by the veil of the transparent sky,

A mystery is born in the interstellar distance.

In agate lace, in the shape of light,

In the azure glow, in complete silence.

In deep prophecies, in the mysteries of birth,

In karmic connections and starry worlds,

Earth’s creature appears to the world,

Whose image is manifested in the crystal rays….

LOVE fills worlds and spaces.

The source is GOD, and the particles of love

Are planted in us to be born again,

In that frosted glow, in the light of dawn….

I always strive to become the best version of myself

Striving to become the best version of yourself is a lifelong journey of personal growth and self-improvement

It’s a commitment to continuously learn, develop new skills, and evolve as an individual. Here are a few suggestions to help you along the way:

Set Clear Goals

Define what being the best version of yourself means to you. Identify specific areas in your life that you want to improve and set clear, actionable goals for each of them.

Continuous Learning

Embrace a growth mindset and actively seek opportunities for learning and self-improvement. Read books, take courses, attend workshops, and seek out mentors who can guide you on your journey.


Take time to reflect on your values, strengths, and weaknesses. Regular self-reflection allows you to understand yourself better and make necessary adjustments to align your actions with your goals.

Embrace Challenges

Growth often occurs outside of your comfort zone. Be willing to take on challenges and embrace new experiences. It is through overcoming obstacles that you develop resilience and learn valuable lessons.

Focus on Health and Well-being

Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in regular exercise, eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and practice techniques like meditation or mindfulness to reduce stress and maintain balance.

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. Seek out mentors, join communities of like-minded individuals, and establish positive relationships that encourage your personal growth.

Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness

Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the present moment and the progress you’ve made. Practice mindfulness to stay focused on the present and fully engage in your daily activities.

Remember, becoming the best version of yourself is a lifelong process, and it’s important to be patient and kind to yourself along the way. Celebrate your successes, learn from your setbacks, and keep moving forward with determination and resilience. You have the potential to achieve great things!

Here are some additional insights to further support your journey of becoming the best version of yourself

Embrace Self-Compassion

While striving for self-improvement, it’s crucial to cultivate self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding that you’re human and bound to make mistakes. Rather than being overly critical, learn from your failures and use them as opportunities for growth.

Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. Embrace challenges, view setbacks as learning experiences, and maintain a positive attitude towards continuous learning and improvement.

Take Action

Reflection and self-awareness are essential, but they must be followed by action. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps and take consistent action towards them. Remember that progress is made through consistent effort over time.

Seek Feedback

Feedback from others can provide valuable insights and perspectives on your strengths and areas for improvement. Be open to receiving feedback, both positive and constructive, and use it as a tool for personal growth.

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. It involves developing a positive mindset, maintaining perspective during difficult times, and adapting to change. Build resilience by practicing self-care, developing coping mechanisms, and seeking support when needed.

Practice Self-Reflection

Regularly set aside time for self-reflection. This can involve journaling, meditation, or simply quiet contemplation. Use this time to assess your progress, evaluate your actions and choices, and realign yourself with your goals and values.

Celebrate Milestones

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Recognize both small and significant milestones, as they provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Celebrating your successes reinforces positive behaviors and encourages further growth.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Failure is a natural part of growth and learning. Instead of viewing it as a setback, reframe it as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and improve. Analyze what went wrong, extract the lessons, and apply them to future endeavors.

Practice Gratitude

Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the people, experiences, and opportunities in your life. Regularly express gratitude for the progress you’ve made and the support you’ve received. Gratitude helps foster a positive mindset and promotes overall well-being.

Stay Authentic

Throughout your journey, stay true to yourself and your values. Embrace your unique qualities, strengths, and passions. Authenticity allows you to live a more fulfilling life and connect with others on a deeper level.

Remember, personal growth is a continuous process, and there will always be new areas to explore and improve upon. Embrace the journey, stay committed to your goals, and enjoy the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

Always strive to be the best version of yourself' – 70 quotes from Indian  startup journeys | YourStory

You’re brave’n’strong.You can do it.Just do it

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Every step you take towards your goals is a testament to your courage. Trust in your inner strength and face any challenges with determination. Remember, success often comes to those who dare to take action. Keep pushing forward, and you will achieve great things.

Here’s some more encouragement and inspiration for you

Embrace Your Courage

Recognize the bravery within you. Being brave doesn’t mean you’re fearless; it means you face your fears and push through them. Trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Overcome Challenges

Challenges are an inevitable part of life, but you have the strength to overcome them. Each obstacle you conquer makes you stronger and more resilient. Believe in your capacity to find solutions and persevere.

Step out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth happens when you venture beyond your comfort zone. Take risks, try new things, and explore unfamiliar territory. You’ll discover hidden talents and capabilities you never knew you had.

Believe in Yourself

Self-belief is a powerful force. Have faith in your abilities, talents, and potential. Remind yourself of your past achievements and the times you’ve overcome adversity. Trust that you have what it takes to succeed.

Take Action

Dreams and goals require action to become a reality. Break down your aspirations into manageable steps and start taking action today. Even small progress is progress. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Persevere in the Face of Setbacks

Setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Don’t let them discourage you. Instead, see them as opportunities to learn, grow, and course-correct. Stay determined and resilient, and use setbacks as stepping stones to success.

Surround Yourself with Support

Seek out a supportive network of family, friends, mentors, or like-minded individuals who believe in you and your goals. Their encouragement and guidance can provide the extra boost of motivation you need.

Celebrate Your Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones along the way. Recognize the effort and dedication you’ve put into your endeavors. Celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, keeps you motivated and energized.

Remember, you are capable of achieving amazing things. Believe in yourself, take action, and keep pushing forward. Your bravery and strength will lead you to great accomplishments.

ICYMI: Published March 3, 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on entertainment and lifestyle trends from March 2024.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz 

Which was more searched in March in the US?

womens bracket or mens bracket?

The questions


All data based on March 2024, US

full data viz >>>


All data based on March 2024, US

MAP: Both The Bachelor and Love Is Blind had season finales in March, but only a few midwestern states and Utah searched The Bachelor more

Trending TV shows

  1. Quiet On Set

  2. The Program

  3. The Gentlemen

  4. Apples Never Fall

  5. Girls5eva

Trending songs

  1. Days of Girlhood by Dylan Mulvaney

  2. Too Sweet by Hozier

  3. The Boy Is Mine by Ariana Grande

  4. Like That by Future

  5. Eternal Sunshine by Ariana Grande


All data based on March 2024, US

Trending “trends”

  1. Easter prom dress trend

  2. Butter nails trend

  3. Micro shorts trend

  4. Paint your spouse trend

  5. Oatzempic trend


Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


with Katie Seaton

Cowboy Carter Special 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on Beyoncé’s new album Cowboy Carter.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz

What was searched more in the past 3 days:

“Who is Jolene” or “Who is Becky with the good hair”

Cowboy Carter

  • “linda martell” and “beyonce” were the top trending people in the US on album release day

  • Beyoncé and Cowboy Carter were the top trending artist and album searched with interpolation on album release day

  • “who sings blackbird” was the top trending “who sings…” on album release day in the US

  • “alien superstar sample” and “daughter beyonce” were the top two trending music samples on album release day

Top trending / breakout “meaning” searches related to Cowboy Carter

past 2 days, US

  1. cowboy carter lyrics meaning

  2. beyonce tyrant meaning

  3. ii most wanted lyrics meaning

  4. sixteen carriages meaning

  5. creole banjee meaning

Top Trending Cowboy Carter lyrics

past 2 days, US

  1. ii hands in heaven lyrics

  2. blackbird by beyonce lyrics

  3. jolene beyonce lyrics changes

  4. daughter beyonce cowboy carter lyrics

  5. beyonce spaghettii

Top Trending Cowboy Carter Featured Artists

past 2 days, US

  1. Tanner Adell

  2. Willie Nelson

  3. Post Malone

  4. Miley Cyrus

  5. Stevie Wonder


MAP: Cowboy Carter Vinyl vs. Tracklist Searches

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: Who is Jolene


Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


with Sabrina Elfarra and Katie Seaton 

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