Emphasizes the value of saving money It suggests that by saving even a small amount of money, you are essentially adding to your overall wealth and financial resources. The proverb highlights the importance of frugality and the benefits of not wasting or spending money unnecessarily. It suggests that the act of saving money is equivalent […]
Better safe than sorry(God protects the safe)
It is wiser to take precautions and be careful in order to avoid potential negative consequences or regret It emphasizes the importance of being proactive and considering potential risks before making decisions or taking actions. By adopting a mindset of “better safe than sorry,” individuals prioritize safety, preparedness, and risk management. They recognize that it […]
Do not worry. Be happy. Now. Here and now
“Don’t worry, be happy” is a famous quote from the song by Bobby McFerrin, and it’s a great philosophy to adopt in life Focusing on the present moment, cultivating gratitude, and finding joy in the little things can help to reduce worry and increase happiness. Remember to take care of yourself, seek support when needed, […]
Between two extremes one always finds a better solution
This idea aligns with the concept of compromise and the belief that finding a middle ground can lead to better outcomes In many situations, extreme positions can be polarizing and may overlook important nuances or alternative perspectives. By considering a range of viewpoints and exploring options that lie between the extremes, it becomes possible to […]
Small deeds done are better than great planes
The phrase “Small deeds done are better than great planes” appears to be a variation of the commonly known saying, “Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” The meaning behind this proverbial wisdom is that taking action and accomplishing small tasks or goals is more valuable than merely conceptualizing or planning grandiose actions […]
If you sleep now, you will dream. If you study now, your will live your dream
Preface Dreaming is a natural part of the sleep cycle and occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. Dreams can be influenced by various factors, including your experiences, emotions, and thoughts. However, simply going to sleep does not guarantee that you will have a dream related to your aspirations or goals. On […]
Don’t tell people about your dream, show them your results
Results and actions that speak the loudest Here are a few reasons why showing results can be more impactful than simply talking about your dreams: Demonstrates Commitment Taking action and showing results demonstrate your commitment and dedication to your dreams. It shows that you are not just talking about your aspirations but actively working towards […]
The distance between dream and reality…
Taking action is the process of translating dreams into tangible steps and making progress towards their achievement Indeed, the distance between a dream and reality is bridged by taking action. Dreams are aspirations, visions, or goals that exist in the realm of imagination and desire. However, without action, they remain abstract and unrealized. It involves […]
What is important now? Let’s think together
Determining what is important now can depend on various factors, including individual circumstances and priorities. However, here are a few general areas that are often considered important in the present moment: Well-being Prioritizing physical and mental well-being is crucial. This includes taking care of your physical health through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest. […]
If you never try, you will never now
Importance of taking action and embracing new experiences in order to gain knowledge, understanding, and personal growth By choosing not to try something, whether it’s pursuing a new opportunity, stepping out of one’s comfort zone, or taking a risk, individuals limit their potential for learning and discovering new possibilities. Without making an attempt, they remain […]