Давайте почуємо голос Землі!

Нас картає Земля за жорстоке до неї відношення.
За ті болі, що ми спричиняємо їй звідусіль.
Гірко стогне Земля: “Я дарую вам стільки хорошого.
Чом же, люди, на рани мої ви ще й сиплете сіль?

Кришталеві річки ви давно забруднили отрутою.
Хімікатами нищите скрізь чорноземи мої.
Ви ж бо діти мої. Чом же стали до мене ви лютими?
Неспроможна вже я відродити ліси і гаї.

Ваші вчинки, о люди, стають нелогічними, дивними,
Там, де ви, неодмінно щось гине, псується, димить.
Наді мною повітря вже стало важким і задимленим.
А умиюсь дощем – легше дихати тільки на мить.

І все гірше мені. Вже стаю я для вас небезпечною.
А між іншим, все краще людині іде від Землі.
То, можливо, мені свої сильні підставите плечі ви?
Щоб здоров’я не втратили ваші нащадки малі…

Я Земля. Я благаю: з’єднайте зусилля, о люди!
І очистіть довкілля моє, і його збережіть.
Лиш при цьому майбутнє у вас, у дітей ваших буде.
Вам, земляни мої, стане легше і дихать, і жить.”

Це вірш, який написала Віолетта Дворецька,  нагадує нам про важливість бережливого ставлення до нашої планети та потребу змінити свої вчинки для збереження навколишнього середовища.

Слова твору можуть слугувати нагадуванням про необхідність прийняти відповідальність та діяти для захисту природи. Він також показує, як наші дії впливають на Землю і наголошує на тому, що ми повинні працювати разом, щоб забезпечити майбутнє для наших нащадків.

Заклик автора може надихнути нас до дійсних кроків у напрямку екологічної свідомості та сталого розвитку, таких як зменшення викидів забруднюючих речовин, використання відновлюваних джерел енергії, утримання водних ресурсів та охорона біорізноманіття.

Кожен з нас може внести свій внесок у збереження Землі. Це може включати екологічно свідомі рішення щодо використання енергії, утилізації відходів, вибору екологічно чистих продуктів та поширення свідомості про екологічні проблеми серед інших людей.


Books and Reading Special February 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on books and reading.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz 

Which literary genre is more searched in the US since 2004:

Fantasy Fiction or Historical Fiction?


all insights are for US unless otherwise stated

GRAPH: Search interest in “thriller books” not only surpassed “adventure books” in 2020 but reached a record high in January 2020

Top trending “books about…”

past month, US

  1. Books about Griselda Blanco

  2. Books about the industrial revolution

  3. Books about kobe bryant

  4. Books about transportation

  5. Books about cats for adults

Top trending audiobooks

past month, US

  1. Every Night Has A Dawn

  2. Their Eyes Were Watching God

  3. Out of the Silent Planet

  4. The Great Gatsby

  5. A Court of Frost and Starlight

Book Clubs

all insights are for US unless otherwise stated

Top trending “…book club questions”

past month, US

  1. First Lie Wins book club questions

  2. The People We Keep book club questions

  3. Crow Mary book club questions

  4. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow book club questions

  5. The Push book club questions

Top celebrity book clubs

past month, US

  1. Reese Witherspoon

  2. Jenna Bush Hager

  3. Oprah

  4. Kaia Gerber

  5. Dolly Parton

Top trending book club genres

past year, US

  1. Christian

  2. Science fiction

  3. Horror

  4. Nonfiction

  5. Romance

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined


Jenny Lee

Lead Google Trends Analyst

with Katie Seaton

Пригоди сміливого пошукача радості


Одного разу у далекій країні жив сміливий хлопчик на ім’я Томас. Він завжди прагнув знайти справжню радість і почуття задоволення. Юнак був впевнений, що ці почуття приховані глибоко у світі і чекають на нього.

Тому, одного ясного ранку, він вирішив вирушити у захоплюючу подорож. Він став пошукачем радості, готовим досліджувати кожен куточок світу, щоб знайти справжнє щастя.

Томас подорожував через густі ліси, долини та гори, зустрічався з різними істотами та досліджував незвідані місця. У його серці завжди горів вогник надії, що він незабаром знайде те, чого шукав.

Зустріч з мудрим лісовим ельфом

Томас ступив у глибину лісу, де кожне дерево та кущ мовило йому про таємниці, які ховаються у цих місцях. Після довгого блукання він нарешті дістався до чистого гаю, де зустрів мудрого лісового ельфа по імені Еларіон.

Еларіон був високим і статним, його волосся було зеленим, як листя, а очі сяяли мудрістю. Він привітав хлопчика і розповів, що в цьому лісі ростуть особливі рослини, які мають силу принести радість та задоволення тим, хто знаходить їх.

Еларіон дав юнакові мапу, на якій були позначені місця, де ростуть ці магічні рослини. Мандрівник і ельф рушили у подорож, розгадуючи загадки та подолавши складні випробування на шляху.

Першою загадкою була: “У глибині лісу, де сонце не гріє, росте рослина зеленого кольору, її листя має властивість змінювати настрій. Хто вона?”

Наш мандрівник довго думав, але нарешті прийшов до відповіді: “Це щастя-мак! Воно може змінити настрій і надати почуття радості!”

Еларіон підтвердив, що Томас відгадав правильно і вони продовжили свій шлях. Наступне випробування було набагато складніше. Вони потрапили в заплутаний лабіринт, де кожна стежка здавалася однаковою.

Наш герой і ельф шукали шлях до рослини, яка викликає незабутні сміховини. Вони слухали звуки, які доносилися з-за поворотів, і, поклавши долоні на стіни лабіринту, відчували тонкі відтінки енергій. Нарешті, після безлічі помилок, вони знайшли правильний шлях і дісталися до чудової квітки з барвистими пелюстками. Коли її торкнувся хтось, вона викликала невпинний сміх.

Томас та Еларіон з радістю поглянули один на одного, знаючи, що їм вдалося знайти ще одну магічну рослину. Вони збирали квітку та її насіння, щоб принести щастя і сміх іншим людям.

Так мандрівник і ельф продовжили свою подорож, знаходячи різноманітні магічні рослини, які приносили радість і задоволення. Кожна з них мала свої особливості і властивості, і разом вони створювали неймовірні ефекти.

Ця подорож показала Томасу, що магія і дива можуть бути всюди навколо нас, навіть у найпростіших речах. Він навчився відчувати природу, слухати її і розуміти, і це змінило його сприйняття світу. І хоча його пригода з Еларіоном закінчилася, хлопчик зберіг у своєму серці усі ті моменти радості і дива, які він пережив під час своєї подорожі у таємничому лісі.

 Подорож по країні веселощів

Томас занурився у світ магічної країни, де кожен день був як свято. Він почувався, ніби опинився у казці, де кожен крок був сповнений чудес і дива.

У веселому карнавалі юнак зустрівся з різними артистами, які виконували неймовірні трюки і акробатику. Циркові жонглери викидали в повітря яскраві кулі, а трапезники виконували небезпечні трюки на тонких трапеціях. Наш герой дивувався їхній вправності та сміливості.

У веселій музичній групі хлопчик знайшов себе серед талановитих музикантів, які грали на різних інструментах. Разом вони створювали мелодії, які наповнювали повітря радістю і енергією. Томас танцював під їхні ритми і відчував, як музика зливається з його серцем.

А феї з магічних долин дарували кожному посмішку та магічний пилок, який сприяв здійсненню мрій. Пошукач щастя отримав від них крила, які дозволяли йому легко підніматися у повітрі і дивуватися на світ з висоти.

Разом вони створювали неймовірні вистави, де поєднувалися акробатика, музика й магія. Це були вистави повного радості та веселощів, які викликали сміх і захоплення у всіх глядачів.

Протягом своєї подорожі Томас навчився важливості ділитися радістю з іншими. Він бачив, як люди посміхалися й раділи, коли вони бачили його вистави та виконання. Це вчило його, що найбільша радість приходить, коли ми даруємо радість іншим.

Карнавал тривав довго, але настане час, коли пошукачу радості доведеться покинути цю магічну країну. Однак мандрівник завжди зберігатиме у своєму серці спогади про цю неймовірну пригоду, про радість, якою він ділився з іншими та про важливість насолоджуватися кожним миттю життя.

Подорож на чарівний острів

Томас з нетерпінням відправився на чарівний острів, де перебували казкові створіння. Прибувши туди, він виявив, що острів занурений у містичну атмосферу і кожен кущ, кожне дерево та кожен камінь мали свою власну історію.

Одного разу юнак зустрів дракона на острові. Дракон був сумний і зневірений, його вогонь погас і він вже не міг літати. Пошукач радості відчув велику скруту в серці, спостерігаючи за стражданням цього величного створіння. Він вирішив допомогти дракону відновити його вогонь і повернути йому радість життя.

Наш помічник провів довгі години, підбираючи дрова та розпалюючи вогонь під грідку дракона. Дракон спостерігав за цим процесом з зацікавленням, але з певною тривогою. І нарешті, коли вогонь повернувся до дракона, він відчув неймовірне полегшення і радість, яку давно не відчував.

Завдяки Томасовій допомозі, дракон знову зміг літати і відчувати радість життя. Вдячний дракон відкривав хлопчику джерело справжньої радості, яке ховалося всередині його серця. Вони проводили разом час, ділилися історіями та пригодами. Мандрівник зрозумів, що найбільша радість полягає в тому, щоб допомагати іншим, бути поруч у важкі моменти й дарувати їм нову надію та щастя.

Так юнак і дракон стали найкращими друзями на острові. Вони відкривали нові місця, досліджували незвідані куточки та зустрічалися з іншими казковими створіннями. Кожен день був пригодою, але найважливіше – у них була одна одного, і їхнє дружба наповнювала їх серця радістю та незабутніми спогадами.

Подорож у Веселу Долину

Томас з радістю прийняв новий виклик і потрапив у Веселу Долину, де жили найсмішніші казкові істоти. Він став частиною команди смішних гоблінів, які були відомі своїми жартами, перегонами та конкурсами.

Мандрівник швидко зрозумів, що гобліни були майстрами гумору. Вони влаштовували жартівливі перегони, під час яких змагалися в різних кумедних випробуваннях. Команди смішних гоблінів змагалися, хто з них швидше пробіжить через поляну хитрих чудовиськ, або хто зможе зробити найбільш незвичайний жарт. Хлопчик приєднався до них і виявив, що сміх і гумор дійсно роблять життя яскравішим.

Проводячи час з гоблінами, Томас навчився сміятися з себе і брати все набагато легше. Він зрозумів, що гумор допомагає розслабитися, зняти стрес і відчути радість. Пошукач радості бачив, як гобліни змінювали настрій навколо, роблячи людей посміхатися та забувати про свої проблеми.

Томас також бачив, як гобліни допомагали одне одному і були вірними друзями. Вони вміли підтримувати один одного в складних ситуаціях та були завжди готові допомогти з усмішкою на обличчі. Команди смішних гоблінів навчили нашого героя цінувати справжніх друзів і важливість підтримки та взаєморозуміння.

Перебування мандрівника у Веселій Долині було наповнене сміхом, радістю та незабутніми моментами. Він зрозумів, що гумор є важливою складовою частиною життя і може перетворити будь-яку ситуацію на щось легше і приємніше.

Зустріч з мудрим старцем

Томас мав чудову можливість зустрітися з мудрим старцем, який мав глибокі знання про внутрішній спокій та задоволення. Старець розповів мандрівникові про важливість знаходження гармонії всередині себе для досягнення справжньої радості та щастя.

Разом вони провели медитаційну сесію, сидячи в тихому місці на березі озера. Старець навчив пошукача радості технікам зосередження та дихання, які допомагали заспокоїти розум та розслабити тіло. Поклавши руку на серце, хлопчик увійшов у глибокий стан спокою і радості.

Під час медитації Томаса огорнула внутрішня тиша і він відчув глибоку злагоду. Він почав розуміти, що радість не залежить від зовнішніх обставин, але є внутрішньою якістю. Радість походить зі спокою та прийняття себе таким, яким ти є.

Після медитаційної сесії мандрівник відчував себе освіженим та збалансованим. Він розумів, що справжня радість і задоволення приходять зсередини, і можуть бути досягнуті шляхом усвідомлення та розвитку внутрішнього спокою. Він був вдячний старцю за цю цінну навчання.

Збагнувши важливість внутрішнього спокою, пошукач радості почав зосереджуватися на своєму внутрішньому стані і знаходити моменти тиші та спокою у повсякденному житті. Він розумів, що необхідно приділяти час самому собі, щоб зберегти внутрішню гармонію та здоров’я.

Так Томас зрозумів, що радість походить зсередини, і він міг бути щасливим незалежно від зовнішніх обставин. Він став більш вдячним за прості радощі життя і навчився цінувати моменти спокою та гармонії, які внутрішній світ може принести.


Після довгих та відважних подорожей, мандрівник натрапив на маленьке село. Воно було наповнене посмішками, сміхом та щасливими людьми. Село оточувала магічна аура, яка розсіяла сумніви в серці Томаса.

Він побачив, що секрет щастя полягав у простих речах: у дружбі, спілкуванні та допомозі один одному. Люди в селі вміли насолоджуватися маленькими радощами життя і цінували кожен момент. Жителі громади знали, що радість не залежить від матеріального багатства, але виростає з серця.

Пошукач радості приєднався до села і поділився своїми пригодами з мешканцями. Разом вони створили спеціальну школу радості, де вчили дітей та дорослих цінувати та розуміти значення задоволення.

З кожним днем село ставало ще щасливішим, а Томас знаходив радість у допомозі іншим людям. Хлопчик зрозумів, що справжня радість і задоволення можна знайти не лише у віддалених місцях, але вона завжди була в ньому самому. Він допоміг іншим людям знайти цю радість у своєму серці.

A small flower of great pride

Once upon a time in the land of fairy tales there was a little flower named Iris. She grew up in a distant corner of the garden, where large and beautiful flowers bloomed beside her.

Iris always dreamed of being as big and colorful as her neighbors. She always envied their bright petals and majestic stem. But the iris itself was a small and modest flower with its inconspicuous purple petals.

One day, when the sun was particularly hot, Iris decided to turn to the wise old viburnum for advice. She told Kalina about her feelings of inadequacy and her desire to be bigger and prouder.

Kalina smiled and said:
– Oh, little Iris, don’t be disappointed. Each flower has its own uniqueness and beauty. You may be small, but you have a big heart. Develop, learn and blossom at your own pace.

Iris smiled at the words she heard and decided to take Kalina’s advice to heart. She began to take care of herself, stretch to the sun, drink clean water and listen to the song of the wind. Every day she learned something new, observed the beauty of the world around her and cultivated her inner strength.

Time passed, and Iris grew up. Its petals became brighter, and the stem became strong and elastic. And although she remained a small flower, she felt big inside.

One day, when the garden was in full bloom, a wise gardener visited him. He looked at each flower, admiring their beauty. And when his eyes fell on Iris, he stopped.

– Oh, how beautiful you are, little Iris! You may be small, but your pride and strength are preserved in every petal of yours. You remind me that even the smallest things can make a big difference. – he said.

Iris blushed with joy when she heard those words. She blossomed even brighter, because now she was proud not only of her appearance, but also of her inner development.

Since then, Iris has become known throughout the garden as “The Little Flower of Great Pride.” Her story of how she grew, learned and blossomed became an inspiration to other flowers who also dreamed of pride and self-improvement.

Since then, Iris has always remembered that beauty and pride come from the inside, not just the outer shell. She continued to grow and flourish, inspiring others with her strength and confidence.

The heart of a lion

The birth of Leo

The warm sun rose over the savanna as another day began. In a small den amongst the rocks, a lioness awoke to the hungry cry of her newborn cub. She nuzzled the small ball of fur, encouraging it to feed. But she noticed something was different about this cub. While its siblings wrestled and pounced playfully on one another, testing their growing strength, this little one held back, watching quietly.

Days passed and the other cubs’ manes began to come in, making them look ever more like lions. But this cub’s fur remained smooth, without the bold colors of adulthood. When the lionesses went out to hunt, the others eagerly followed, learning vital stalking skills. But the small cub hung back, hesitating at the edge of the den.


As the weeks went by, the cub did its best to learn from watching the other lions. It studied how they stealthily stalked gazelles on the plains. But when the lionesses gave a sign to attack, the cub hesitated. The prey escaped while the others feasted.

That night, Leo heard growling at the den entrance. Three hyenas had come sniffing for leftovers. The other cubs roared bravely, but fear took over. Our cub could only whimper. Thankfully the lionesses chased the scavengers away.

The next challenge came at the watering hole. A rival lion from a neighboring pride appeared and roared loudly, marking the territory as his own. The other cubs responded with roars of their own. But the timid Leo curled up small, not wanting conflict.

Seeing its struggles, the cub’s mother took it aside.

“Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but acting despite it,”

she murmured. With her encouragement, the cub knew it must find its bravery to survive. It would practice confronting its fears, one pawstep at a time.

The cub gains more courage as it grows older

Leo begins watching the lionesses even more closely on hunts, taking note of their teamwork. It realizes together, as a pride, they are stronger. The next group hunt, when the prey is cornered, it musters its nerve to join the pounce. Although it misses, the lionesses are proud of its effort.

As the rainy season begins, food sources become scarce. One night, the cub catches the scent of meat and follows it solo, driven by hunger. It comes across a young zebra but hesitates in the tall grass. Remembering its mother’s words, the cub lets out a mighty roar and leaps! Though the zebra kicks, it manages to grab some flesh.

During this time, the hyenas grow bolder again. One night they circle the den, outnumbering the pride. The cub knows it must act. It climbs high in the rocks above and drops onto the largest hyena’s back, sinking its young teeth in. The hyenas scatter, and the cub has defended its family.

Soon the cub notices an older lion from a rivaling pride eyeing its territory. It knows challenges for dominance will continue. Stalking up behind, the cub pounces with a roar to defend the border. Though smaller, its bravery has grown, and the lions back away.

Step by step, through facing threats and supplying for the pride, the Leo’s courage takes root. It is becoming the strong, brave lion it was always meant to be.

The cub’s courage takes root

As the seasons changed, so did the little Leo. It had grown from a shy ball of fur into a strong young lion. Though only a year old, the cub proved itself a valuable member of the pride through its hunts and defenses.

One hot afternoon, the pride was resting in the shade when a rumble came upon the horizon. A vast wildebeest migration was on the move, thousands strong. The lionesses sensed an opportunity – with such numbers, even they could bring down prey. But they would need all paws and claws for the coming hunt.

As the herd approached, the lionesses strategized. Some would sneak around the flank, cutting off an angle of escape. Others would charge directly into the herd, causing chaos. In that confusion, vulnerable calves could be taken. But for the plan to work, perfect teamwork was required. All lions must act with speed and bravery.

Epic hunt

Leo took a deep breath as the pride launched their attack. It was time to prove how far he had come.

As the lionesses charged into the herd, the cub followed, scanning for an opportunity. Amid the chaos, he spied a young calf separating from its mother. With a mighty roar, the cub sprang. The calf bleated in fear but he was too quick, dragging it down with sharp claws.

Nearby, two lionesses were becoming overwhelmed, struggling with a large bull. Remembering his training, the cub abandoned his catch and bolted over, launching onto the bull’s back. His claws raked deep as he bit hard into its neck.

Weakened, the bull collapsed, allowing the lionesses to finish it off. Panting, the cub was surprised to find he wasn’t afraid – only energized by the thrill of the hunt. His pride mates nodded in approval at his brave efforts.

Working as a team, the lions picked off many calves that day, securing their food stores for weeks to come. As the sun set on the successful migration hunt, the cub knew he had truly found his place. Though once timid, his courage now ran as strong as any lion’s. He had proven that with bravery and teamwork, even the unlikeliest of cubs can thrive.

Written on the basis of communication with artificial intelligence

A tale about a brave crocodile

Lily and the wise old frog Florence

Once upon a time in the great jungle lived a little crocodile named Lily. Lily was kind and playful, but she was very timid. She was always afraid to take risks and step out of her comfort zone.

Lily dreamed of great adventures and new discoveries, but fear prevented her from realizing these dreams. She was afraid to dare to take new steps, meet new friends and go on the big stage.

One day Lily met a wise old frog named Florence. Florence saw that Lily needed help and decided to support her. She told Lily about her own adventures and the obstacles she had overcome because of her courage.

Florence gave Lily a small slipper for her feet and said, “This slipper represents your courage. When you wear it, you gain the strength and courage to step outside of your comfort zone.”

Lily gratefully accepted the gift and began wearing the slipper. She could feel herself growing stronger and more confident with each step. Gradually, Lily began to take risks and go out to meet new adventures.

Lily and the monkey pack

As Lily continues to develop her bravery and embark on new adventures, she encounters a group of mischievous monkeys who challenge her to a series of daring tasks. Lily, determined to prove her courage, accepts the monkeys’ challenge.

However, as Lily progresses through the tasks, she starts to realize that the monkeys’ intentions are not as innocent as they seemed. It turns out that the monkeys had been using the tasks as a ploy to steal valuable treasures from other animals in the jungle.

Shocked and disappointed by their deceptive behavior, Lily decides to take a stand. With her newfound bravery, she confronts the monkeys and devises a plan to return the stolen treasures to their rightful owners.

Restoring justice in the jungle

When Lily realizes that the monkeys are using the challenges as a cover for theft, she decides to gather her closest animal friends to uncover the scheme and return the stolen treasures to their owners.

Lily knows that in order to achieve this goal, she needs to unite with other animals who have also been affected by the monkey thefts. She turns to her best friend, a cheerful and intelligent monkey named Oliver, who always has clever ideas.

Along with Oliver, Lily also collects the energetic elephant Elliot, the clever spider Peter and the wise bear Benjamin. Each of them has their own unique abilities and skills that will be useful in their task.

As a first step, the team decides to reveal the monkeys’ plan. They set cunning traps to help trap the monkeys and intercept their joint plans. Once trapped, the monkeys have no choice but to confess their crimes.

As the next step, Lily’s team devises a plan to return the stolen treasures to their owners. They analyze all the stolen items and determine who they belong to. With the help of Peter’s clever spider skills, they create a complex web to secretly return the stolen treasures to their place.

When all the treasures are returned to their owners, Lily and her friends reveal the truth about the monkey scheme to the other animals in the jungle. This revelation helps break the hold of the monkeys and restore peace and justice to the jungle.

This leak of information prompts the other animals in the jungle to band together and work together to prevent future thefts and crimes. Lya and her friends teach the other animals in the jungle a valuable lesson about the importance of cooperation and standing up for justice.

Thus, thanks to the concerted work of Lily and her animal friends, the monkey’s scheme is revealed, the treasures are returned to their owners, and justice is restored to the jungle.

Written on the basis of communication with artificial intelligence

Follow the Star: A Tale of Developing Confidence

Once upon a time, there was a small town in a far away country, where an incredible Star of Confidence shone in the sky every day. This star gave strength and courage to those who believed in themselves.

Color vector illustration of confidence, a star with emotions, a style of doodles and sketches. A

In this town lived a boy named Maxim. The young man was always doubtful and unsure of himself. His heart wanted to believe in his own strength, but doubts prevented him.

One day, during a walk under the starry night, our hero noticed how the Star of Confidence shines especially brightly in the sky. His heart started racing and he decided to follow this star.

The star guided Maxim through dark forests of uncertainty and mountains of trials. Along the way, he met various beings who shared their own experiences and taught him how to turn doubt into power.

Найбільш неймовірні ліси у світі: фотопідбірка - Відкритий ліс

The young man understood that self-confidence is not a one-day task, but a gradual development. He learned to accept challenges, believe in himself and overcome any obstacles.

Будувати повітряні замки легше, ніж у них жити. Твір про мрії і реальність. – Українська мова та література

Having completed his journey, our hero returned to his town. Now he not only believed in himself, but also inspired others to be confident. The Star of Confidence remained in the sky, shining brighter, because she knew that she had found a new friend in Maxim – a boy who had learned to follow his own light.

Created on the basis of communication with artificial intelligence

The Swan’s Return: From Complexity to Power

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a little princess named Anna. She was a very beautiful and kind girl, but she had one peculiarity – she had the wings of a swan. When Anna was born, her mother was so surprised by this that she could not believe her eyes. But over time, she accepted it as a part of her daughter and loved her even more.

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Anna was happy to have wings, but she also felt a certain difficulty in her life. It was always difficult to find clothes that would suit her features. Some people in the village were afraid of Anna because of her unusual appearance. She often felt lonely and misunderstood.

But Anna did not give up. She dreamed of adventure and that she could do something great. She knew that her wings were not only for decoration, but also for flight. So she decided to use her wings to help others.

Anna started helping people in the village. She used her wings to reach hard-to-reach places and bring help to those in need. She also used her wings to soar into the high heavens and look down on problems. Thus, she was able to find new ways to solve problems that were previously insoluble.

The village began to experience positive changes thanks to Anna’s help. People no longer feared her, but respected and recognized her contribution to the community. Anna became a real symbol of courage and strength for them.

One day, when Anna was flying high in the sky, she met another swan. This swan was old and wise, and he told Anna about the powers she had within her. He told her that power was not only the ability to fly, but also the ability to change the world around you.

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Anna realized that her wings are a symbol not only of her own uniqueness, but of the power she can use to create positive changes in the world. She returned to the village with new understanding and inspiration.

Anna started holding meetings in the village where she told people about their potential strengths and talents. She inspired them to act for the benefit of others and develop their unique abilities. People began to believe in themselves and see the world in a new light.

With the help of her wings, Anna began to bring joy and hope to those around her. She opened up new opportunities for children, taught them to believe in themselves and realize their dreams. People felt the power inherent in each of them.

After some time, the village, which was once full of division and difficulties, turned into a place of cooperation and support. People understood that each person has unique powers and can bring positive changes to the world.

Anna, the swan-winged princess, became a symbol of transformation and strength. Her story reminded people that they can overcome any difficulties that stand in their way and make the world a better place for everyone.

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This is how the tale of “The Return of the Swan: From Complexity to Power” ended. She reminds us that we all have unique abilities that we can use for good and positive change. Sometimes we just need to believe in ourselves and find the strength within.

Created on the basis of communication with artificial intelligence

The Adventures of the Wise Bear: The Way to the Goal

The Wise Bear

Meeting with the mystical Wise Owl

Deep in the forest lived a bear named Bruno. While other bears hibernated, Bruno loved learning and self-improvement. One snowy day, he set an important goal – to run faster than any other animal by spring.

But with snow piles high, practicing seemed impossible! That’s when Bruno met mystical Wise Owl. “Motivation alone is not enough, you need an organized training plan,” hooted the owl.

Bruno knew he was right. So they mapped out strength and speed workouts, along with rest days. Bruno labeled his plans clearly so he wouldn’t get confused or overwhelmed.

Each day Bruno tackled one step of his plan. Through snow or sleet, nothing would deter his dedication. Slowly his strength and speed improved. By keeping focused on his goals in an orderly way, Bruno was well on his path to success!

A Wise Owl Urges You to See Beyond Appearances During October | by Marilyn Glover | Third-Eye-Gypsy | Medium

Creative indoor training

After weeks of training, a late winter storm buries the forest in deep snow. Bruno must find creative indoor ways to keep building strength and stamina.
As the late winter storm raged outside, burying the forest in a thick blanket of snow, Bruno, the wise bear, realized that he had to adapt his training routine. He couldn’t venture out into the freezing cold, but he was determined to keep building his strength and stamina. So, he decided to get creative and find indoor ways to continue his training.

Bruno cleared a space in his cozy cave, pushing aside some of his belongings to make room for his workouts. He began with a series of stretching exercises to warm up his muscles and prevent any injuries. He reached up high, stretching his paws towards the ceiling, and then bent down to touch his toes, feeling the gentle pull in his back.

Next, Bruno focused on building his strength. He found a sturdy tree branch that had fallen during the storm and used it as an improvised weight. He lifted it with his powerful forelimbs, slowly and steadily, feeling the strain in his muscles. He repeated the exercise several times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to challenge himself.

To work on his endurance, Bruno started pacing back and forth in his cave, mimicking a long trek through the forest. He kept a steady pace, focusing on his breathing and maintaining a consistent rhythm. He imagined himself climbing steep hills and crossing vast meadows, pushing himself to keep going even when fatigue threatened to set in.

For agility training, Bruno set up a simple obstacle course using objects he had collected over the years. He weaved in and out of the cave, leaping over fallen logs and ducking under low branches. He moved with grace and precision, honing his reflexes and balance.

As Bruno continued his indoor training, he realized that he was not only building physical strength and stamina but also mental fortitude. He had to stay disciplined and motivated, even when the lure of hibernation tempted him. He knew that by pushing himself during the winter months, he would emerge in the spring even stronger and ready to face any challenge.

Weeks passed, and the storm eventually subsided, giving way to the arrival of spring. Bruno stepped outside, feeling the warmth of the sun on his fur. He was amazed at how much progress he had made, thanks to his determination and creative indoor training.

The forest had transformed during his time indoors, with buds appearing on the trees and patches of green peeking through the melting snow. Bruno took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of energy and vitality. He was ready to explore the rejuvenated forest, knowing that his strength and stamina were stronger than ever before.

And so, Bruno’s perseverance and ingenuity had paid off. He had overcome the challenges of the winter storm and emerged even stronger. As he set off on his adventures, he carried with him the knowledge that with a little creativity and determination, there were no limits to what he could achieve.

Teacher training report reflects a superficial understanding of education - Pearls and Irritations

Bruno’s training plan didn’t account for pesky spring rain making the trails muddy. He’ll have to adjust his workout routine to get the same results

As spring arrived, bringing with it the occasional rain showers that turned the forest trails muddy, Bruno found himself facing a new challenge. His usual training routine, which involved running through the forest, became hindered by the slippery and unpredictable terrain. However, Bruno was determined to adjust his workout routine and still achieve the desired results.

Recognizing the need for adaptability, Bruno decided to focus on alternative exercises that would allow him to build strength and endurance while avoiding the muddy trails. He sought sheltered areas within the forest where he could continue his training, even during the rain.

One option Bruno explored was incorporating indoor exercises into his routine. He utilized the space in his cave, rearranging his belongings to create a small workout area. He performed bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks to maintain his strength. He also used resistance bands to add variety and challenge to his workouts.

To enhance his cardiovascular fitness, Bruno engaged in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. He alternated between bursts of intense exercises like jumping jacks, burpees, and mountain climbers, followed by short periods of rest. This allowed him to elevate his heart rate and improve his endurance without relying on outdoor running.

Bruno also took advantage of the natural elements available to him. On days when the rain was less intense, he would find a sheltered area under the thick canopy of trees and perform circuit training. He used fallen logs and tree stumps for step-ups, climbing exercises, and balance drills. The uneven surfaces challenged his stability and engaged different muscle groups.

Additionally, Bruno incorporated swimming into his routine whenever he encountered a calm and shallow part of a nearby river. Swimming provided a low-impact, full-body workout that helped him maintain his stamina and muscle tone. It also offered a refreshing break from the rain and allowed him to connect with the natural water elements.

Throughout his adjusted training routine, Bruno prioritized flexibility exercises and stretching to prevent injuries and maintain his range of motion. He practiced yoga poses and gentle stretches that targeted different muscle groups, ensuring his body remained agile and ready for any physical challenges.

As the spring rain persisted, Bruno discovered that his modified workout routine not only allowed him to adapt to the muddy trails but also provided him with new opportunities for growth. He found that the variety of exercises he incorporated improved his overall fitness and prevented monotony in his training.

With each passing day and every rain-soaked workout, Bruno continued to progress and stay focused on his goals. He understood that adaptability was a valuable skill, not only in training but also in life. The unpredictable weather taught him resilience, patience, and the importance of finding alternatives when faced with obstacles.

And so, Bruno persevered through the muddy trails and unpredictable spring rain, adjusting his workout routine to achieve the same results. His determination and ability to adapt became an inspiration to the other animals in the forest, reminding them that with flexibility and creativity, they too could overcome any challenges that came their way.

6 emotional stages of spring running - Canadian Running Magazine

Just days before the race, Bruno gets a thorn stuck in his paw pad. With Wise Owl’s help, he must rehab the injury quickly through targeted exercises

Just days before the race, Bruno gets a thorn stuck in his paw pad. With Wise Owl’s help, he must rehab the injury quickly through targeted exercises.

Just days before the race, Bruno’s training took an unexpected turn when he stepped on a sharp thorn, causing discomfort and hindering his ability to run. Knowing the race was fast approaching, Bruno sought the assistance of Wise Owl, renowned for his wisdom and knowledge of natural remedies.

Wise Owl carefully examined Bruno’s paw pad and confirmed that the thorn had caused a minor injury. To rehab the injury quickly and effectively, Wise Owl devised a plan that involved targeted exercises and treatments.

First, Wise Owl recommended soaking Bruno’s paw in warm water mixed with a mild antiseptic solution to cleanse the wound and prevent infection. Bruno followed this advice, soaking his paw for several minutes each day, ensuring the affected area remained clean and free of debris.

To alleviate inflammation and promote healing, Wise Owl suggested applying a poultice made from natural ingredients such as crushed herbs and clay. This poultice would be spread over the injured paw pad and wrapped with a clean cloth to keep it in place. The poultice had anti-inflammatory properties and would help soothe the affected area.

In addition to external treatments, Wise Owl emphasized the importance of targeted exercises to rehabilitate the injured paw. He advised Bruno to perform gentle range-of-motion exercises, carefully flexing and extending his paw to maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness. This would also help improve blood circulation to the injured area, aiding in the healing process.

Wise Owl also recommended specific strengthening exercises to rebuild the muscles around the injured paw. Bruno would engage in exercises such as toe curls, where he would scrunch his toes and release them repeatedly, as well as gripping and releasing a soft ball or sponge with his paw. These exercises would gradually strengthen the muscles and improve Bruno’s overall paw stability.

To complement the exercises, Wise Owl advised Bruno to incorporate low-impact activities into his routine. Swimming in a calm body of water or walking in shallow streams would provide a therapeutic effect, allowing Bruno to exercise without putting excessive strain on his injured paw.

Throughout the rehabilitation process, Wise Owl closely monitored Bruno’s progress, adjusting the exercises and treatments as needed. He emphasized the importance of patience and not rushing the healing process, ensuring that Bruno’s paw had fully recovered before the race.

With Wise Owl’s guidance and Bruno’s commitment to his rehabilitation plan, the days passed, and Bruno’s paw gradually healed. The inflammation subsided, and he regained strength and mobility in the injured paw.

On the day of the race, Bruno stood at the starting line, his paw fully recovered and ready to compete. The injury had tested his resilience and determination, but with the help of Wise Owl, he had overcome the setback and was prepared to give his best effort.

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Bruno will need to stay focused amid friendly competition

As spring approached and the forest began to awaken from its winter slumber, Bruno noticed a change in the atmosphere. The other animals were emerging from their dens and burrows, ready to resume their training and prepare for the challenges ahead. Among them was a boastful fox named Felix, who claimed to be the fastest creature in the forest.

Word of Felix’s claims reached Bruno’s ears, and he couldn’t help but be intrigued. While Bruno was confident in his own abilities, he knew that friendly competition could push him to new heights. He decided to approach Felix and propose a friendly race to put their speed to the test.

Felix, with a cocky grin on his face, eagerly accepted the challenge. The news quickly spread throughout the forest, and the other animals gathered to witness the much-anticipated race between Bruno and Felix.

On the day of the race, the forest was abuzz with excitement. The animals lined up along the racecourse, their eyes fixed on the starting line. Bruno stood tall and focused, ready to give his best performance. Felix, on the other hand, couldn’t stop boasting about his speed, convinced that victory was already his.

The race began, and Bruno propelled himself forward with powerful strides. He maintained a steady pace, his muscles working in perfect harmony. Felix, driven by his overconfidence, shot ahead, leaving Bruno momentarily behind. The onlookers gasped in awe at Felix’s initial burst of speed.

However, Bruno remained composed and focused. He knew that endurance was just as important as speed in a long-distance race. Gradually, he started to gain ground, his steady pace allowing him to conserve energy while Felix began to tire.

As the race neared its conclusion, Bruno found himself neck and neck with Felix. The finish line was in sight, and both competitors gave it their all. Bruno’s determination and months of training propelled him forward, and with a final burst of energy, he surged ahead, crossing the finish line just a fraction of a second before Felix.

The forest erupted in applause and cheers as Bruno emerged victorious. However, instead of gloating or boasting, Bruno extended a paw to Felix, congratulating him on his impressive performance. The race had pushed both competitors to their limits, and Bruno recognized the value of friendly competition in driving personal growth.

From that day on, Bruno and Felix became not only friendly rivals but also training partners. They pushed each other to new heights, constantly striving to improve their speed and endurance. Together, they inspired the other animals in the forest to embrace healthy competition and support one another in their training endeavors.

As the seasons changed, Bruno and Felix continued to train side by side, setting an example of sportsmanship and camaraderie. They learned that while competition is important, it is equally vital to celebrate each other’s successes and lift one another up.

In the end, both Bruno and Felix realized that the true victory lay not in being the fastest but in the personal growth and the bonds formed along the way. The forest became a community of animals who cheered each other on, all inspired by the friendly competition between the wise bear and the boastful fox.

The Bear and the Fox

Created on the basis of communication with artificial intelligence

Magic Box of Maria

Finding the magic box

One day, Maria was playing as usual, leaving all her toys scattered around. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was her friend Anna, who always kept her room tidy.

“Want to come to the park with me?” asked Anna. But when she saw the messy room, she frowned. “We can’t leave until this is cleaned up!” Maria sighed, unsure where to start.

Maria’s eyes lit up as she spotted the magical box her grandmother had gifted her. It was sitting on the shelf, adorned with intricate patterns and a faint glow. She carefully reached for the box and opened it with excitement. Inside, there were small trinkets and a note from her grandmother.

The note read, “Dear Maria, this magical box is filled with love and wonders. Use it whenever you need a bit of magic in your life. Remember, tidying up your surroundings can bring clarity to your mind. Enjoy the enchantment!”

While Maria was reading the note, tiny fairies jumped out of the magic box!

Opening the “Magic Box”. It's almost hard to believe we're at… | by Hannah Rose Maté | Child & Adolescent Global Mental Health | Medium

“We’re the Tidying Fairies,” they said. “Tell us where to put each toy and we’ll clean this up in no time!” Amazed, Maria directed them and soon her room was sparkling.

The girls laughed and played all afternoon. From that day, Maria remembered to tidy up herself sometimes too. And the magical box always helped when needed!

Best surprise clean

The fairies knew Maria had a big test at school, so they wanted to surprise her by cleaning the entire house as a treat. But oh boy, was it messy!

Fairy Dusti started collecting toys while Fairy Mop scrubbed the floors. Fairy Windex cleaned all the windows and Fairy Vac sucked up crumbs. Fairy Scrub scrubbed the bathroom till it sparkled.

They got so into tidying every nook and cranny that they lost track of time! Before they knew it, the school bus was dropping Maria off.

“Uh oh we aren’t finished!” cried Fairy Laundry, sorting the last load of clothes. With teamwork they sped through the final tasks. Just as Maria walked in, everything was immaculate!

The best way to clean wood floors might surprise you

But the fairies had used so much magic cleaning that they passed out on the couch. When Maria found them sleeping, she let out a giggle. To her surprise dinner was magically cooking too!

The fairies woke to smiles and thanks. It was the best surprise clean up ever, even if they overdid the magic a bit!

Outdoor tea party

Maria was so excited to invite her doll and stuffed animal friends to an outdoor tea party. But when she went to set up, she frowned at the messy backyard.

“It’s too dirty for a party!” she sighed. Just then, the fairies popped out of the magical box. “We’ll clean it with our magic!” said Fairy Dusti.

Fairy Gardenia took out her wand. “Ibis Hortus Perfectus!” she shouted. Instantly, the yard transformed! A cobblestone path wound through colorful flower beds.

Fairy Blossom made petal confetti rain down. Fairy Ladybug waved her wand, and toadstools popped up as fairy seats. Little lights flickered on like fireflies in the dusk.

Vintage Inspired Outdoor Tea Party Ideas -

Fairy Dew sprinkled magical water that made the flowers dance. Moss cushions appeared thanks to Fairy Moss. Even the trees sprouted teacups among their leaves!

“It’s a fairy tea party wonderland!” gasped Maria. Her friends loved the magic garden. As they sipped tea, fairies fluttered among the blooms. Maria knew she’d never forget this very special backyard party, all thanks to her tidying fairies!

Maria and sweet bunny Hoppy 

Aw, poor Maria was so upset that her sweet bunny Hoppy didn’t want to cuddle or play. When the fairies heard the sad news, they knew just what to do.

“Bunnies like clean, tidy spaces,” said Fairy Dusti. With a flick of their wands, the fairies got to work transforming Maria’s room.

Fairy Organizer sorted and folded all the clothes. Fairy Laundry washed the stuffed animals so they were fresh and fluffy. Fairy Sweep swept while Fairy Mop scrubbed until the floors sparkled.

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When the room was spick and span, it smelled sweetly of flowers. Hoppy’s little house was given fresh hay and veggies. “Now he has nothing to fear!” said Fairy Fluffer as she plumped pillows.

Maria called Hoppy in and he bounded right to her lap! “You like it now?” she asked. Hoppy sniffed around, realizing the room was safe. From that day on, the two were best friends, playing for hours thanks to the fairies’ magic makeover.

Maria’s birthday

It was Maria’s special day but she had no idea the fairies had a big surprise planned! While Maria was at her aunt’s house, the fairies popped out of the magical box.

“Let’s give Maria the best birthday ever!” they said. Fairy Dusti was put in charge of cleaning. She zoomed from room to room, having everything sparkling in no time.

Fairy Baker started mixing cakes and cookies. The scent floated through the house as everything was baking. Fairy Party planner helped by blowing up balloons and hanging up streamers.

Plates, cups and favors were gathered and arranged by Fairy Partytime. Soon the house looked like a rainbow exploded inside! They even hand-made cards and gifts for Maria.

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When the time came, they texted Maria’s mom to bring her home. As she walked in “Surprise!” they all cheered. Maria gasped – it was more wonderful than she ever imagined!

She joyfully thanked her magical friends. “You’re the best fairies ever. I’ll never forget this birthday because of you!” The tidying fairies beamed, happy they could create such special memories for Maria through their magic.

Written after communication with artificial intelligence

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