March Beauty Report. Published April 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on hair, nails and skincare trends.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz

Which is more searched in the US over the last month?

modern french manicure or micro french manicure?

Beauty Report

All data is based on March 2024 in the US, unless otherwise stated

  • Search interest in “nail charms” reached a record high in March 2024 with “hello kitty nail charms” being a breakout search

  • “bubble bath square round nails” more than tripled, reaching an all time high in March

  • curly hair routine” hit an all-time high March 2024

  • asian mullet” hit an all-time high in the US in March 2024

  • bardot bangs” and “wispy curtain bangs” were the top trending types of bangs

  • REFY Lash Sculpt was the top trending mascara

  • Search interest in “boyfriend blush” more than tripled

  • Search interest in “perfume to bed” rose +275%

  • “broccoli freckles” was a breakout search, and the top trending freckles search

GRAPH: Historically, “long nails” has been searched more but in 2023, “short nails” have begun to surpass “long nails”


Top trending nail design

March 2024, US

  1. Butterfly nails

  2. French tips with design

  3. Tulip nail design

  4. Cloud nail design

  5. Palm tree nail design

Top trending hair cuts / hair styles

March 2024, US

  1. Friar tuck

  2. French crop

  3. Takuache

  4. Wolf cut

  5. Cornrows

Trending hair clips

March 2024, US

  1. Flower claw clips

  2. Coraline hair clips

  3. Miffy hair clips

  4. Butterfly hair clip

  5. Bride hair clip

Trending makeup styles

March 2024, US

  1. Strawberry makeup

  2. Prom makeup

  3. Trad goth makeup

  4. Mob wife makeup

  5. Clean girl makeup

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


with Sabrina Elfarra and Katie Seaton

Fashion Month Round-Up. March 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on Fashion Month.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz

Which Fashion Week was searched more in Denmark in the past month?

Paris Fashion Week or Copenhagen Fashion Week?

Fashion Week

  • Street style is the top trending topic searched with fashion in the US in the past 12 months

  • Coquette aesthetic is the top trending aesthetic searched in the past month and “coquette dress” searches reached an all-time high in February 2024 in the US

  • Ashanti was the top trending person searched with Fashion Week and Balmain was the top trending designer brand in the past month

  • Max Mara coat is the top trending apparel search query in the Fashion & Style category in the past month

Big Four fashion weeks, ranked

past month, global

  1. Paris Fashion Week

  2. Milan Fashion Week

  3. New York Fashion Week

  4. London Fashion Week

Top trending fashion week shows

past month, global

  1. Louis Vuitton

  2. Lacoste

  3. Alexander McQueen

  4. Valentino

  5. Balenciaga

Top trending fashion week looks

past month, global

  1. Nude look

  2. Leather jacket street style

  3. Western

  4. Linen

  5. Layered gold chains

Top trending fashion week brands and designers*

past month, global

  1. Louis Vuitton

  2. Victoria Beckham

  3. Givenchy

  4. Valentino

  5. Chanel

Top trending fashion week attendees and models*

Past month, global

  1. Bianca Censori

  2. Damso

  3. Olivia Wilde

  4. Sam Smith

  5. Karina

*Data includes searches for all fashion weeks

Top searched fashion styles

Past month, global

  1. Acubi

  2. 70s

  3. Boho

  4. Italian

  5. 1990s

MAP: Most Searched Fashion Weeks by state (past month)

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: Paris Fashion Week

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


With Sabrina Elfarra

Lifestyle and beauty trends January 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on entertainment, lifestyle and beauty trends from January 2024.

Top Trends

  • Virginia was the top state searching “pier” in the past day after news broke of a car driving off of the Virginia Beach pier

  • Italian actress Sandra Milo was the top trending search in the past day worldwide, following her passing

  • Searches for “rain and snow mixed” rose +450% in the past day

  • lauren boebert polls” was a breakout search in the past day

  • What is a stinger in football” was the top trending “what” search in the past day

Find more daily top Trends here >>

Daily Quiz 

What was searched more so far in January

resolution or goal?

The questions
Trending questions in January 2024, US


All data based on January 2024, US

  • “Iowa caucus results” was the top trending News search in the past month

  • Car donation was the top trending “donation” search topic in the past month

  • “school closings near me” searches rose +2,000% across the US in the past month

GRAPH: Search interest in “why is it so cold” is currently at a record high in January 2024 in the US


All data based on January 2024, US

  • Search interest in “japan to vegas” reached a five-year high January 2024

  • The top trending search about Vanderpump Rules is “vanderpump tiger”

  • “How to watch Dolphins Chiefs” was the top trending “how to watch”

Trending TV shows

  1. Fool Me Once

  2. Loudermilk

  3. True Detective

  4. The Bear

  5. White Lotus

Trending songs

  1.  yes and?

  2. American Idiot

  3. Tha Crossroads

  4. Auld Lang Syne

  5. Lovin on Me


All data based on January 2024, US

  • shop personalized heart bracelets is the top trending shopping search

  • “how to make snow ice cream” is the top trending “how to make” search

  • super bowl logo conspiracy theory is the top trending theory search

Trending “trends”

  1. Mob wife trend

  2. I think I like this little life trend

  3. Nose cover trend

  4. Loud budgeting trend

  5. Grape trend

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: goal

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


With Sabrina Elfarra

Огляд ринку фрилансу в Україні в 2023 році

У 2023 році ринок фрилансу в Україні стабільно зростав: побільшало як фрилансерів з різними спеціалізаціями, так і замовників. Сервіс Freelancehunt розповів, які спеціалісти були найзатребуванішими та за які проєкти замовники були готові платити багато грошей.

За даними Freelancehunt, кількість замовників у 2023 році зросла на 14% проти 12% у 2022 році. Відповідно, зросла й кількість проєктів — на 18%. Зокрема, підвищився попит на послуги фрилансерів серед підприємців у сфері ІТ та онлайн-продуктів. Також зросли бюджети проєктів, що свідчить про стабільність і розвиток ринку фрилансу.

Найпопулярніші категорії замовлень

Як і в минулі роки, у 2023-му фрилансери найчастіше виконували проєкти в таких категоріях:

  • дизайн та арт — 28,9%;
  • робота з текстами — 19,7%;
  • програмування — 19,2%.

Також на 31,3% побільшало виконавців у категорії «Написання сценаріїв», на 29,2% — «Редактура та коректура». Дизайнери віддають перевагу дизайну мобільних застосунків, розробці шрифтів та створенню інфографіки.

Найбільш численні категорії фрилансерів за 2022 та 2023 роки

У «Програмуванні» частка від загальної кількості проєктів становить 32,4% проти торішніх 35,3%, у «Роботі з текстами» — 13% проти 15,1% у 2022. Частка «Дизайну та арту», навпаки, зросла з 22,8% до 23,7%.

У деяких категоріях частка проєктів зменшилася через стрімке зростання інших категорій, наприклад: «Аудіо та відео» (7,1%), «Аутсорсинг і консалтинг» (4,7%), «Просування» (11,7%).

Найпопулярніші категорії опублікованих проєктів на фрилансі

Читайте також: Як фрилансерам працювати з клієнтами з-за кордону?

Середні бюджети на проєкти

Паралельно зі зростанням кількості проєктів збільшуються й бюджети замовників рік до року:

  • дизайн та арт — на 18%;
  • просування — на 15,6%;
  • аудіо та відео — на 4,8%;
  • аутсорсинг і консалтинг — на 3,4%.
Бюджети на фрилансі за категоріями

Читайте також: Як замовники обирають фрилансерів та визначають бюджет проєкту: дослідження Freelancehunt

На які проєкти шукають програмістів

За даними Freelancehunt, цьогоріч помітно зростала кількість замовлень для фахівців з програмування. Найбільше замовлень було в таких напрямах:

  • Python — зростання бюджетів на 37,6%.
  • JavaScript — на 41,4%.
  • розроблення ботів — на 41,1%.
  • створення інтернет-магазинів— на 96,1%.
  • створення сайтів під ключ — на 39,9%.
  • розробка під Android — на 51,5%.
  • розробка під iOS — на 55,2%.

За прогнозами, в наступні кілька років підприємці та стартапи інвестуватимуть більше ресурсу в залучення розробників саме на проєктній основі. Це зумовлено глобальною економічною кризою, необхідністю оптимізувати витрати та явними перевагами проєктної співпраці.

Затребувані проєкти в дизайні 

У категорії дизайну зросли бюджети проєктів у таких категоріях:

  • розроблення логотипів — бюджет збільшився на 64%;
  • дизайн сайтів — на 63%;
  • розроблення фірмового стилю — на 91%.

Це свідчить про попит на відповідних фахівців.

Також затребуваними були фрилансери, що спеціалізуються на дизайні інтер’єру. Бюджети таких проєктів зросли на 153% рік до року. Це може бути пов’язано з тим, що у 2023 році більшість фахівців перейшли в онлайн-формат співпраці.

Читайте також: Тренди українського фрилансу-2023: прогноз від Freelancehunt

Попит на SEO-копірайтерів знизився

Як зазначають у Freelancehunt, у 2022 році копірайтери та перекладачі на фрилансі мали шалений попит. Підприємцям потрібні були тексти різного формату, щоб адаптуватися до нових реалій або з нуля перейти з офлайну в онлайн. Наразі більшість завдань, пов’язаних з текстами, підприємці закрили, тому попит на цих фахівців зменшився.

SEO-копірайтери на фрилансі також стали менш затребуваними, оскільки написання статей для пошукових систем все частіше делегують штучному інтелекту.

Зріс попит на обробку відео

Відеоконтент є трендом найближчих років. І вже зараз на Freelancehunt зросли бюджети на такі проєкти, як обробка відео, аудіо та відеомонтаж, відеореклама.

Яна Жданова

What is Cornerstone Content? Plus Tips and Examples

What is cornerstone content, and how can it help improve your search rankings?

You’ve likely heard the term “cornerstone content” being thrown around as you look for SEO and content marketing tips. But what exactly is cornerstone content, and why is it essential for your SEO strategy?

In this article, we will explain cornerstone content, why it’s important, and even show you how to create it!

What is Cornerstone Content (Plus Examples)?

Cornerstone content, sometimes called pillar content, refers to the foundational set of web pages or articles on your website. These are typically comprehensive, in-depth, and highly informative, covering core topics central to your site’s overall subject or theme.

Creating cornerstone content is a powerful content marketing strategy with phenomenal results.

Cornerstone content serves several important purposes in SEO and content marketing. Typical examples include:

  • Authority and expertise: Cornerstone content helps you establish topical authority. It also helps you better showcase your expertise. Both are important elements in meeting Google’s E-E-A-T quality standards.
  • Improved crawling: Creating cornerstone content helps you create a more optimized internal linking structure. This improves crawling by search bots and boosts your SEO.
  • Improved indexing: When search engines identify your cornerstone content, they can better index it for relevant search terms.

If you want to up your SEO game, then cornerstone content must be part of your content strategy.

Characteristics of Cornerstone Content

Before you create your cornerstone content strategy, it’s important to know what type of content constitutes cornerstone content. Here are a few characteristics of cornerstone content:

  • Relevant: Covers a topic that is central to your niche or industry.
  • Comprehensive: Provides in-depth information, often serving as the ultimate guide on the subject.
  • Evergreen: The content remains relevant and valuable over time.
  • Naturally connects to other pages: Cornerstone content often links to and from other related articles on your website, creating a web of internal links.

Before we proceed, let’s quickly look at an example of cornerstone content to give you an idea of what it looks like. Let’s look at WPBeginner’s How to Start a WordPress Blog in 2023 (Beginner’s Guide). Here are some of the topics covered in the blog:

Example of cornerstone content on WPBeginner.

A closer look at the site will show that each of the topics covered is an individual blog post. They all form a cluster around the primary article.

The Importance of Cornerstone Content for SEO

The important role of cornerstone content in SEO can’t be overstated. Here are a few reasons why it’s crucial:

Improved Search Rankings

Well-structured cornerstone content can boost your site’s search engine rankings, especially for competitive keywords. One reason for this is that cornerstone content often covers a topic comprehensively.

Another reason is the strategic internal links built to and from the content. These help search engines better crawl and index your site and understand the relationships between different pages.

Enhanced User Experience

Cornerstone content provides visitors with comprehensive information, making their experience more valuable. This can lead to longer visits, reduced bounce rates, and increased user engagement.

Authority Building

Cornerstone content provides the best opportunity to build topical authority. It’s an excellent tool for establishing your website as a go-to source for information in your niche. This results in your brand gaining the trust of both users and search engines. It also boosts your brand awareness.

With authority and trust being the currency of the internet, gaining these is crucial to your success as a publisher or business owner.

Internal Linking: The Key to Optimizing Cornerstone Content in WordPress

Cornerstone content never stands alone. It should have other smaller pieces of content linking to it. Called topic clusters, these are articles that each focus and go in-depth on each subtopic covered in your cornerstone content.

These links must not be random but strategically built.

Here are 2 of the most common ways you can build links to your cornerstone content:

Manual Internal Linking

The first way to create cornerstone content is by manually creating links to and from your cornerstone content.

Google can be your ally here as you can use the site search operator to find relevant URLs right on search engine results pages (SERPs). To use this tool, go to Google and search for “” This will show you all the indexed content on your site.

Find internal links using Google's site search operator.

You can also refine your search by adding a relevant keyword to your search criteria. For example, “ wordpress SEO.”

Find internal links using Google's site search operator and keyword.

This helps narrow down your search to articles relevant to your cornerstone content.

Once you’ve identified your target articles, you can insert a link to your cornerstone post. To do this, open each article in WordPress’s editor mode, go to the section you want to add the link and highlight the anchor text. Click on the link icon:

Click the link icon to add a link in WordPress.

Clicking the link icon will open a window where you can paste the link you copied.

Pasting link into the insert link field.

You’ll also be given internal link settings options that include:

  • Open in new tab
  • Add “nofollow” to link
  • Add “sponsored” to link
  • Add “ugc” to link
  • Add title attribute to link

Once you’ve selected your settings, press Enter to add the link. And your link will be added.

Repeat this process for all the articles you want to link to your cornerstone content.

As you can see, manually creating cornerstone content is laborious. That’s why we would like to show you an easier way.

Using the Cornerstone Content Feature in AIOSEO

The easiest way to build internal links to your cornerstone content is to use a plugin like All In One SEO (AIOSEO).

aioseo homepage

AIOSEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market and is trusted by over 3 million savvy website owners and marketers to help them dominate SERPs. It’s also a powerful plugin that can help you drive relevant traffic to your site. The plugin has many SEO features and modules to help you optimize your website for search engines and users, even if you don’t have any coding or technical knowledge.

Many of the plugin’s most popular features are designed to help you rank your content easily and get the lion’s share of search traffic. These are features such as:

  • Search Statistics: This powerful Google Search Console integration lets you track your keyword rankings and see important SEO metrics with 1-click, and more.
  • SEO Revisions: Track any changes you make to your site and see their impact on your SEO. Plus, you get to see on a timeline how Google updates affect your site.
  • Advanced Robots.txt Generator: Easily generate and customize your robots.txt file for better crawling and indexing.
  • TruSEO Analysis and Highlighter: Makes it easy to spot on-page SEO issues and gives recommendations for fixing them.
  • Next-gen Schema generator: This no-code schema generator enables users to generate and output any schema markup on your site.
  • Redirection Manager: Helps you manage redirects and eliminate 404 errors, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site.
  • Link Assistant: Powerful internal linking tool that automates building links between pages on your site. It also gives you an audit of outbound links.
  • SEO Preview: This gives you an overview of your search and social snippets and general SEO so you can improve your optimization.
  • IndexNow: For fast indexing on search engines that support the IndexNow protocol (like Bing and Yandex).
  • Sitemap generator: Automatically generate different types of sitemaps to notify all search engines of any updates on your site.
  • And more.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install AIOSEO, check out our installation guide.

Regarding creating cornerstone content, AIOSEO has a powerful feature aptly named Cornerstone Content. This powerful feature enables you to mark content as cornerstone content with a single click of a button.

Cornerstone Content toggle in AIOSEO.

Once that’s done, all your cornerstone content gets prioritized for internal linking by our Link Assistant module and is denoted by a building icon.

Cornerstone Content is denoted by an icon of a building.

You can then automatically build links to and from your cornerstone content using AIOSEO’s Link Assistant. This powerful tool offers internal linking suggestions that you can add to your posts/pages right from the Link Assistant dashboard.

Check out our tutorial on creating cornerstone content in WordPress for detailed instructions.

Cornerstone Content: 5 Best Practices for Better Rankings

To get the most out of your cornerstone content, consider the following best practices:

1. Conduct Keyword Research

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most appropriate and relevant keywords (especially long-tail keywords) for your cornerstone content. Use keyword research tools, like Ahrefs or Semrush, to find high-traffic keywords with low competition.

At the same time, you can also create a list of relevant keywords for your topic clusters. These are the articles you create to cover the sub-topics of your cornerstone content comprehensively.

2. Create Scannable Content

Because cornerstone content is typically long, make it easy for your readers to digest it. Make sure your content is scannable. This means breaking up long paragraphs and sentences to make your content easier to read. You can use tools like Hemmingway to help you with this.

Other tips for creating scannable content include using subheadings, bullet points, and images to make your cornerstone content more readable and engaging.

3. Use a Table of Contents

Another way to enhance your content’s user experience (UX) is to add a table of contents (ToC). Doing this makes it easy for readers to jump to sections they’re most interested in. As a result, engagement rates and dwell times increase. These signal to search engines that your content is valuable, resulting in better rankings.

A table of contents can also benefit your SEO right on the SERPs. Web pages with tables of contents can get enhanced search snippets that include jump links.

Example of jump links on SERPs.

Jump links increase your search snippets visibility. But more importantly, they help boost your organic clickthrough rates (CTR).

4. Add an FAQ Section

Adding an FAQ section to your cornerstone content is another fantastic way to enhance its UX and boost SEO. This is because an FAQ section helps users get direct answers to their queries, making your content more valuable. Plus, FAQs help you cover essential aspects of your topic in-depth, making your content even more comprehensive.

On the SEO side, FAQs with FAQ schema help search engines better understand your content, leading to improved indexing and ranking. They also help you rank in the People Also Ask section, thereby increasing your search visibility.

Check out our detailed tutorial for more information on adding an FAQ section to your cornerstone content.

5. Keep Your Cornerstone Content Fresh

Cornerstone content is inherently supposed to be evergreen. This means it must be as relevant in a few years as it is today. For that to happen, you should keep your cornerstone content current. As your niche or industry evolves, make necessary revisions to maintain the accuracy and relevance of your content. This is also a good opportunity to create new content to link to it.

You should consider using a content marketing tool to speed up content updates.

What is Cornerstone Content: Your FAQs Answered

What is cornerstone content?

Cornerstone content refers to a set of articles or pages on your website that are considered the most important and comprehensive pieces of content. These articles cover central topics within your niche and are designed to be authoritative and evergreen.

Why is cornerstone content important for my website?

Cornerstone content is essential for several reasons. It helps establish your website’s authority, improves your SEO, enhances user experience, and creates a strong internal linking structure. It can also serve as a guide for visitors seeking in-depth information on a specific topic.

What is the best tool for creating cornerstone content?

The best tool for creating cornerstone content is All In One SEO (AIOSEO). It has a feature that allows you to mark your important pages as cornerstone content. This also makes it easier to build strategic internal links to and from relevant content.

Implement Your Cornerstone Content Strategy Today

Now that you know what cornerstone content is and its value, it’s time to implement your cornerstone strategy. Remember, AIOSEO’s Cornerstone Content feature makes this super easy.

We hope this post helped you learn homepage SEO. You may also want to check out other articles on our blog, like our ultimate WordPress SEO checklist and our guide on building internal links in WordPress.

If you found this article helpful, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You’ll find many more helpful tutorials there. You can also follow us on X (Twitter)LinkedIn, or Facebook to stay in the loop.

Want to Try AIOSEO for Free?

Enter the URL of your WordPress website to install AIOSEO Lite.


5 Steps to Rank With Cornerstone Content

Hey there,

When it comes to your content ranking high in search results, what matters most? Quantity or quality?

Thankfully, it’s the latter.

A handful of comprehensive articles can turn the SEO tide in your favor.

This type of content is called cornerstone content. It’s what causes search engines and people to start viewing your site as an authoritative source of information.

When that happens, traffic to your site picks up. And so do conversions.

Cornerstone content even makes it easier for articles you create in the future to rank.

In our new guide, you’ll learn the intuitive steps to creating cornerstone articles. And you’ll learn why internal linking is key.

With 1 click in AIOSEO, you can mark a page as “cornerstone content.”  And that makes succeeding easier.

Learn more in What is Cornerstone Content? Plus: Tips and Examples.

If you want to level up your SEO game in 2024, consider putting cornerstone content on your to-do list.

As always, reach out to us if you have any questions. Either leave a comment below the article or reply to this email.

We’re here to help, and we love working with our remarkable customers.

On your team,

Product Educator
All in One SEO (AIOSEO)

Knowledge bases, DALL-E-3, Playground v2

Hi everyone,

It’s been an exciting past few weeks here at Poe, and we wanted to keep you informed with highlights of our most recent updates and product launches.

  • Add knowledge bases to bots

Creators on Poe can now enhance their bots with knowledge bases to provide more unique and customized experiences for users. This upgraded approach can improve the accuracy of answers, reduce hallucinations, and elevate user interactions. Knowledge bases can be used with any base LLM, including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude Instant, Claude 2, or Llama 2, will be accessible to all Poe users, and are eligible for monetization.

  • New image generation models available

We’ve also added two new powerful image generators: DALL-E-3 and Playground v2. These bots can be used to create stunning, high quality images from simple prompts. DALL-E-3 can also be used as a base to build your own bot to share with the world. [Note: DALL-E-3 is limited to subscribers]

  • International expansion

Poe is now available in 8 new languages (French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Spanish) across all platforms. This is a significant step toward our goal to empower more users across the globe to explore AI in their native language.

  • Privacy updates

We’ve rolled out a new privacy icon to help you better understand bot conversation confidentiality. Every bot now features a privacy shield icon that indicates the level of privacy of your chats: a fully shaded icon indicates bot creators can’t read your chats, while the half-shaded icon signals that external server bots may access only your anonymized chats. Your identity is kept private in all cases. Learn more at our Privacy Center.

  • Android updates

We’re continuing to enhance the Android experience with a few new features, including the ability to now create and edit bots. Users can also set their default bot, and use the new retry button to quickly regenerate results for any bot in one click.

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Fall Beauty Trends Published November 13, 2023

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on fall beauty trends.

October 2023, US

“Orange glitter nails” increased 200%

Give your nails a makeover with these Orange Nails With Silver Glitter design ideas, creating the perfect manicure for any occasion! Discover 9 different nail design tips to keep your nails looking glamorous. From simple to extravagant, find all the latest Orange trends and nail hacks to inspire your next manicure.

“Plaid nail designs” was a breakout search

You can opt for maximalist plaid French tips or keep things simple with a single plaid accent nail. Need some more inspo? Ahead, we’ve rounded up 15 plaid nail ideas you’ll want to recreate year-round.

Searches for “ballerina nails,” also known as “coffin nails” spiked 170% this past month

Trending nail colors

Black nails

Black chrome nails

Matte black nails

Burnt orange


77 Fall Nail Colors to Inspire You in 2023 | Nail colors, Nails, Gel nails

October 2023, US

“Anime bangs haircut” increased +250%

If you don’t feel like dressing up as a zombie or werewolf for Halloween, try anime and character looks. Anime hairstyles can range from cute pigtails to quirky updos and bold hair colors. They might even make you feel nostalgic, especially when you’re getting inspiration from an anime you loved as a child. If anime isn’t your thing, you can also impersonate your favorite movie characters or celebrities.

“partial highlights vs full highlights” more than doubled

Partial highlights are a subtle way to inject dimension and shine into your hair color. Here’s what you need to know about the technique, plus easy care tips and photo inspo.

Search interest in “hair oil” reached a record high

Trending “ … hair with … highlights”

Brown hair with honey highlights

Black hair with gray highlights

Dark hair with light brown highlights

Black hair with caramel highlights

Black hair with partial highlights

Fall 2023 Beauty Trends Are In Full Swing, Here's What to Know - Reflect  Beauty

October 2023, US

Searches for “best eyeliner for beginners” rose 550% in the past month

10 Eyeliner Tips for Beginners, Straight From the Pros

“Gothic eye makeup” rose 400% in the past month

Do you want to create a unique, avant-garde, and dramatic look for your eyes? Mastering the art of Gothic eye makeup might seem a little intimidating at first, but you only have to get a few techniques right to nail this makeup look. There are endless tutorials available online that will help you learn this grunge makeup art. Once you have learned how to pick the right eyeshadow colors and apply smokey eyeshadow and eyeliner, you will be all set to show off your Gothic eye makeup.

9 Easy Halloween Makeup Looks To Try - beautyheaven

Trending lip products

Lip oil

Lip mask

Lip gloss

Lip plumper

Lip tint

Trending eye makeup color

Gold eye shadow

blue glitter eyeshadow

black eye shadow

purple eyeshadow palette

orange eyeshadow

Christian Dior – créateur de mode français

Le chemin de la vie

Christian Dior est né le 21 janvier 1905 à Granville (France), dans une famille aisée. Quand Christian avait 6 ans, sa famille s’installe à Paris. Christian a fait ses études à la maison puis a été envoyé à l’École libre de sciences politiques pour se préparer à une carrière de diplomate. Mais cette activité n’attirait pas le garçon, il préférait les musées, la musique et la peinture. En 1928, lui et un ami ouvrent une galerie d’art. Elle a existé pendant environ trois ans et a été fermée en raison du décès de sa mère et de la maladie du père de Christian, car c’était son père qui la finançait. Christian commence alors à vendre ses croquis de chapeaux et de robes, qui connaissent un grand succès. En 1941, il travaille déjà pour la célèbre maison de couture parisienne Lucien Lelong. En 1942, Dior ouvre un laboratoire de parfums, à partir duquel naîtra plus tard la célèbre entreprise de parfums Christian Dior.

Dior a toujours considéré le parfum comme faisant partie intégrante de l’image de la femme.

En 1946, il ouvre sa propre maison de couture et crée la collection New Look, inhabituellement féminine, qui conquiert l’Europe et l’Amérique, confirmant le titre de « capitale mondiale de la mode » à Paris. Depuis 1953, Dior produit également des chaussures, créant ainsi le look Dior complet.

Dans les années 1950, la maison de couture de Christian Dior était la plus grande et la plus rentable de Paris. Christian Dior a autorisé ses créations et elles ont été vendues sous sa marque. Le célèbre couturier Christian Dior est décédé le 24 octobre 1957 à l’âge de 52 ans en Italie des suites d’une crise cardiaque. Il y a un musée Christian Dior dans sa maison de Granville.


Quelques citations

Le rôle de Christian Dior dans le développement de la mode

The text is generated using artificial intelligence

Christian Dior était un créateur de mode français qui a joué un rôle clé dans le développement de la mode mondiale. Son influence sur l’industrie de la mode peut se résumer ainsi :

Nouvelle féminité : En 1947, Christian Dior présente sa première collection « New Look », devenue un symbole de la mode d’après-guerre. La collection présentait des silhouettes sophistiquées et féminines, notamment des tailles cintrées, des jupes évasées et des tissus riches. Il donne un nouveau style à la mode féminine et met l’accent sur la féminité et le luxe.

Variété des collections : Christian Dior a introduit un système de collections saisonnières, introduisant de nouveaux modèles chaque saison. Cela a contribué à la mise à jour régulière des tendances de la mode et a stimulé la demande de nouveaux modèles.

Introduction du prêt-à-porter : Dior devient également l’un des premiers créateurs à créer une ligne de prêt-à-porter, rendant la mode accessible à un public plus large. Cela a changé la façon dont les gens achetaient et portaient la mode.

Utilisation de matériaux de haute qualité : Dior a toujours attaché une grande importance au choix de tissus et de matières de qualité pour ses collections, ce qui rend ses vêtements particulièrement luxueux.

Influence sur le style mondial : Le travail de Christian Dior a eu une énorme influence sur la mode mondiale et a inspiré d’autres créateurs. Son style légendaire reste d’actualité et inspire la mode encore aujourd’hui.

Christian Dior est considéré comme l’une des figures les plus importantes et les plus influentes de l’histoire de la mode, et ses contributions à l’industrie de la mode se perpétuent à travers sa marque Dior et ses adeptes.

Electric cars: history and modern trends

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on electric vehicles.

Top questions searched about EVs 2023, US

How much does it cost to charge an electric car?

Here’s something we are bound to miss about our gas-guzzlers: Filling up is simple math. Most drivers understand how much a tank will cost, and the volatility over time is almost entirely a function of local fuel prices. Though charging EVs is generally much cheaper, figuring out how much it costs is more complicated for two big reasons.
First, a lot goes into both the rate at which you’re billed and how much charge you need. That includes what kind of car you drive, where you live, whether you use home or public chargers, what time of day you charge, and even the weather. That’s very different from pulling up to a gas station in your Corolla to a number on a price sign.

Second, and more importantly, this is a whole new world. You may not know the difference between energy and power, level 2 and 3 chargers, or time-of-use (ToU) and flat rate. And there’s no shame in that because if you’re like most people, you’ve never needed to know much about how electricity works, how it is priced, and why.

That’s about to change. An underappreciated aspect of our movement toward mass adoption of EVs is the fundamental shift we can expect in how we understand electricity. And I don’t mean just as a society—I mean as individuals going about our day-to-day business.

volkswagen id3 electric car production in dresden


Why are electric cars better than petrol and how do they work?

There are, of course, differences between a traditional fossil fuel-powered vehicle and an EV, and most of them are under the hood.

The first major difference is the car’s motor. In a petrol vehicle, there is an internal combustion engine (ICE) that works on the principle when a mixture of fuel and air is compressed and ignited, an explosion is created.

In a very simplistic way, the energy from this explosion is then used to power the engine and move the vehicle forward. In an electric car, on the other hand, the motor is electric and works using electromagnets.

The second difference is, of course, the battery. To supply electricity to the motor and allow it to operate, electric vehicles are equipped with batteries. These are mainly based on lithium-ion technology, similar to what is inside your mobile phone.

The final key piece is the inverter. The current delivered by the battery is a direct current, but the motor, like your hairdryer, needs alternating current to operate. And that’s exactly what the inverter does, turning direct current into alternating current.

How long does it take to charge an electric car?

The time it takes to charge an electric car can be as little as 30 minutes or more than 12 hours. This depends on the size of the battery and the speed of the charging point.

  • A typical electric car (60kWh battery) takes just under 8 hours to charge from empty-to-full with a 7kW charging point.
  • Most drivers top up charge rather than waiting for their battery to recharge from empty-to-full.
  • For many electric cars, you can add up to 100 miles of range in ~35 minutes with a 50kW rapid charger.
  • The bigger your car’s battery and the slower the charging point, the longer it takes to charge from empty to full.

When was the first electric car made?

The concept of electric cars dates back to the early 19th century, but the first practical electric car was built in the late 19th century. The creation of the first electric car is often attributed to Thomas Davenport, an American inventor, who built a small electric vehicle in 1834.

However, it was in the late 1870s and early 1880s that electric cars began to gain some popularity. In 1888, Flocken Elektrowagen, a German inventor named Thomas Parker, and his British counterparts developed electric carriages. Charles Fritts, an American inventor, created the first working solar cell in 1883, which had the potential to power electric vehicles using sunlight.

Nonetheless, it was around the late 19th and early 20th centuries that electric cars gained some traction, particularly for urban transportation. The Fritchle Electric Car Company, founded in 1905, is an example of an early electric car manufacturer.

Electric cars faced competition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and the latter became dominant due to factors like longer range and the ease of refueling with gasoline. Electric cars experienced a resurgence in the late 20th century and have become increasingly popular in the 21st century, thanks to advancements in battery technology and environmental concerns.

How long do electric car batteries last?

How Long Do Electric Car Batteries Last

Buying a battery can set you back by a hefty sum, but in most cases, you won’t have to make that purchase at all. Generally, EV car batteries last from 10 to 20 years. Certain factors like heat, cold, or swift charging times can negatively affect that and reduce performance. Manufacturers have already included protective measures like thermal management systems and charging restrictions. Plus, you always get a warranty that covers the repairs if need be.

Every electric car battery will face degradation. Though it is inevitable, you should not worry too much. Manufacturers are trying to do everything possible to improve the life cycle and preserve top performance. So, whenever you buy an EV, you can expect your battery to work for quite some time.

Top searched EV brands 2023, US

  1. Tesla

  2. Chevrolet

  3. Ford

  4. Toyota

  5. Kia

Top searched public EV-chargers 2023, US

  1. Tesla chargers

  2. Chargepoint

  3. EVgo

  4. Electrify America

  5. Volta


Electric cars have a long history dating back to the early 19th century when inventors like Thomas Davenport and Thomas Parker created some of the earliest electric vehicles. However, electric cars gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with manufacturers like the Fritchle Electric Car Company producing them for urban transportation.

Despite their early promise, electric cars faced competition from gasoline-powered vehicles, which became dominant due to factors like longer range and easy refueling. Electric cars largely faded from the mainstream until a resurgence in the late 20th century and early 21st century.

Modern electric cars benefit from advancements in battery technology, offering longer ranges and improved performance. Environmental concerns, along with government incentives, have spurred the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Major automakers now produce a range of electric models, and charging infrastructure is expanding to support their growth.

Today, electric cars are a significant trend in the automotive industry, with growing popularity due to their reduced environmental impact and advancements in technology that make them more practical for everyday use.

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