Third Wave Civilization

“The Third Wave” by futurist Alvin Toffler – excerpts from the book

“The Third Wave is a book for those who think that human history is still very far from its end, that it has only just begun.”

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“Many of today’s changes are interconnected and not random. For example, the destruction of the small family, the global energy crisis, the spread of “cults” and cable television, the rise of flexible work and fringe benefits agreements, the emergence of separatist movements from Quebec to Corsica – all these may seem like isolated phenomena. However, another point of view is correct. In fact, all these phenomena are components of another much larger phenomenon – the death of industrialism and the growth of a new civilization.”

“The Third Wave is a work of large-scale synthesis. The book describes the old civilization in which many of us grew up, and gives an accurate and comprehensive picture of the new, emerging civilization.

This new civilization is so profoundly revolutionary that it challenges all our old assumptions. The old ways of thinking, the old formulas, dogmas and ideologies, although they flourished or were very useful in the past, no longer correspond to the facts. The world, which is emerging with tremendous speed from the collision of new values and technologies, new geopolitical relations, new lifestyles and methods of communication, requires completely new ideas and analogies, classifications and concepts. We cannot squeeze the embryonic world of tomorrow into the categories accepted yesterday. Orthodox social attitudes or sentiments also do not suit this new world.”

“If the book’s central argument is correct, there is good reason for long-term optimism, even if the transition ahead of us now is likely to be turbulent and full of crises.”

“Intelligent readers understand that no one – neither a historian, nor a futurologist, nor a planner, nor an astrologer, nor a preacher – “knows” and cannot “know” the future. When I say that something “will happen,” I assume that the reader will make appropriate adjustments to account for the uncertainty. Doing it differently will result in overloading the book with a mass of difficult and not so necessary information. Moreover, social forecasts are never unbiased or scientific, even if they use a wealth of computerized data. “The ‘third wave’ is a biased forecast and does not purport to be scientifically based.”

“The idea of a wave is not only a way to organize huge masses of rather contradictory information. It also helps us see what lies beneath the turbulent surface of change. When we use the wave metaphor, much of what seemed quite confusing becomes clearer. Often the already familiar appears before us in a new, dazzlingly bright light.

Once I began to think in terms of waves of change that collide and overlap to create conflict and tension, I began to think differently about change itself. In every field – from education and health to technology, from personal life to politics – it has become possible to distinguish innovations, whether cosmetic or simply continuing our industrial past, to truly revolutionary innovations.”

“A new civilization is dawning in our lives, and those who are unable to see it are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family relationships; other ways to work, love and live; new economy; new political conflicts, and on top of all this – an altered consciousness. Pieces of the new civilization already exist. Millions of people are already adjusting their lives in accordance with the rhythms of tomorrow. Other people, afraid of the future, run into a hopeless, useless past; they are trying to restore the dying world in which they were born.

The beginning of this new civilization is the single most explosive fact of the time in which we live.

This is the central event, the key to understanding the day following the present. It is a phenomenon as profound as the First Wave of change brought about by the introduction of agriculture 10,000 years ago, or the stunning Second Wave of change associated with the Industrial Revolution. We are the children of further transformation – the Third Wave.”

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“Humanity is facing drastic changes. It faces a profound social upheaval and a creative reorganization of all time. Without yet clearly distinguishing this stunning new civilization, we are participating in its construction from the very beginning. The main meaning of writing “The Third Wave” is connected with this. Up to the present time, humanity has experienced two huge waves of change, each of which essentially destroyed earlier cultures or civilizations and replaced them with a way of life that was incomprehensible to the people who lived before. The first wave of change – the agricultural revolution – took millennia, to eradicate itself. The second wave – the rise of industrial civilization – took only 300 years. Today, history is accelerating even further, and it is likely that the Third Wave will sweep through history and be completed within a few decades. Those who happened to live on our planet during this explosive period will fully feel the impact of the Third Wave.”

“This new civilization, insofar as it opposes the old, will dismantle the bureaucracy, reduce the role of the nation state, and promote the growth of semi-autonomous economies of the Post-imperialist world. It requires new, simpler, more effective and democratic governments. It is a civilization with its own ideas about the world, with its own ways of using time, space, logic and causality.”

“Starting with the very simple idea that agricultural growth was the first turning point in human social development and the industrial revolution was the second great breakthrough, this analysis views them as waves of change moving at a certain speed rather than as discrete one-time events.” .

“Today the First Wave has virtually died out. Only a very few tribal communities, such as those in South America or Papua New Guinea, have yet to be involved in agricultural activities. However, the strength of this great First Wave has largely been spent.

Meanwhile, the Second Wave, which revolutionized the course of several centuries of life in Europe, North America and other parts of the globe, continues to spread as many countries that were previously predominantly agricultural struggle to build steel mills, automobile factories, textile factories and food processing plants, as well as railways. The moment of industrialization is still palpable. The second wave has not yet completely lost its strength.

Although this process is still ongoing, another, even more important process has begun. As the influx of industrialism reached its peak in the aftermath of World War II, a little-understood Third Wave began to sweep across the earth, transforming everything it touched.

Therefore, many countries are simultaneously experiencing two or even three very different waves of change, all moving at different speeds and carrying different forces.”

“And in order to understand the collisions of waves of change in our days, we must be able to clearly distinguish between parallel structures in all industrial countries, to see the hidden basis that is inherent in Second Wave civilization, because it is this industrial basis that is now being shaken.”

“A necessary condition for any civilization, old or new, is energy. First Wave societies used the energy of “living batteries” – the muscular power of humans or animals – as well as the energy of the sun, wind and water. All Second Wave societies began to extract the energy they needed from coal, gas and oil – fossil fuels, which are non-renewable.”

“The second wave took technology to a whole new level. It gave birth to gigantic electromechanical machines, driving various parts, belts, hoses, bearings and bolts, moving with a roar and crackling sound. And these new machines did more than simply increase the strength of living muscles. Industrial civilization developed sensory technology, creating machines that could hear, see, and feel with much greater precision than humans were capable of. She gave birth to the technology of the womb, inventing machines designed to create in an endless progression of new machines, that is, machines for the production of machines. Even more important, it brought together many interconnected machines under one roof, creating factories and plants and, ultimately, production lines within one enterprise.”

“However, this Second Wave technosphere… demanded radically new forms of social organization.”

“…since the mid-19th century, as the Second Wave crossed one country after another on its path, there has been a consistent expansion of education: children start going to school at an ever younger age, the school year becomes longer and longer (in the United States it duration increased by 35% between 1878 and 1956, and the number of years of compulsory schooling increased steadily.

Together, the family and the factory school formed part of a single integrated system for preparing young people for their roles in industrial society. And in this respect, Second Wave societies, whether capitalist or socialist, northern or southern, are all the same.

In all Second Wave societies, another organization arose to provide social supervision to the first two. This invention is known as a “corporation”. Before this happened, the typical business enterprise was owned either by an individual, a family, or a community. Corporations were exceptionally rare.”

“Moreover, the corporation has come to be viewed as an “eternal being,” in the sense that it can outlive its original investors. In turn, this meant that she was able to implement fairly long-term plans and take on large projects that were not possible before.”

“Many other organizations have sprung up around these three core institutions. Government ministries, sports clubs, churches, chambers of commerce, labor unions, professional organizations, political parties, libraries, ethnic groups, recreational groups, and thousands of others emerged in the wake of the Second Wave, creating an exceptionally complex organizational ecology that required each group to be served, coordinated, and balancing the interests of all groups.”

“And even in art we find some principles inherent in factory production. Musicians, artists, composers and writers do not work for any patron, as was customary during the long reign of agricultural civilization, but are increasingly dependent on the mercy of the market place. Increasingly, they are becoming “commodities” intended for anonymous consumers. And as this shift occurs in every Second Wave country, the very structure of artistic activity changes.”

“During the First Wave civilization, all these communication channels were intended only for the rich and powerful; ordinary people did not have access to them.

The second wave, involving country after country in its sphere, completely destroyed this communication monopoly. This happened not because the rich and powerful suddenly became altruistic, but because Second Wave technology and mass production required “massive” movements of information that the old communication channels simply could not handle.”

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“The wave of mail messages that accompanies the industrial revolution is by no means the entire amount of information that came in the wake of the Second Wave. A much larger number of messages were disseminated through what can be defined as “micropost systems” within large organizations.”

“Thus, in all industrial societies, both capitalist and socialist, a well-developed Infosphere has grown up – communication channels through which individual and mass messages can be distributed as efficiently as goods and raw materials. This Infosphere is intertwined with the techno- and socio-spheres it serves, helping to integrate economic production with individual behavior.”

“The two halves of human life that were divided by the Second Wave are production and consumption. For example, we are used to thinking of ourselves as producers or consumers. But it was not always so. Before the Industrial Revolution, the bulk of all food, goods and services created by people were consumed by the producers themselves, their families, or a very thin layer of elite who managed to scrape together the surplus for their own use.”

“In short, industrialism destroyed the unity of production and consumption and separated the producer from the consumer. The single economy of the First Wave was transformed into a stratified economy of the Second Wave.”

“At the same time, the splitting of these two aspects – consumer and producer – within a person led to a split personality. One and the same person who, as a producer, was raised by family, school and superiors at work to limit her desires, to be disciplined, controlled, limited, obedient, that is, to be a player of her team, at the same time, being a consumer, she was taught to seek immediate satisfaction of one’s desires, to be more cheerful than prudent, to avoid discipline, to strive for personal pleasure – that is, in short, to be a completely different person. In Western countries, all the firepower of advertising is trained on the consumer, encouraging him to borrow money, buy when he wants, “fly now, pay later” and, acting in this way, fulfill his patriotic duty, keeping the economic mechanism moving.”

“… it is obvious that as soon as the invisible wedge separated the producer from the consumer, after that a series of profound changes took place: in order to connect them, a market had to appear; new political and social conflicts arose; new sexual roles were defined. However, such a split also meant something much more. It also meant that all Second Wave societies had to operate in a similar way, to satisfy the same basic requirements. There was no difference whether profit was the goal of production or not, whether the “means of production” were public or private, whether the market was “free” or “planned,” whether the rhetoric was capitalist or socialist.”

“The most familiar of these Second Wave principles is standardization. Everyone knows that industrial societies produce millions of exactly the same products.”

“Despite other disagreements, the leading thinkers of the Second Wave shared a consensus about the effectiveness of standardization. Thus, the second wave erases differences through the relentless application of the principle of standardization.”

“The second great principle common to all Second Wave societies is specialization. Because the more the Second Wave smoothed out differences in language, leisure and lifestyle, the more it needed differences in the world of work. Intensifying them, the Second Wave replaced the peasant, the temporary and unprofessional “jack of all trades”, with a narrow specialist and worker performing only a single task, over and over again, according to the Taylor method.

“The widening gap between production and consumption brought about a change in the attitude of the people of the Second Wave up to the time. Depending on the market system, whether it is a planned market or a free market, time equates to money. Expensive machines cannot be allowed to sit idle, so they operate according to their own rhythms. This gives rise to the third principle of industrial civilization – synchronization.

It wasn’t just work life that was being synchronized. In all Second Wave societies, regardless of profit or political considerations, social life also became dependent on time and adapted to the demands of machines. Certain hours were set aside for leisure. Vacations of standard duration, holidays or breaks were included in work schedules.”

“The growth of the market gave rise to another law of Second Wave civilization – the principle of concentration.

First Wave societies relied on widely dispersed sources of energy. Second Wave societies are almost entirely dependent on highly concentrated natural fuel reserves.”

“The gap between production and consumption also gave rise in all Second Wave societies to the disease “Macrophilia” – a type of Texan passion of enormous proportions and constant growth.”

“The principle of Macrophilia is so deeply rooted in the industrial mentality that nothing seems more reasonable and rational here. Maximization goes hand in hand with standardization, specialization and other basic principles of industrialism.”

“Finally, all industrial nations have brought centralization to the highest degree of perfection. Although the Church and the First Wave rulers were well aware of the centralization of power, they dealt with less complex societies and were only pathetic amateurs compared to the men and women of centralized industrial society at their lowest level.”

“In addition, the gradual centralization of a previously decentralized economy was also aided by a crucial innovation whose very name reveals its purpose: the central bank.”

“Thus, we see a system of six leading principles, a kind of “program” that, to one degree or another, operates in all countries of the Second Wave. These half-dozen principles – standardization, specialization, synchronization, concentration, maximization and centralization – can be applied to both the capitalist and socialist wings of industrial society, since they inevitably grew out of the same basic gap between producer and consumer, and thanks to the ever-increasing the role of the market.

In turn, these principles, reinforcing each other, inexorably led to the growth of bureaucracy. They created the largest, toughest and most powerful bureaucratic organizations that have ever existed on earth, leaving man to wander in… a world of ghostly mega-organizations. And if today we feel that they are suppressing and enslaving us, we can trace the source of our problems to the hidden code with which Second Wave civilization is programmed.

The six principles that make up this code leave a clear imprint on Second Wave civilization. Today, as we will soon see, each of these fundamental principles is under attack by Third Wave forces.

Indeed, there are Second Wave elites still applying these rules in business, banking, labor relations, management, education, the media. The growth of a new civilization challenges all legitimate interests of the old one.

In the shifts and upheavals that will soon take place, the elites of all industrial societies, so accustomed to established rules, apparently face the fate of the feudal lords of the past. Some of them will remain. Some will be defeated. Some will be reduced to a state of complete powerlessness or pathetic, poor nobility. Some – the most intelligent and adaptable – are transformed and transformed into leaders of the Third Wave civilization.”

“Today, when the Third Wave of changes begins to punch holes in the fortress of managerial power, the first signs of this appear in the system of power. Demands for participation in management, decision-making, worker, consumer and civil control, and democratization are heard in one country after another. In more advanced industries, less hierarchical and more specialized new ways of organizing production emerge. Pressure is increasing to decentralize power. Managers are increasingly dependent on information received from subordinates. The elites themselves are becoming less permanent and less durable. All this is just a harbinger, signs of impending fundamental changes in the political system.

The third wave, which has already begun to destroy industrial structures, opens up unprecedented opportunities for social and political renewal. In the coming years, our unfit, oppressed, outdated integrated structures will be replaced by amazing new social formations.”

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“By the middle of the 20th century, tens of thousands of seemingly sovereign and completely independent bodies of political power, scattered throughout the planet, found themselves in one bundle thanks to the coordination of the economy, unprecedented growth in transport, migration and the development of communications, and therefore they intensified their activities, encouraging each other to be active.

Thousands of political machines, assembled from the components of a representative set, gradually formed one invisible supermachines: a general legislative mechanism. We now only have to consider how the levers and control devices of this worldwide system operate and who controls it.”

“…civilization depended heavily on fuel resources, industrial production, the nuclear family, the corporation, mass education and the media, and at the core of all was the increasing divergence between production and consumption, and the leadership of all was left to managerial elites whose task was in the integration of the social system.”

“…the political unit of the Second Wave had to correspond to the development of the economic units of the Second Wave.

It is not surprising that as Second Wave societies began to build national economies, a decisive shift in public consciousness became apparent. Small-scale local production in First Wave societies produced a breed of very provincial people, most of whom identified themselves only with the place where they were born or with the village. Interests that went beyond the boundaries of a given area were only in a very small group (titled persons and clergy, individual merchants, and also actors, scientists and hired workers had such interests).

The second wave quickly increased the number of people willing to take risks in the big world in the hope of profit.”

“There is no civilization that has expanded its range of action without conflict. The Second Wave civilization quickly launched a massive offensive against the First Wave world, prevailed, and imposed its will on millions, and ultimately billions, of people.”

“To expand and integrate the world market, industrial states acted harshly. Because there were no borders to trade, each national market became part of larger regional or continental markets and eventually became incorporated into a single, unified monetary system created by the integration elites who developed Second Wave civilization. A single monetary network was woven around the world.”

“The Second Wave states waged an increasingly bloody battle among themselves for power over the emerging world economic system.”

“The Second Wave civilization divided and founded the world in the form of disparate nation-states. Needing the resources of the rest of the world, it drew First Wave societies and remaining primitive peoples into the monetary system, creating a globally integrated market space. But imperialism was more than an economic, political or social system. It has also become a way of life and a way of thinking. It gave birth to the Second Wave mentality.

Today this mentality is the main obstacle to the creation of a truly feasible Third Wave civilization.”

“With the advent of the Second Wave civilization, capitalist industrialists appeared, who pump out natural resources in huge quantities, release large amounts of poisons into the air, and, in the pursuit of profit, cut down the forests of entire regions, not caring at all about the side effects or long-term consequences. The idea that nature is something to be exploited provided a convenient rationalization for short-sighted and selfish businessmen.

But the capitalists were not at all alone. Whoever was in power, they or the Marxist industrializers (despite the belief that profit is the source of all evil), everyone acted in this way.”

“The third defining idea of industrial reality, closely related to nature and evolution, was the principle of progress, which asserted that history flows inexorably towards a better life for humanity. This idea was also developed quite a bit in pre-industrial times. However, it was only with the advent of the Second Wave that the idea of Progress with a capital P blossomed in full bloom.

Suddenly, as the Second Wave rolled across Europe, thousands of voices were heard praising progress.”

“The Second Wave civilization created a completely new image of reality, based on unique ideas about time and space, matter and causality. By collecting the fragments of the past, combining them together in a new way, using experiments and empirical research, she radically changed people’s ideas about the world around them and about themselves in this world.”

“Second Wave Civilization did not simply divide time into more precise and standardized parts. She placed these parts in a straight, endless line that stretched back into the past and forward into the future.

Indeed, the idea of linear time is so deeply ingrained in our thinking that most of us raised in Second Wave societies struggle to imagine any alternative. However, many pre-industrial societies and some First Wave societies even today perceive time in the form of a circle rather than a straight line. In the Mayans, Buddhists and Hindus, time is circular and eternally repeats itself, history repeats itself endlessly, and even life could repeat itself through reincarnation.”

“Thus, our idea of space and the experience of organizing space were associated with the process of its linearization, which occurred simultaneously with the linearization of time. In all industrial countries, capitalist or socialist, both in the East and in the West, the architectural organization of space, the drawing up of detailed maps, the use of uniform, clear units of measurement and, above all, the straight line became a cultural constant and formed the basis of the new industrial reality.”

“…industrial reality contributed to the development of the concept of personality, where a person was almost like an atom, representing an indivisible, unshakable, basic part of society.”

“… the Hindu-real image of the universe, the ideas it generates, have largely influenced our way of life in its personal, social and political manifestations. From such a point of view on the world, it inevitably arose that not only space and nature, but also society and people acted according to well-defined and predictable laws. The outstanding thinkers of the Second Wave were precisely those who most logically and convincingly proved the connection and interdependence of the phenomena of objective reality.”

“Industrial reality was not at all morally neutral, although it pretended to be so. It represented, as we have seen, the militant super-ideology of the Second Wave civilization, from which all the main ideological trends of the industrial era, both left and right, arose. Like any culture, the Second Wave civilization created a distorted mechanism for man’s perception of himself and the world around him. A complex of ideas, images, and ideas has been developed – and analogies arise from them – and turned out to be a powerful cultural system in the history of mankind.

And finally, industrial reality, the cultural face of industrialism, prompted society to develop in the right direction. It created complex organized entities, large cities, a centralized bureaucracy, and an all-encompassing market, whether capitalist or socialist. This was perfectly consistent with new energy systems, family structure, technology, economic relations, political and spiritual values, and together created the Second Wave civilization.

So it turns out that this entire civilization, along with all organizations and institutions, technology and culture, is being destroyed under the influence of changes brought about by the Third Wave, which is sweeping across the planet. We live in the final, crisis period of irrevocably retreating industrialism. The industrial era is fading into history, a new era is being born.”

“The Second Wave civilization not only changed technology, nature and culture. She changed her personality, contributing to the emergence of a new social type. Of course, both women and children constituted and were shaped by Second Wave civilization. But still, mostly men directly fell into the whirlpool of market relations, embodied new methods of work, they more clearly than women showed the characteristic features inherent in a given period, and educated women also possessed these new qualities, fully consistent with the concept of the industrial person. era.”

“Ultimately, the combination of all these factors (loss of basic subsidies, malfunctioning of the main life support systems of society, collapse of the role structure) causes a crisis in the initial and most fragile of structures – the human personality. The collapse of Second Wave civilization leads to an epidemic of identity crisis.”

“I am confident that today we stand on the threshold of a new era of synthesis. In all fields of knowledge – from the hard sciences to sociology, psychology and economics, especially economics – we are likely to see a return to large-scale thinking, to general theory, to putting the parts back together into a whole. Therefore, it becomes clear that our desire to consider quantitative details taken out of context while studying more and more precisely smaller and smaller problems leads to the fact that we learn more and more about less and less.

It follows that our approach will be to consider the streams of change that are shaking our lives, not simply because each of these streams is important in itself, but because these streams of change merge and form even larger, deeper, faster rivers of change, which in turn merge into something more: the Third Wave.”

“Today we again stand on the threshold of a historic leap in technology, and a new production system is now emerging that will require a radical reconstruction of the entire energy business, further if OPEC folds its tents and slowly leaves.

“Most of the energy reserves will be provided by renewable, rather than waste, sources. The energy base of the Third Wave will not depend on fuel sources concentrated in several places; it will also use a whole range of energy sources scattered in many places. Dependence on highly centralized technologies will decrease, and both centralized and decentralized energy production will be combined. And instead of dangerously relying too much on a handful of methods or energy sources, many different methods and energy sources will be offered. It is this diversity that will reduce waste as we can match the types and quality of energy produced to the growing diversity of needs.”

“A boom has begun in industries or sectors of the economy based on Third Wave technologies; Second Wave production began to wane. Today, many governments are consciously trying to accelerate these structural changes, trying to make the transition as painless as possible.”

“One thing is certain: we are no longer locked into the electromechanical framework of traditional Second Wave technology of three centuries ago, and we are only just beginning to understand the full significance of this historical fact.

Just as when the Second Wave combined coal, steel, electricity, rail transportation to produce cars and thousands of other life-changing things, we will not feel the true impact of new changes until we reach the stage of combining new technologies – computers, electronics , new materials from outer space and the depths of the ocean – with genetics and all this, in turn, with a new energy base. Combining these elements together will unleash a flood of innovation unlike anything seen before in human history. We are creating a dramatically new technosphere for the Third Wave of civilization.”

“Technological revolutionaries consider technologies that are “appropriate” to be those that humanize work, prevent pollution, and protect the environment. They prefer projects designed for the local rather than the state or global market. Around the world, tech revolutionaries are conducting thousands of experiments with small-scale technologies, from fish farming and food production to energy production, waste recycling, low-cost construction and simple transportation.”

“Now the Third Wave is radically changing all this. As changes in society accelerate, we ourselves change. We are constantly being overtaken by new information, and we are forced to constantly revise the card index of images. Old images relating to a past life must be replaced by new ones, otherwise our actions do not correspond to the new reality, we will become more incompetent. It’s impossible to cover everything.”

“The third wave began a completely new era – the era of non-mass media. Along with the new technosphere, a new Infosphere is emerging, and this will have far-reaching consequences in all areas of life, including our consciousness. Taken together, these changes revolutionize our understanding of the world and our ability to understand it.”

“Now we do not receive a ready-made mental model of reality; we are forced to constantly form and reshape it. This places a heavy burden on us, but it also leads to greater individuality, demassification of both personality and culture. Some of us crack under such pressure, retreating, feeling apathetic or angry. Others constantly grow, shape themselves and become competent, literate people capable of performing at the highest level.”

“By now creating a new infosphere for the Third Wave civilization, we are endowing the “sluggish” environment around us with intelligence. The key to such a decisive step forward was, of course, the computer.”

“Now we are ready to jump to a new level of social memory. Drastic demassification, the invention of new media, satellite mapping of the earth, hospital monitoring of bedridden patients using electronic sensors, computerization of corporate files – all this means that we are recording in detail the activities of our civilization. Unless we cremate our planet, and with it our social memory, we will soon come very close to the civilization of “photographic” memory. The Third Wave civilization will have at its disposal much more and much better organized information about itself than could have been imagined even a quarter of a century ago.”

“…the essence of Third Wave manufacturing is a short run of partially or fully customized products.”

“The next step is, of course, full custom production – making a one-of-a-kind piece. And of course, in what direction should we move in custom-made products for the individual consumer?

“So the model is clear. Enormous changes in the technosphere and infosphere have converged, changing the way products are manufactured. We are rapidly moving beyond traditional mass production to a complex mixture of mass and non-mass products. The ultimate goal of this effort is now clear: the production of only custom-made products, made in a seamless, continuous process under the ever-increasing direct control of the customer.

In short, we have revolutionized the deep structure of production, causing a series of changes in every layer of society. However, these changes, which force the student to plan a career, production – investment, and society – development strategy, cannot be understood separately. They need to be seen in direct connection with another revolution – the revolution in the office.”

“The double revolution in white collar and manufacturing will lead to a completely new way of producing for society – a giant step forward for all of humanity. It will influence not only the level of employment or the structure of industry, but also the distribution of political and economic power, the number of jobs, the international division of labor, the role of women in the economy, the nature of work and the gap between producer and consumer; it will change even such an apparently simple fact as the “place” of work.”

“Third Wave white collar work, like Third Wave manufacturing, does not require a 100% presence of the workforce in the workplace.”

“The ‘Electronic Cottage’ could serve as an idea for the Third Wave forces of tomorrow.”

“These enormous historical shifts alone may justify the claim that we are on the verge of a new civilization. But we are simultaneously restructuring our social lives, from family and friendships to schools and corporations. We are on the threshold of creating, along with the technosphere and infosphere, the sociosphere of the Third Wave.”

“The advent of the third wave, of course, does not mean the end of the nuclear family, just as the advent of the second wave did not lead to the complete disintegration of the extended family. It’s just that the family can no longer serve as an ideal model for society.”

“It simply means that from now on the nuclear family will be only one of many socially accepted and approved types. When the Third Wave arrives, the family system will no longer be massive, just like the production and information systems of society.”

“In other words, the expansion of work from home on a large scale may not only affect family structure, but also change family relationships. To create a shared experience and get spouses to talk to each other again, to change “cold” relationships to “hot” ones, and to redefine love and bring with it the idea of “plus Love.”

“E-Cottage opens up an alternative route for youth to re-enter society into economically productive pursuits, and we may soon see political campaigns not against, but for, child labor, along with the fight for the necessary measures to protect them from gross economic exploitation.” .

“In addition, it is easy to imagine a completely different type of family working in the home: the ‘electronic extended family’.”

“This new family system will be the main institution in the new sociosphere, which will be formed next to the technosphere and the infosphere. This is part of social creativity with the help of which our generation adapts to and creates a new civilization.”

“It is clear that, like the family of nuclear states, like schools, mass consciousness and other major institutions of our time, corporations are falling apart, being shaken and transformed by the Third Wave of change. And even many senior managers do not know what awaits them in the future.”

“Today, when the Third Wave arrived, the corporate leader realized that all his old attitudes were problematic. The mass society for which corporations were conceived ceases to be mass. Not just information, products and family life, but the stock exchanges, as well as the labor market, are beginning to break down into smaller, more diverse pieces.”

“Corporations can therefore no longer hold on to just new specialized economic functions, but, under pressure from critics, legislation and their own leaders, become multi-purpose institutions.”

“The transformation of corporations is part of larger transformations in the social sphere as a whole, which are occurring in parallel with dramatic changes in the technical and information sphere. Taken together, they caused enormous historical shifts. But we’re not just remodeling these giant structures. We also change the daily lives of ordinary people. When we change the deep structures of civilization, we must simultaneously rewrite all the codes of our lives.”

“…if we look at the ways in which time is used in our society, we will find a gentle but powerful shift away from the rhythms of the Second Wave towards a new time structure for our lives. In fact, there has been a demassification of time, which strictly parallels the demassification of other features of social life caused by the spread of the Third Wave.”

“…as the Third Wave spreads, replacing the old industrial mode of production, it completely changes the relations of civilization later. The old mechanical synchronization that destroyed so much of the spontaneity and joy of life and virtually symbolized the Second Wave is coming. Young people who reject the nine-to-five routine, are indifferent to classical punctuality, and may no longer even realize why they behave this way. But time has changed in the ‘real world’, and in accordance with this, we have changed the basic laws that previously governed us.”

“The impact of the Third Wave of changes is aimed at increasing diversity, at moving away from the standardization of life. The truth is that ideas, political opinions, sexual inclinations, educational methods, eating habits, religious views, ethnic positions, musical tastes, fashions and family forms are its automatically produced products. The historical point of return has been overcome, and standardization, like other basic principles of the Second Wave of civilization, is being replaced by new ones.”

“Only decoupling and increasingly decentralized control can work in a new economy that is progressively decentralized and at the same time seen as global and equal.

All these anti-center trends in politics, in the organization of corporations and governments, and in the economy itself are creating a completely new society and making yesterday’s rules obsolete.”

“In short, if you run through the codebook of Second Wave civilization from standardization to synchronization and on to centralization, maximization, specialization and concentration, you will see how, point by point, the old ground rules that determined our daily lives and methods of making social decisions are in the process of revolutionary transformations and upheavals caused by the Third Wave.”

“… the boundary between consumer and producer is increasingly blurred, and “the producer for himself” is becoming increasingly important. In addition, we do not clearly notice the gigantic changes that are transforming even the role of the market itself in our lives and in the world system.”

“…we are moving towards an economy of the future in which many people will never be employed full time or in which the concept of “full time” will take on a different meaning, as it did so recently when the work week or year became increasingly shorter ”

“The emergence of the ‘manufacturer for oneself’ is changing the entire economic landscape.”

“The third wave will create the first “trans-market” civilization in history.

By “transmarket” I mean a civilization… dependent on the market, and no longer consumed by the need to build, expand, develop and integrate that structure. A civilization capable of putting new tasks on the agenda, since the market has already been built.”

“When the Third Wave began, our home planet seemed smaller and much more vulnerable. We considered our place in the Universe less grandiose. And it is the remote possibility that we are not alone in the Universe that gives us time to think.

Our understanding of nature is no longer what it used to be.”

“Third Wave thinkers are now faced with an obvious fact: we are close to becoming the “designers” of evolution. Never before has evolution been looked at from this point of view.”

“The third wave changed our perception of the world, dispersing rather than concentrating the human community. … all technologically highly developed countries are already experiencing … these trends.”

“Causality in the Third Wave gives a picture of the world as a unity of forms of a system of interacting forces. The world is filled with amazing phenomena – changes that increase as well as decrease, many other phenomena; in any case, it is not a system of billiard balls that endlessly rush along predictable trajectories, crashing into each other on a cosmic gaming table. This world, more unfamiliar and alien to us than the mechanistic world, was offered by the Second Wave.”

“Today, as our understanding of nature has changed, nation-states are transforming themselves, taking the next step towards Third Wave civilization.”

“…we are creating a new multi-level world game, the participants of which are not only nations, but also corporations, trade unions, political, ethnic and cultural groups, transnational associations and supranational organizations. As the new world system takes shape, the nation-state, already threatened by pressure from below, loses more and more power.”

“In the coming decades we should expect the emergence of new global organizations capable of representing both national and post-national interests.”

“As the nation disintegrates and restructures, as transnational corporations and other new factors appear on the world stage, as instability and the threat of war grow, we will have to invent new political forms or “containers” to establish a semblance of order in this world – a world in which the state “The nation, for many reasons, is becoming a dangerous anachronism.”

“The rapid rise of the Third Wave not only marks the end of Second Wave empires, it also dashes our hopes of ending global poverty the old ways.”

“Obviously, in a world where there is increasing differentiation, we should not turn to models of the industrial present and the pre-industrial past, but look for completely new ways and look to the future.”

“The development strategies of tomorrow will come not from Washington or Moscow, not from Paris or Geneva, but from Africa, Asia and Latin America. They will be tailored to local needs. They will not develop the economy to the detriment of ecology, religion, culture, family traditions and the psychological atmosphere of existence. They will not try to imitate other people’s models. The first wave, the second and finally the third…

But the advent of the Third Wave puts all our efforts in a different perspective, as this approach provides entirely new opportunities for both the poor and rich nations of the world.”

“…a growing number of thinkers, sociologists, scientists and researchers believe that such a transformation is beginning today, leading us to a radically new synthesis, which can be figuratively described as follows: Gandhi and the Companions.”

“The third wave carries the potential for revolutionary changes not only in technology or energy, but also in the consciousness and behavior of the individual.”

“Both rich and poor stand at the starting line at the beginning of the journey to a new and strikingly different future for humanity today.”

“And at the same time, we expect to survive. And therefore it is important to know where the path of these changes leads us. What kind of world will we live in if we manage to avoid the dangers that await us? In other words, what shape will the society of the future take?

“Third Wave people will undoubtedly produce new ideas about nature, progress, evolution, time, space, matter and causality. Their thinking will be less mechanistic and more shaped by concepts such as process, feedback, imbalance. They will know better than us that a pattern can have a direct consequence of the absence of a pattern.

New religious movements will appear, new scientific theories, a new understanding of human nature, new types of art will arise, which have much greater diversity than in the industrial era. The emerging multiculture will be torn apart by contradictions until new forms of group conflict resolution develop (the legal system that currently exists is backward and will be unsuitable for a highly differentiated society).”

“…the civilization of the Third Wave is a praktopia, a practical future. It is a civilization that encourages individual development that welcomes racial, regional, religious and cultural diversity. Civilization is largely organized around the home. Civilization, not frozen, but pulsating, continuously generates new things, and at the same time is able to provide stability to those who need it. Civilization does not devote all its strength and energy to the market. A civilization capable of channeling strong passions into art. Civilization is faced with choices unprecedented in history (to give just one example – the choice between genetics and evolution) and the need to develop new ethical and moral standards on the basis of which this choice can be made. And finally, it is a democratic and humane civilization that maintains balance with the biosphere and does not fall into dangerous economic dependence on the rest of the world. Achieving all this is a difficult task. But doable.”

“To create the desired emotional life and healthy psychosphere for the emergence of the civilization of the future, we must recognize the three basic requirements of any individual: the need for community, structure and content. By understanding how the collapse of Second Wave society undermines these needs, we could begin to create a healthier psychological environment for ourselves and our children in the future.”

“However, it is not enough to change society. For as we create Third Wave civilization by solving our daily problems, Third Wave civilization will in turn shape us. A new Psychosphere is emerging, which will fundamentally change our character.”

“… our task is to look not for the mythical “man,” but for those character traits that are most likely to be valued by the civilization of tomorrow.”

“The personality of the future must be answered by the politics of the future.”

“The first heretical principle of Third Wave government is the principle of minority rule. It is not the majority that is taken into account, but the minorities. And our political systems must increasingly reflect this fact.”

“Today, in every area of public life – in our families, our schools, our businesses and churches, in our energy systems and communications – we are faced with the need to create new forms of the Third Wave, and millions of people in many countries are already beginning to do so.”

“So the responsibility for change lies with us. We must start with ourselves, learn not to close our minds to the new, the surprising, the seemingly radical. This means fighting the idea killers who rush forward to destroy any new proposal on the grounds that it is impractical, while defending everything that now exists as practical, no matter how absurd, oppressive and inactive it may be. This means fighting for freedom of speech – the right of people to express their thoughts, even heretical ones. It also means starting the process of reconstruction now, before further disintegration of existing political systems sends the forces of tyranny marching through the streets and makes a peaceful transition to 21st century democracy impossible.

If we start now, we and our children can take part in an exciting restructuring not only of our outdated political structures, but of civilization itself.

As the generation of the first revolutionaries, we were given the destiny to create.”

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Job Searches December 2023

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on job searches.

Job Search Trends

GRAPH: “Data entry remote jobs

GRAPH:  “how to become an ultrasound technician

GRAPH: “data scientist jobs

GRAPH: “Warehouse jobs near me

Top “How to Become” searches

2023, US

  1. how to become a real estate agent

  2. how to become a notary

  3. how to become a travel agent

  4. how to become a flight attendant

  5. how to become a pilot

Top “How to Do” searches

2023, US

  1. how to do long division

  2. how to do hanging indent on google docs

  3. how to do in text citations

  4. how to do split screen on mac

Top Resume Searches

2023, US

  1. resume builder

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  5. how to make a resume

Top “What To Do” Job Searches 

2023, US

  1. what to do with a psychology degree

  2. what to do with a biology degree

  3. what to do with a business degree

  4. what to do with a criminal justice degree

  5. what to do with a communications degree

Published December 4, 2023

Steve Jobs – American entrepreneur

Life path

American entrepreneur, founder and head of the Apple computer empire, Steve Jobs received public recognition and a number of awards for his influence on the technology industry. He is often called the “father of the digital revolution.” He was also a talented administrator and brilliant speaker, taking innovative product presentations to the next level. Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco (USA). Steve’s biological mother, unmarried graduate student Joanna Schieble, unable to feed the child, gave him to his adoptive parents – the childless couple Paul and Clara Jobs, making them promise that they would give the boy a good education. The Jobs couple kept their word – at the age of 17, Steve entered Reed College in Portland, but dropped out after the first semester. He explained this action by the fact that all his parents’ savings were spent on paying for college, but Steve himself did not understand what education would give him and whether he needed it at all. “It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life,” he later admitted. After leaving school, Jobs remained a free college student for another year and a half, handing over Coke bottles to buy food for himself and sleeping on the floor of his classmates’ dorm rooms. Then he returned to his homeland, where he met Stephen Wozniak, whom he had met several years earlier – at a summer job at Hewlett-Packard. That’s when the idea to create my own business arose. At that time, Woz and Jobs were both 20 years old. They started their business by manufacturing “blue boxes” – special devices that allowed them to make free calls over long distances. The “firm” was based in Jobs’s parents’ garage. The technical genius Wozniak and the born businessman Jobs complemented each other perfectly. The friends did not work on “blue boxes” for long; the next step was to assemble ready-made computers for sale. In 1976, they founded Apple Computer Co., starting with $1,300. The company’s first major order was to assemble 50 Apple I computers for a local electronics store. And six months later, Wozniak and Jobs completed the development of the Apple II, which became the first mass-produced personal computer in the world. There were investors who invested in the production of the Apple II, and at the end of 1980 the company reached the national level. Jobs’s net worth reached $200 million. He was 25 years old. The next great breakthrough in the computer field was the Macintosh project, which Jobs personally oversaw. For excessive impulsiveness and instability, he was removed from work on the company’s main project at that time – the Lisa computer. Then Jobs, driven by a rebellious spirit, gathered a small team of young engineers and, inspired by the idea of ​​creating a computer that would be “easier to use than a toaster,” he developed and presented the Mac. The novelty blew up the market. And soon after that, Jobs was fired from Apple. He did not get along well with the new chief executive officer, John Sculley, whom he had personally persuaded a little earlier to move to Apple from Pepsi-Cola. The board of directors supported Sculley, and Jobs remained out of work. Jobs himself later said that this situation became a “catharsis” for him, pushing him to one of the most creative periods of his life. A few months later, the feeling of public failure and the desire to escape as far as possible gave way to the active Jobs’ decision to start all over again. Over the next five years, he founded two new companies, NeXT and Pixar, and met his future wife. Pixar subsequently became the most successful animation studio in the world. And in 1996, Apple, which was experiencing a crisis at that time, bought out NeXT. So Steve Jobs again joined the company’s board of directors and became the temporary (and later permanent) manager of Apple. In 2001, Apple introduced the world’s first iPod. Its sales literally a year later became the main source of income for the company. In 2006, the network multimedia player Apple TV was released. iPhone sales began in 2007, and in 2008 Jobs demonstrated the thinnest laptop in the world – the MacBook Air. On October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs passed away. He died at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer in California (USA).

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Steve Jobs’ contribution to world progress

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Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., made significant contributions to the world of technology and business, influencing various aspects of modern life. Here are some key contributions:

Apple Inc.

Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Under Jobs’ leadership, Apple introduced groundbreaking products that revolutionized the technology industry. The Apple I and Apple II computers were early successes, but it was the Macintosh in 1984 that introduced the concept of a graphical user interface to a wider audience.

Macintosh and Graphic User Interface (GUI)

Jobs played a crucial role in the development of the Macintosh, which was the first commercially successful computer to feature a graphical user interface. This innovation made computers more accessible to the general public, paving the way for the widespread use of personal computers.

NeXT Computer

After leaving Apple in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT Computer. Although NeXT did not achieve commercial success, its technology and software laid the foundation for future developments, including the NeXTSTEP operating system, which eventually evolved into macOS.

Pixar Animation Studios

Jobs acquired The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) in 1986. Under his leadership, Pixar became a major player in the animation industry, producing groundbreaking films such as “Toy Story,” “Finding Nemo,” and “The Incredibles.” Jobs’ involvement with Pixar not only contributed to the entertainment industry but also financially benefited Apple when Disney acquired Pixar in 2006.

iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad

Upon his return to Apple in 1997, Jobs oversaw the development of iconic products that reshaped various industries. The iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad were instrumental in defining modern design, usability, and functionality in consumer electronics.

iTunes and App Store

Jobs played a key role in the creation of iTunes, a digital media player and online store, as well as the App Store, providing a platform for developers to distribute applications for the iPhone and later the iPad. These platforms transformed the way people access and consume digital content.

Design Philosophy

Jobs had a profound impact on the design philosophy of Apple products. He emphasized simplicity, elegance, and user-friendly interfaces. This design ethos extended beyond hardware to software and marketing, influencing the entire tech industry.

Legacy and Inspiration

Steve Jobs’ vision, innovation, and commitment to excellence left a lasting impact on the world of technology and entrepreneurship. His ability to anticipate and shape consumer preferences has continued to influence product development and design.

While Jobs faced criticism for his management style and business decisions, there is no denying his pivotal role in shaping the technology landscape and driving progress in the modern world.

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Beulah Louise Henry – American inventor

Life path

Beulah Louise Henry was born on February 11, 1887 in North Carolina (USA). She was the granddaughter of former North Carolina Governor W. Holden and a direct descendant of Patrick Henry, a famous American politician. While still in college (1909-1912), the girl presented her first discoveries. In the 1930s, she received the nickname “Lady Edison” for her numerous technical discoveries. Although she received about 49 patents during her life, her total number of inventions was closer to 110. Louise received her first patent for a designed ice cream freezer at age 25. She led developments in a variety of areas, improving printing and sewing machines, inventing automatic umbrellas and freezers, creating mechanical dolls and other children’s games. Her authorship includes: a can opener, a valve for inflatable products; washcloth filled with soap; a doll with eyes that could change color, as well as toys that could open and close their eyes. Another of the inventions of the American inventor Beulah Louise Henry is a typewriter that makes up to 4 “original” copies of text when printed without using carbon paper. Arriving in New York in 1924, Henry founded two companies and also worked for many firms as a consultant that bought her inventions. She lived in a New York hotel and was never married. Beulah Louise Henry died at the age of 86 in 1973.

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Bewley Louise Henry’s contribution to the development of global industry

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Beulah Louise Henry was a prolific American inventor with a wide range of contributions to various industries. Her nickname, “Lady Edison,” reflects her status as a female inventor with numerous technical discoveries, similar to Thomas Edison, a famous American inventor.

Beulah Louise Henry’s inventions spanned diverse fields, including improvements to printing and sewing machines, the creation of automatic umbrellas and freezers, mechanical dolls, and various children’s games. Her patents covered a wide array of products, such as a can opener, a valve for inflatable products, a washcloth filled with soap, a doll with changing eye colors, and toys with movable eyes. Notably, she designed a typewriter that could produce up to four “original” copies of text without using carbon paper.

Her entrepreneurial spirit is evident in the founding of two companies and her consultancy work for other firms that purchased her inventions. It’s remarkable that she received about 49 patents during her life, with the total number of inventions closer to 110.

Beulah Louise Henry’s life and work highlight the contributions of women in the field of innovation and technology, particularly during a time when female inventors faced additional challenges in gaining recognition for their accomplishments. Her legacy as an inventor and entrepreneur remains a testament to her creativity and determination.


Thomas Edison – American inventor

Life path

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Mylan, Ohio, USA. At the age of 12 he worked as a newspaper delivery boy, and at the age of 16 he became a telegraph operator. In 1868, Edison began inventing, and already in 1870 he organized a laboratory in Newark, in 1876 in Menlo Park, and since 1887 he organized and headed his own invention center. Edison’s inventions include an improved Bell telephone and an incandescent lamp; in 1877, Edison invented a phonograph, which he improved in 1889; he also developed a lighting system, designed a rotary switch, a megaphone, an electric meter, a socket and base, a recorder, etc.

Edison introduced parallel switching of lamps into use, built extremely powerful electric generators for that time, and in 1881 launched the first thermal power plant for supplying electricity with an extensive network. Edison’s achievements also include: the invention of the railway brake, an apparatus for recording telephone conversations, alkali-iron-nickel batteries, and an improved cinematographic camera. It was Edison who came up with the idea of saying “Hello” when starting a telephone conversation. This word stuck and is still used today. In 1883, the inventor was the first to observe the phenomenon of thermionic emission (Edison effect). Edison has more than 1,000 patented inventions. The talented inventor Thomas Alva Edison died on October 18, 1931 at the age of 85 in West Orange (New Jersey, USA).

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Thomas Edison’s contribution to the development of world industry

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Thomas Edison, an American inventor and businessman, made significant contributions to the development of the world industry, particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of his key contributions include:

Electric Lighting System

Edison is perhaps best known for his work on the development of the practical electric light bulb. In 1879, he successfully demonstrated a long-lasting, practical incandescent light bulb, which marked a major advancement in lighting technology. This invention had a profound impact on industry, as it allowed factories and other workplaces to operate longer hours and more efficiently.

Electric Power Distribution

Edison also played a crucial role in the establishment of electric power distribution systems. He built the first power plant in New York City, known as the Pearl Street Station, in 1882. This power station supplied electricity to a concentrated area, paving the way for the widespread use of electric power in industries and homes.

Electricity Generation and Distribution Networks

Edison contributed to the development of the electrical grid. His vision included not only the creation of power plants but also the establishment of a network to distribute electricity over long distances. This laid the foundation for the modern electrical infrastructure that powers industries globally.

Motion Pictures

Edison was also a pioneer in the development of motion pictures. He invented the kinetoscope, a device for viewing moving pictures, and the kinetoscope parlors, where people could watch short films. While Edison’s contributions to the film industry were more on the technological side, they nonetheless had a significant impact on entertainment and later developments in the film industry.


Edison invented the phonograph, a device for recording and reproducing sound. This innovation had implications for the music industry and audio recording, laying the groundwork for the development of the modern music recording industry.

Research and Development Laboratory

Edison was one of the first inventors to establish a large-scale research and development laboratory. The Menlo Park laboratory, later followed by the West Orange laboratory, became a model for industrial research facilities. This approach to innovation contributed to the systematic development of new technologies and products.

Thomas Edison’s contributions to the development of industry were multi-faceted, spanning electricity, entertainment, and sound recording. His inventions and innovations not only improved industrial processes but also had a lasting impact on various aspects of daily life.

Wilhelm Maybach – deutscher Automobildesigner und Unternehmer


August Wilhelm Maybach wurde am 9. Februar 1846 in Heilbronn geboren. Als der Junge 8 Jahre alt war, zog seine Familie von Löwenstein nach Stuttgart. Und drei Jahre später wurde er Waise. Bis zu seinem dreizehnten Lebensjahr lebte er in einem Reutlinger Waisenhaus für Kinder aus armen Familien. In diesem Schutzraum erhielt Wilhelm Maybach den Beruf eines Zeichners und Designers. Mit fünfzehn Jahren begann er seine technische Ausbildung im Maschinenbauwerk Reutlingen. Etwas später trifft Maybach den Leiter des Maschinenwerks, Gottlieb Daimler. Gemeinsam interessierten sie sich für die Idee eines Transport-Verbrennungsmotors, der leichter und kleiner sein sollte als der im Werk produzierte stationäre. Doch ihre Idee fand keine Unterstützung. Um 1900 entwirft Maybach einen Mercedes-Wagen für den österreichischen Unternehmer und Generalkonsul Emil Jellinek. Dieses Fahrzeug war damals ein neues Wort in der Technologie. Bei der Entwicklung nutzt Maybach eigene Erfindungen: einen Kühler und ein Getriebe. Jellinek benennt das Modell nach seiner Tochter Mercedes. Und neun Jahre später gründete Wilhelm Maybach zusammen mit seinem Sohn Karl die Firma Maybach Motor Manufacturing in Bissingen an der Enz. Ihr Unternehmen produzierte in Friedrichshafen Zeppelin-Motoren und später Luxusautos. Wilhelm Maybach starb am 29. Dezember 1929 in Kanstatt (Landkreis Stuttgart, Deutschland) und wurde neben Gottlieb Daimler auf dem Kanstatter Friedhof Uff-Kirchhof beigesetzt. Die Automobilmarke Maybach gehört derzeit der Daimler AG.

Wilhelm Maybachs Beitrag zur Entwicklung der globalen Automobilindustrie

Erzeugt durch künstliche Intelligenz

Wilhelm Maybach war ein deutscher Ingenieur und Unternehmer, der einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Entwicklung der globalen Automobilindustrie geleistet hat. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Aspekte seines Beitrags:

Zusammenarbeit mit Gottlieb Daimler

Wilhelm Maybach arbeitete eng mit Gottlieb Daimler zusammen, einem weiteren prominenten deutschen Ingenieur. Gemeinsam gründeten sie die Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) im Jahr 1890. Diese Partnerschaft war entscheidend für die Entwicklung der ersten Hochgeschwindigkeitsbenzinmotoren.

Entwicklung von Hochleistungsmotoren

Maybach und Daimler konzentrierten sich darauf, leistungsstarke und effiziente Motoren zu entwickeln. Ihre Arbeit führte zur Schaffung des ersten V-Motors im Jahr 1889, der sich als wegweisend für die Automobilindustrie herausstellte.

Fahrzeugdesign und Innovation

Maybach trug dazu bei, fortschrittliche Fahrzeugdesigns zu entwickeln. Ein Meilenstein war das erste Vierrad-Fahrzeug, das von Daimler und Maybach im Jahr 1889 gebaut wurde. Dieses Fahrzeug legte den Grundstein für die moderne Automobilindustrie.

Maybach-Motoren in verschiedenen Fahrzeugen

Die von Maybach entwickelten Motoren fanden nicht nur in Autos Anwendung, sondern auch in anderen Fahrzeugtypen wie Booten und Luftschiffen. Dies trug dazu bei, die Vielseitigkeit und Nützlichkeit seiner Motoren zu zeigen.

Luxusautomobile und die Marke Maybach

Nach dem Tod von Daimler gründete Wilhelm Maybach zusammen mit seinem Sohn Karl Maybach die Maybach-Motoren GmbH. Das Unternehmen konzentrierte sich auf die Herstellung von Luxusautomobilen höchster Qualität. Die Marke Maybach wurde für ihre Exklusivität und Handwerkskunst bekannt.

Technologische Innovationen

Maybach war ein Pionier in der Einführung neuer Technologien. Sein Unternehmen entwickelte bahnbrechende Lösungen wie das “Stahlradgetriebe mit Vorwählautomatik” und den “Luftpresser für Druckluftbremsen”, die die Leistung und Sicherheit von Fahrzeugen verbesserten.

Wilhelm Maybachs Beitrag zur Automobilindustrie war also vielfältig und nachhaltig. Seine Arbeit legte nicht nur den Grundstein für die deutsche Automobilindustrie, sondern beeinflusste auch die Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen weltweit.

Neuheiten von Maybach

Die kostbare Einzigartigkeit des Mercedes–Maybach GLS

Die Lackierung der Karosserie in zwei Farben ist traditionell der Hauptunterschied zwischen Luxus-Premiumautos. Der neue Mercedes-Maybach GLS ist in sechs Farbkombinationen erhältlich. Die Grenze zwischen der oberen und unteren Farbgebung wird durch eine filigrane Linie dezent betont.

Hauptmerkmale des Autos

Absoluter Luxus GLS 600
Der edle Mercedes-Maybach-Kühlergrill mit seinen schlanken Vertikalstreben sorgt für einen beeindruckenden ersten Eindruck. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen Ihnen zahlreiche exklusive Ausstattungen und ein luxuriöses Panoramadach, den ultimativen automobilen Luxus auf vier exklusiven Einzelsitzen in vollen Zügen zu erleben.

Новый Mercedes Maybach GLS 600

Christian Dior – créateur de mode français

Le chemin de la vie

Christian Dior est né le 21 janvier 1905 à Granville (France), dans une famille aisée. Quand Christian avait 6 ans, sa famille s’installe à Paris. Christian a fait ses études à la maison puis a été envoyé à l’École libre de sciences politiques pour se préparer à une carrière de diplomate. Mais cette activité n’attirait pas le garçon, il préférait les musées, la musique et la peinture. En 1928, lui et un ami ouvrent une galerie d’art. Elle a existé pendant environ trois ans et a été fermée en raison du décès de sa mère et de la maladie du père de Christian, car c’était son père qui la finançait. Christian commence alors à vendre ses croquis de chapeaux et de robes, qui connaissent un grand succès. En 1941, il travaille déjà pour la célèbre maison de couture parisienne Lucien Lelong. En 1942, Dior ouvre un laboratoire de parfums, à partir duquel naîtra plus tard la célèbre entreprise de parfums Christian Dior.

Dior a toujours considéré le parfum comme faisant partie intégrante de l’image de la femme.

En 1946, il ouvre sa propre maison de couture et crée la collection New Look, inhabituellement féminine, qui conquiert l’Europe et l’Amérique, confirmant le titre de « capitale mondiale de la mode » à Paris. Depuis 1953, Dior produit également des chaussures, créant ainsi le look Dior complet.

Dans les années 1950, la maison de couture de Christian Dior était la plus grande et la plus rentable de Paris. Christian Dior a autorisé ses créations et elles ont été vendues sous sa marque. Le célèbre couturier Christian Dior est décédé le 24 octobre 1957 à l’âge de 52 ans en Italie des suites d’une crise cardiaque. Il y a un musée Christian Dior dans sa maison de Granville.

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Le rôle de Christian Dior dans le développement de la mode

Christian Dior était un créateur de mode français qui a joué un rôle clé dans le développement de la mode mondiale. Son influence sur l’industrie de la mode peut se résumer ainsi :

Nouvelle féminité : En 1947, Christian Dior présente sa première collection « New Look », devenue un symbole de la mode d’après-guerre. La collection présentait des silhouettes sophistiquées et féminines, notamment des tailles cintrées, des jupes évasées et des tissus riches. Il donne un nouveau style à la mode féminine et met l’accent sur la féminité et le luxe.

Variété des collections : Christian Dior a introduit un système de collections saisonnières, introduisant de nouveaux modèles chaque saison. Cela a contribué à la mise à jour régulière des tendances de la mode et a stimulé la demande de nouveaux modèles.

Introduction du prêt-à-porter : Dior devient également l’un des premiers créateurs à créer une ligne de prêt-à-porter, rendant la mode accessible à un public plus large. Cela a changé la façon dont les gens achetaient et portaient la mode.

Utilisation de matériaux de haute qualité : Dior a toujours attaché une grande importance au choix de tissus et de matières de qualité pour ses collections, ce qui rend ses vêtements particulièrement luxueux.

Influence sur le style mondial : Le travail de Christian Dior a eu une énorme influence sur la mode mondiale et a inspiré d’autres créateurs. Son style légendaire reste d’actualité et inspire la mode encore aujourd’hui.

Christian Dior est considéré comme l’une des figures les plus importantes et les plus influentes de l’histoire de la mode, et ses contributions à l’industrie de la mode se perpétuent à travers sa marque Dior et ses adeptes.

James Watt – Scottish scientist, inventor of the steam engine

Life path

James Watt was born on January 19, 1736 in Scotland, in Greenock near Glasgow. His father sent him to London so that James could learn plumbing. In one year, he mastered a 7-year program and, returning home, began working as a mechanic at the University of Glasgow. Having met the physicists J. Black and J. Robinson, Watt took part in their experiments to determine the heat of vaporization. At that time, it was very popular to create steam engines, among which by that time there were the “fire engine” of the Frenchman D. Papin, the steam water lift of T. Severi, and the steam-atmospheric engine of T. Newcomen. Watt begins to improve the steam engine.

James Watt was the first to ensure that the steam did not cool inside the cylinder, otherwise condensation would form and the efficiency of the machine would decrease. Watt’s machine used excess steam pressure, which improved efficiency and reduced the size of the installation (this feature was patented in 1768). The engineer’s work attracted the interest of manufacturer Matthew Bolton, who owned a metalworking plant in Soho near Birmingham, and he entered into a partnership agreement with Watt. In 1782, Watt created the first double-acting steam engine. Bolton had the idea to measure engine power in horsepower, and the unit of power was named after Watt – the Watt. Until the end of the century, the Bolton and Watt company was a monopolist in England in the production of steam engines.

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Watt’s steam engine played a big role in the industrial revolution and the transition to machine production. In addition, Watt also owned other inventions and discoveries: a mercury manometer, water measuring glass in boilers, copying ink, and a pressure indicator. James Watt died on August 19, 1819 in Heathfield near Birmingham (England).

The role of the steam engine in economic development

Let’s look at the history of one invention, the steam engine, to see how innovation transformed more than just factory processes. First invented in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen, the steam engine was a cumbersome, slow and inefficient machine. Although it consumed an exorbitant amount of fuel, it still marked a breakthrough in making it possible to use coal, previously used only as a heat source, to create mechanical movement. Over the next 75 years, steam engines increased productivity in mining and blacksmithing, but were rarely used in factories because they were too weak and inefficient to replace water-lifting wheels. Then in the 1770s. James Watt improved the basic steam engine, making it much more efficient and capable of providing continuous and uniform rotational motion. The Watt engine became (literally) the main driving force in British factories in the 19th century. Then, starting in the 1830s, new and improved high-pressure engines appeared. Lighter and more powerful, these new engines were used not only in factories, but also in railroads, shipping, mining, military ships, and agricultural and construction equipment. In other words, the steam engine was not just a single, isolated invention, and its influence was not limited to factories alone. Rather, the uses of the steam engine continually multiplied and changed over the two centuries from 1712 to 1900, and factories were just one of the places where Watt’s invention contributed to changes in the economy.

It is important to understand what was truly revolutionary and what was a gradual adaptation of steam engines to industry and transportation. At its core, the steam engine was a unique breakthrough in human history, almost as important as the discovery of fire. Before steam engines, people relied on wind, water, and muscle power for everything that required mechanical energy. Burning coal or wood provided heat, but was useless for moving objects. The steam engine made it possible to use the burning of wood or coal to create mechanical motion, thereby enormously expanding the number of useful things that people could do with the help of fire. Fire was now not only a source of heat and light, but also mechanical energy for pumping water, lifting heavy loads, moving goods by land and water, and operating factory equipment.

The use of the steam engine in coal mines contributed to a dramatic increase in coal production at low prices, and the availability of cheap coal for fuel encouraged the spread of steam engines to all areas of the economy so that energy from coal could be used in all kinds of mechanical processes. Thus, the combination of steam engines and coal power made it possible to break down all the existing barriers to energy consumption in past societies. The eminent economist E. A. Wrigley called this change a transition from an organic economy (in which all energy was obtained from wind, water and living things) to an inorganic economy (in which energy sources became largely inorganic, mainly coal, but also oil and gas). This was one of the greatest transitions in human history.

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But although the development of steam traction turned out to be revolutionary in its impact, it was not a one-time, sudden event. More precisely, more energy resources gradually became available as the steam engine was improved and applied to more and more activities; and such development took almost two centuries! In short, when we look back today and compare the use of steam engines (and trains and steamships) and the output of goods such as cotton cloth, iron and coal produced by steam engines in 1900 with what they had in 1700 g., we see that the Industrial Revolution is staggering in its scope and depth of impact. However, for people living in the 17th and 18th centuries, when these changes first began to occur, their progress was so slow that it was practically not felt by the majority of the population.

Just as the steam engine was used not only in factories, but also in mining, transportation and agriculture, a huge number of other innovations that revolutionized economic life occurred in areas that had nothing to do with factories. Here are just a few examples: the process of resurfacing roads with crushed stone has incredibly increased the speed and safety of horse-drawn vehicles. The use of iron in the construction of bridges and canals opened up new prospects for road construction and shipping. The invention of the telegraph changed the speed of communication in the 19th century. All these changes tied Britain together and allowed it to forge new connections with the rest of the world, making the movement of goods and messages faster and cheaper.

Thus, the emergence of industrial plants was only part of the massive changes in processes and technologies that transformed economic life in the two centuries after 1700.

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Electric cars: history and modern trends

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on electric vehicles.

Top questions searched about EVs 2023, US

How much does it cost to charge an electric car?

Here’s something we are bound to miss about our gas-guzzlers: Filling up is simple math. Most drivers understand how much a tank will cost, and the volatility over time is almost entirely a function of local fuel prices. Though charging EVs is generally much cheaper, figuring out how much it costs is more complicated for two big reasons.
First, a lot goes into both the rate at which you’re billed and how much charge you need. That includes what kind of car you drive, where you live, whether you use home or public chargers, what time of day you charge, and even the weather. That’s very different from pulling up to a gas station in your Corolla to a number on a price sign.

Second, and more importantly, this is a whole new world. You may not know the difference between energy and power, level 2 and 3 chargers, or time-of-use (ToU) and flat rate. And there’s no shame in that because if you’re like most people, you’ve never needed to know much about how electricity works, how it is priced, and why.

That’s about to change. An underappreciated aspect of our movement toward mass adoption of EVs is the fundamental shift we can expect in how we understand electricity. And I don’t mean just as a society—I mean as individuals going about our day-to-day business.

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Why are electric cars better than petrol and how do they work?

There are, of course, differences between a traditional fossil fuel-powered vehicle and an EV, and most of them are under the hood.

The first major difference is the car’s motor. In a petrol vehicle, there is an internal combustion engine (ICE) that works on the principle when a mixture of fuel and air is compressed and ignited, an explosion is created.

In a very simplistic way, the energy from this explosion is then used to power the engine and move the vehicle forward. In an electric car, on the other hand, the motor is electric and works using electromagnets.

The second difference is, of course, the battery. To supply electricity to the motor and allow it to operate, electric vehicles are equipped with batteries. These are mainly based on lithium-ion technology, similar to what is inside your mobile phone.

The final key piece is the inverter. The current delivered by the battery is a direct current, but the motor, like your hairdryer, needs alternating current to operate. And that’s exactly what the inverter does, turning direct current into alternating current.

How long does it take to charge an electric car?

The time it takes to charge an electric car can be as little as 30 minutes or more than 12 hours. This depends on the size of the battery and the speed of the charging point.

  • A typical electric car (60kWh battery) takes just under 8 hours to charge from empty-to-full with a 7kW charging point.
  • Most drivers top up charge rather than waiting for their battery to recharge from empty-to-full.
  • For many electric cars, you can add up to 100 miles of range in ~35 minutes with a 50kW rapid charger.
  • The bigger your car’s battery and the slower the charging point, the longer it takes to charge from empty to full.

When was the first electric car made?

The concept of electric cars dates back to the early 19th century, but the first practical electric car was built in the late 19th century. The creation of the first electric car is often attributed to Thomas Davenport, an American inventor, who built a small electric vehicle in 1834.

However, it was in the late 1870s and early 1880s that electric cars began to gain some popularity. In 1888, Flocken Elektrowagen, a German inventor named Thomas Parker, and his British counterparts developed electric carriages. Charles Fritts, an American inventor, created the first working solar cell in 1883, which had the potential to power electric vehicles using sunlight.

Nonetheless, it was around the late 19th and early 20th centuries that electric cars gained some traction, particularly for urban transportation. The Fritchle Electric Car Company, founded in 1905, is an example of an early electric car manufacturer.

Electric cars faced competition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and the latter became dominant due to factors like longer range and the ease of refueling with gasoline. Electric cars experienced a resurgence in the late 20th century and have become increasingly popular in the 21st century, thanks to advancements in battery technology and environmental concerns.

How long do electric car batteries last?

How Long Do Electric Car Batteries Last

Buying a battery can set you back by a hefty sum, but in most cases, you won’t have to make that purchase at all. Generally, EV car batteries last from 10 to 20 years. Certain factors like heat, cold, or swift charging times can negatively affect that and reduce performance. Manufacturers have already included protective measures like thermal management systems and charging restrictions. Plus, you always get a warranty that covers the repairs if need be.

Every electric car battery will face degradation. Though it is inevitable, you should not worry too much. Manufacturers are trying to do everything possible to improve the life cycle and preserve top performance. So, whenever you buy an EV, you can expect your battery to work for quite some time.

Top searched EV brands 2023, US

  1. Tesla

  2. Chevrolet

  3. Ford

  4. Toyota

  5. Kia

Top searched public EV-chargers 2023, US

  1. Tesla chargers

  2. Chargepoint

  3. EVgo

  4. Electrify America

  5. Volta


Electric cars have a long history dating back to the early 19th century when inventors like Thomas Davenport and Thomas Parker created some of the earliest electric vehicles. However, electric cars gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with manufacturers like the Fritchle Electric Car Company producing them for urban transportation.

Despite their early promise, electric cars faced competition from gasoline-powered vehicles, which became dominant due to factors like longer range and easy refueling. Electric cars largely faded from the mainstream until a resurgence in the late 20th century and early 21st century.

Modern electric cars benefit from advancements in battery technology, offering longer ranges and improved performance. Environmental concerns, along with government incentives, have spurred the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Major automakers now produce a range of electric models, and charging infrastructure is expanding to support their growth.

Today, electric cars are a significant trend in the automotive industry, with growing popularity due to their reduced environmental impact and advancements in technology that make them more practical for everyday use.

Гроші – особливий товар, який виражає вартість інших товарів

Поняття грошей

Гроші є універсальним засобом обігу, що використовується для купівлі та продажу товарів і послуг. Вони виконують роль міри вартості, що дозволяє порівнювати ціни різних товарів та послуг, а також засіб зберігання вартості. Ліквідність грошей визначається тим, наскільки швидко вони можуть бути перетворені в інші блага або послуги без значного зниження їх вартості. Гроші з’явилися як результат історичного розвитку господарства, коли була необхідність у зручному засобі обміну, який був би загальноприйнятним і дозволяв би зменшити витрати на транспортування, зберігання і обмін товарів.

Гроші, на відміну від інших товарів, не втрачають своєї цінності після того, як вони були використані для придбання іншого товару або послуги. Гроші можуть бути використані знову і знову в інших операціях купівлі-продажу, тим самим надаючи зручність та ефективність взаємодії між продавцями та покупцями. Це дозволяє людям використовувати гроші як засіб збереження вартості, оскільки вони можуть зберігати гроші і використовувати їх пізніше для покупки інших товарів або послуг.

Сучасні гроші виступають у формі банкнот і монет, які випускаються центральним банком чи державою, які зобов’язані приймати їх як законний засіб платежу на території своєї юрисдикції. Гроші, які мають номінальну вартість, фактично не мають самостійної вартості і виступають лише як еквівалент інших товарів і послуг, які можуть бути придбані з їх допомогою.

Цінні метали, такі як золото чи срібло, які колись використовувалися в якості грошей, зараз використовуються як інвестиційні товари, але не як повноцінні засоби платежу. Роль грошей зараз виконують цифрові форми платежів, такі як кредитні та дебетові картки, електронні гроші, криптовалюти тощо.

Чаклунство грошей

Це правда, гроші можуть зачаровувати людей і змушувати їх шукати способи отримати їх за будь-яку ціну. Проте, важливо розуміти, що гроші – це тільки засіб, а не мета. Гроші можуть забезпечити комфорт і розваги, але вони не можуть забезпечити щастя і задоволення. Людина повинна шукати радість в різноманітності життя та відносинах з близькими людьми, а не тільки в матеріальних благах.

Щодо того, як крутити грошима, то варто звернути увагу на раціональне планування та ефективне управління фінансами. Слід планувати свої витрати, вести облік доходів та витрат, уникати непотрібних витрат та зайвих кредитів, інвестувати в дохідні активи, а не витрачати гроші на різноманітні непотрібні речі. Досвідчені фінансові консультанти та експерти можуть допомогти в цьому плані.

Технологія збільшення грошей

Усі люди живуть по-різному. Як то кажуть, живемо, як можемо, а можемо, як живемо. Всім відомо, що маленькі гроші приходять насилу, а великі гроші привертають малою працею. Через маленькі гроші люди страждають, для них вони працюють. Великими грошима крутять люди, які використовують собі на благо закони їх залучення. А саме, закон вдячності та подяки грошам, закон відповідної поведінки, закон дозволу собі бути багатим, закон відкритості для можливості створення грошей, закон отримання задоволення від життя.

Дійсно, закони грошей дуже важливі, і використання їх на свою користь може призвести до значного збагачення.

Використання грошей

Гроші – єдиний товар, який не можна використовувати інакше, окрім як звільнитися від них. Вони не нагодують вас, не одягнуть, не дадуть притулку і не розважать доти, доки ви не інвестуєте їх. І люди вигадують найбільш вправні способи витратити гроші.

“Просто роздати і розтратити гроші, а ось витрачати на те, що потрібно, стільки, скільки потрібно, коли, заради чого і як слід, здатний не кожен, і це не просто” (Арістотель).

Тобто важливо не те, скільки ти заробляєш, а на кого та на що витрачаєш.

Так, саме на кого та на що ми витрачаємо наші гроші є ключовим фактором нашого благополуччя і задоволення життям. Якщо ми витрачаємо гроші на речі та послуги, які нам дійсно потрібні і які нас радують, то ми можемо відчувати задоволення і бути щасливішими. Але якщо ми витрачаємо гроші на речі, які не принесуть нам довготривалої користі та радості, то можемо почувати розчарування та незадоволення. Тому важливо витрачати наші гроші розумно та з метою підвищення нашого благополуччя.

Гроші і мораль

Важливо розуміти, що гроші не є єдиним ключем до щастя. Зазвичай, коли люди мають досить грошей, щоб забезпечити собі базові потреби і трішки розваг, додаткові гроші не допомагають значно покращити якість життя. Здоров’я, родина, друзі, цікаві заняття та досягнення – все це має більшу вагу, ніж гроші.

Тому, важливо не забувати, що гроші – це не все, і кожен має свої власні пріоритети та цінності. Якщо використовувати закони грошей правильно та з розумінням, вони можуть стати інструментом для досягнення бажаного рівня життя. Однак, важливо не дозволяти грошам займати занадто багато місця в житті і пам’ятати про те, що є інші аспекти життя, які теж потребують нашої уваги та зусиль.

Гроші позбавляють людину від бажань, а бажання – від грошей …

“Я знаю одну річ: за гроші не можна купити щастя. Але мені зрозуміло одне: гарантії, що я буду щасливий без грошей, так само немає” (Джон Каленч).

Люди майже все зроблять для грошей і гроші майже все зроблять для людей.
Гроші – це чарівна загадка, що повторюється, змінює маски.

Дійсно, гроші можуть мати різні значення для різних людей. Для деяких вони можуть бути символом успіху і визнання, для інших – засобом виживання і задоволення базових потреб, а для інших – просто предметом, який має певну цінність.

Гроші можуть допомогти забезпечити багато зручностей і можливостей, які допоможуть людині жити комфортним і повноцінним життям. Однак вони також можуть стати причиною багатьох проблем і незадоволення, особливо якщо їх використання не розумно і відповідально.

Тому важливо бути обережними з грошима і збалансовано використовувати їх, не допускаючи, щоб вони позбавили нас наших бажань і цінностей. В кінці кінців, гроші мають слугувати людям, а не навпаки.

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