In a small town, nestled among green hills, lived a young athlete named Andriy. He dreamed of becoming a champion in track and field, training every day and giving his all to his beloved sport. His goal was clear: to win a gold medal at the national championships. Andriy began his journey in sports as […]
Breathing Method to Calm the Heart Rate
Breath Respiration (Latin: respiratio) is the main form of dissimilation in animals, plants and many microorganisms. Respiration is a physiological process that ensures the normal course of metabolism (metabolism and energy) of living organisms and helps maintain homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) by receiving oxygen (O2) from the environment and releasing some of the […]
NBA All-Star Weekend 🏀 February 15, 2024
This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on NBA All-Star Weekend. Daily Quiz Which NBA Conference was more searched in the US over the past month Eastern Conference or Western Conference? NBA All-Star Weekend Searches for “free all star weekend events” spiked +250% in the US over the past week […]
Super Bowl LVIII February 2024
This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on Super Bowl LVIII. Super Bowl LVIII all data is past week in the US unless otherwise noted Super Bowl Suite was the top trending Super Bowl topic, and searches for “super bowl suite cost” spiked +1,200% “spongebob super bowl” spiked […]
NFL Divisional Round 🏈 January 2024
This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on the NFL Divisional Round. NFL Divisional Round The top trending topic related to the NFL Divisional Round over the past week in the US is 49ers-Packers rivalry Searches for “coldest games in nfl history” spiked +900% in the US over […]
Qigong. Learning to stand
Standing up Lin Houcheng, Luo Peiyu Translation by A. Alexandrov “Pillar standing” goes back to the ancient system of Dachengquai. It is divided into two directions: “standing as a pillar of nurturing life” and “combat pillar”. The first of them is described below. “Pillar standing” is a healing, health-improving and strengthening technique based on the […]
Cristiano Ronaldo – jogador de futebol português
Caminho da vida Cristiano Ronaldo (porto. Cristiano Ronaldo) nasceu em 5 de fevereiro de 1985 na ilha da Madeira (Portugal), no seio de uma família numerosa, recebendo ao nascer o nome de Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. Decidiu-se nomear o filho mais novo em homenagem ao presidente americano Ronald Reagan, por quem o chefe da […]