
Багато хто чув про камінь таффеїт, але мало хто знає, що це дуже рідкісний камінь. Був відкритий графом Таффе з Ірландії, завдяки чому і отримав своє ім’я. Має цікаві властивості, що відрізняє його від багатьох інших дорогоцінних каменів. Цінується досить високо, тому вартість його на ринку досить велика. Єдине, складно дістати оригінальний самоцвіт. Дуже часто трапляються підробки.

У 60-х роках XX століття було проведено необхідні дослідження, і з’ясувалося, що цей рідкісний мінерал – самостійний вид. Він має іншу природу, ніж інші камені. У результаті вийшло, що любитель відкрив новий вид мінералу. Спочатку Таффе зацікавили властивості каменю, що не відповідають його кольору. Існують й інші назви таффеїту, наведемо найуживаніші:

  • беринель;
  • магнезіотааффеїт;
  • бемагаліт.

Місця видобутку

Як уже зазначалося, таффеїт – камінь надзвичайно рідкісний, і знайти його можна лише в кількох куточках планети. Ще дуже важливо, щоб самоцвіт був необхідної якості, бо в іншому разі його не можна буде використовувати в ювелірній справі. Він буде або недостатньо міцний, твердий, або недостатньо красивий. Отже, найкращі камінчики розробляються на Шрі-Ланці поблизу міста Ратнапура.

Зрозуміло, в цьому місці видобувають не тільки ці самоцвіти, а й сапфіри, агати, аметисти, аквамарини та інші. Потрібно згадати, що найбільший кристал таффеїту, який був знайдений тут, має розмір 71 карат.

Хімічний склад

Хімічний склад непростий: Mg3Al8BeO16. Тобто цей рідкісний камінь не що інше, як похідна магнію, алюмінію, берилію. З формули стає зрозуміло, чому самоцвіт такий рідкісний.

Звичайно, є домішки, це:

  • хром (Cr);
  • цинк (Zn);
  • залізо (Fe).

Крім того, що камінь дуже рідкісний, не обходиться без різновидів, вони мають дещо іншу структуру, інші домішки, загальна формула також трохи змінюється. Йдеться про такі камені, як мусгравіт (Австралія, гора Мусгрейв), феротаффеїт (з великим вмістом заліза), тапробаніт (Тапробана – так раніше називався Цейлон).

Якщо розглянути в мікроскоп кристали таффеїту, то можна помітити, що вони часто мають неправильну зерноподібну форму. Але також є і гармонійні зразки, здебільшого у формі призми і піраміди.


Забарвлення перебуває в межах відтінків червоного: від слабо-рожевого, майже прозорого, до насиченого фіолетового. Якщо таффеїт майже безбарвний, то він може бути блакитним або зеленуватим. Такі кристали цінуються дуже високо, але їх дуже легко сплутати з іншим дорогоцінним камінням, яке коштує в кілька разів дешевше.

Потрібно зазначити, що мінерал дуже крихкий. Заломлення променів дуже високе, тому таффеїт дуже легко відрізнити від його аналогів. Спайність відсутня зовсім. Твердість – 8,5 за шкалою Мооса. Щільність – 3,6 г/см3. Видно, що щільність звичайна за дуже високої твердості. Потрібно визнати, що обробляти камінь не так просто, але після ограновування він надзвичайно довговічний. Не реагує на температуру, сонячне світло, сприйнятливий до кислот та інших хімічних впливів.

Лікувальні властивості

Насамперед самоцвіт чинить седативну, заспокійливу дію, тобто розслабляє людину, покращує настрій, нормалізує сон. Сприятливо впливає на нервову систему. Для отримання такої дії потрібно надягати на ніч браслет. Крім того, напади страху і кошмари минуть і не будуть вас переслідувати.

Якщо у вас каблучка або кулончик, то вдень ваша працездатність збільшиться, ви відчуєте прилив сил, бадьорість, бажання жити. Посилює почуття, можете сильно закохатися не за віком. Дівчатам додасть шарму. Чоловіки набудуть статевої сили.

Магічні властивості

З давніх-давен відомі магічні властивості самоцвіту. Маги використовують камінь для залучення коханого, привороту. Якщо камінчик одягне сімейна людина, то отримає щастя в сімейному житті, припиняться сварки й образи, настане період спокою й умиротворення.

Потрібно бути обережним, оскільки цей період незабаром закінчиться. Камінь потрібно знімати, оскільки його дія може вичерпатися. Дівчатам, щоб знайти коханого, потрібно носити браслет з камінчиком на лівій руці. Чоловіки повинні носити каблучку на середньому пальці бажано правої руки, але це може заважати роботі.

Амулет, талісман, оберіг

Використовується як талісман людьми, які зайняті будь-яким прикладним ремеслом. Наприклад, люблять його художники-оформлювачі, скульптори, а також теслі, слюсарі. Майстерність із цим самоцвітом підвищуватиметься, а повага до вас як до майстра зростатиме. Дуже радять камінь музикантам. Як оберіг використовують дуже рідко.



Серед небесної височини,

Блакиті й тиші

Ширяє ДРАКОН… У своєму польоті

Охоплює серцем небеса.

Його ДУША прагне туди –

До вершин, до таємниць світобудови!

Туди, де жевріє ПРИЗНАННЯ,

І де горить його ЗІРКА…

Туди, до Вселенських статуй,

Де в лазуритах небеса,

Де він усвідомлює ПОКЛИК,

Де пізнаються ЧУДЕСА…

Біля ніг його розпластана ЗЕМЛЯ –

Земні гори і долини,

А далі океани і моря,

Всипані мінералами рівнини…

Агат, аквамарин там, розсип таффеїтів,

Арагоніти і кристали на полях.

На крилах кварців поєднання димних,

Пухнасті хмари на небесах.

І зелень очей у мерехтінні хризоліту

Манить і занурює в глибину.

Притягує погляди, як магнітом,

І відчуваємо ми гармонію і тишу….



General characterization

Tridymite is a rare mineral that forms clusters of three crystals. Hence its name: “tridimos” means “triple” in Greek. The first description of the gem was made by geologist Gerhard von Rath.


In its chemical composition tridymite is identical to quartz – SiO2. That is why this gemstone under the influence of high temperatures (about 870 ° C) is transformed into quartz. Subsequent increase in temperature leads to the transformation of the mineral into coesite. Sometimes there are impurities of iron or aluminum in the composition of tridymite. However, their percentage is very small and does not affect the color of the stone.

The stone is characterized by a white color, sometimes it is colorless. Its crystals are transparent or translucent. However, crystals with high purity are almost never found in nature. Most of them have various defects and microcracks.

Main physical properties:

hardness – 6.5-7
density – 2.27 g/cm3
luster – glassy
transparency – transparent, translucent
cleavage – absent
singony – rhombic


The origin of the stone is magmatic. Its crystals have the shape of hexagonal plates. The aggregate of these plates forms fan-shaped, kidney-shaped or scaly aggregates.

The mineral is commercially mined in the San Cristobal deposit in Mexico and Veseh in Slovakia. Small crystals are occasionally found in the USA (Utah), Japan (Ishigayama), and Germany. Large amounts of tridymite are also found in meteorites.


Despite its external attractiveness, the gem is practically not used in jewelry. The small size and hexagonal shape of the crystals make it difficult for jewelry processing. However, it is often possible to find jewelry with various silicon minerals that contain tridymite inclusions. Tridymite is especially common in opal, agate, and chalcedony.

Magical properties

Tridymite protects family relationships and helps to find your other half. It enhances the feeling of love and helps to avoid quarrels in personal relationships. Also this stone is an amulet from various scammers and financial losses.

Meaning in astrology

This stone harmonizes with the entire zodiacal circle. Tridymite can be used without restrictions. However, astrologers believe that the strongest impact it has on Aries and Gemini.

Medicinal properties

Tridymite is attributed the ability to cure infertility and impotence. It normalizes the hormonal background, and therefore promotes pregnancy. Lithotherapists also recommend wearing it to those who want to lose weight.

The merging of energies gives sometimes surprising bursts and discoveries. Interacting with stones, we discover new directions in our creativity, which in turn give a new round of inspiration.

Covered by the veil of the transparent sky,

A mystery is born in the interstellar distance.

In agate lace, in the shape of light,

In the azure glow, in complete silence.

In deep prophecies, in the mysteries of birth,

In karmic connections and starry worlds,

Earth’s creature appears to the world,

Whose image is manifested in the crystal rays….

LOVE fills worlds and spaces.

The source is GOD, and the particles of love

Are planted in us to be born again,

In that frosted glow, in the light of dawn….


Appearance and properties

The name of this stone brings back memories of Tolkien’s Silmarils. However, in reality everything is more prosaic. Sillimanite was named after Benjamin Silliman, a prominent American scientist of the 19th century. Another name – fibrolite (translated as “fibrous stone”) – it received because it is often found in the form of a dense bundle of fiber crystals.

Sillimanite stone is an aluminum silicate. It occurs in the form of columnar crystals of round or prismatic shape or in the form of dense fibrous aggregates. Often forms thin hair-like inclusions in the rock.

The color of sillimanite varies from grayish white to blue, green or purple, with black or colorless specimens rarely found. Crystals can be either opaque or transparent. Sometimes there is a “cat’s eye” effect.

Sillimanite has two polymorphic modifications (minerals of the same composition, but different in crystal structure): kyanite (kyanite) and andalusite.








Place of Birth

Transparent sillimanites of gem quality come from Myanmar (the modern name of Burma), Sri Lanka. Beautiful examples of cat’s eye stones are found in India. The main deposits of fibrous stones of industrial importance are located in the USA, Germany, and Austria.



Sillimanite, as well as its polymorphs kyanite and andalusite, is widely used for the manufacture of high-quality fire-resistant and acid-resistant materials. To obtain optimal results, a mixture of these minerals is used. For example, disthene-sillimanite is a powdery concentrate for the industrial production of refractories.

Such materials are used:

  • in the aviation industry;
  • in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy;
  • in the automotive industry;
  • for the production of ceramics and glass.
    Large transparent stones are sometimes cut and used in jewelry. Fibrous crystals with a pronounced “cat’s eye” effect are cut into cabochons and are also used in jewelry or decoration.

Healing properties

The healing properties of sillimanite have been little studied. Its use in lithotherapy is dictated by the color of the crystals:

  • green stones help with eye diseases, hypertension;
  • blue ones heal skin diseases and have an antiseptic effect;
  • colorless treat diseases of the genitourinary system.

Magic properties

Esotericists do not give a clear description of the magical properties of sillimanite. However, there are many beliefs about the miraculous power of amulets made from this stone. In some countries, it is a talisman for travelers, helping to avoid accidents, disasters and crashes. Talismans made of sillimanite with the “cat’s eye” effect are traditionally considered protectors from the evil eye, damage, and evil spells. Transparent stones set in silver can prolong youth and preserve vitality.

Stone – TEMPLE…

It can be completely different. The stone is a rare jewel, the likes of which are not found anywhere in the world. And for him, external shine and rich frames do not matter. The stone has enough light and genuine beauty within it to be a priceless treasure in any environment.

Joint projects of the club “Art of the Word” and the NGO “Music of the Earth” combine the energies of stones and minerals with the creative energy of the individual. This unity allows you to more deeply comprehend the essence of a particular stone with the help of imaginative perception, intuition and creative thinking. And through knowledge of stone, we come to new facets of self-knowledge. With the help of these energies, a person’s creative potential is revealed, and he himself creates his life, his space and his reality. Stones open up new facets of personality and creative potential in a person by studying minerals and acting skills, creating their creative energies and directing them into the Universe, perceiving and comprehending the energies of stones and minerals. Stones are helpers. They reveal new facets of Existence and human beings on Earth.




About the mineral

Phlogopite is a fairly common and popular mineral in our time, which belongs to the mica group. From Greek “phlogeros” means fiery. Indeed, phlogopite is distinguished by reddish hues that resemble flashes of flame. At the end of the 19th century, Breithaupt introduced this name; now it is found everywhere in scientific literature and is the main one.
The mineral is quite common, but almost never occurs on its own. Found and developed together with other minerals. Most often together with:

  • ultrabasite;
  • kimberlite;
  • carbonatite;
  • calcifire.

When they talk about the origin of phlogopite, disputes begin between geologists and mineralogists. This is because the mineral has not a dual, but a triple origin:

  • metasomatic;
  • igneous;
  • metamorphic.


Phlogopite is a magnesium aluminosilicate. Formula – KMg3[AlSi3O10](OH,F)2. Almost always has impurities. They are found in different proportions and greatly influence the appearance, structure and color of phlogopite:

  • sodium;
  • titanium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium.

The mineral phlogopite has a glassy good luster. In some cases, you can notice a pearlescent sheen. Phlogopite is often translucent, less often transparent. Its fracture is mica-like. Settings are low. Hardness – 2.5 according to the Mohs table. Density – 2.8 g/cm3.

May be in different colors. Phlogopite happens:


grayish white






An interesting fact is that phlogopite crystals grow up to two meters long. The longer they are, the more valuable they are. Phlogopite is rarely used in jewelry, but there are still cases. The stone is often used as a talisman or amulet.

Magic properties

The magical properties of the mineral have been poorly studied. Lithotherapists shrug their shoulders, and in some cases confuse this mineral with others. The magical effect can be different, they usually say that it all depends on the coloring. For example, if we are dealing with a reddish pebble, then it will help in love, with its help you will find your soulmate.

Colorless will give success in work and affairs. Silver brings happiness to the family. Dark, brown specimens will give passive people energy and enthusiasm. Most often the stone is worn around the neck. As a talisman it will protect against negative influences. But this cannot be said to be a strong blocking stone. A strong evil eye or damage breaks through it. But it will help you avoid meeting bad people and warn you of danger.

Taking a piece of mineral in your palm,

I feel the mystery of the Universe.

I feel like this is exactly what I was looking for –

A small piece of mortal life

He was born in a fairy cave,

There are countless of his friends there.

The soul lives in it, I believe in it

And I want to read his story

I look into his eyes openly,

I hear the music of his vibrations.

Something in him is hidden from us –

Secret echo of coronations

I reached out with my thoughts and my heart,

He responded with warmth in his palm.

And it seems to me that the door has opened –

Entering there will fulfill my dreams




General characteristics

A rare precious mineral of extraordinary purple color, sagilite stone is of particular value to mineral connoisseurs. The stone received its name in honor of the Japanese mineralogist Kenichi Suga. It was he who first discovered and described a new mineral in 1944.

Sugi initially assumed that the specimens he found were purple turquoise. Chemical analysis dispelled this misconception and pointed to the discovery of a new mineral, later known as sagilite.

The main feature of this stone is its color. Minerals of soft violet, bright violet or purple colors characteristic of sagilite are practically not found in nature. There are also individual specimens of pink, lilac, lilac, and yellowish-brown colors. The chemical formula of the gem is KNa2(Fe,Mn,Al)2Li3Si12O30. The complex chemical composition explains the rare physical properties of the mineral.

Sagilite is a hard stone. Its translucent crystals shine through in the sun and have an attractive glassy sheen. Each mineral sample has a unique pattern with inclusions and ornate patterns. Such inclusions can set off the main color of the stone and give it royal sophistication.

Basic physical properties:

  • hardness – 6-6.5
  • shine – glass
  • strength – high
  • transparency – shines through
  • density – 2.7-2.8 g/cm3

Place of Birth

Today, only three deposits of sagilite are known in the world: the Japanese archipelago – the place of the first discovery, the Kalahari Desert in South Africa and central India. Over all this time, only 5 thousand kilograms of this raw material have been extracted, and the current deposits have already exhausted their reserves.


Sagilite is used as a valuable jewelry material. The high price makes it an elite class stone. The gem is cut into a cabochon and inserted into designer jewelry. Lenticular specimens are used to make bracelets, beads and pendants, and transparent specimens are used to make inserts into rings and earrings.

Magic properties

Sagilite has the ability to awaken love. The owner of this gem will never experience disappointment in love. He will love and remain loved until the end of his days. His heart will open and find his true soulmate.

Meaning in astrology

Sagilite is the talisman of Virgo. It enhances the positive aspects of their life and protects them from possible troubles. For other zodiac signs, sagilite exhibits its usual magical properties.

Medicinal properties

Sagilite normalizes hormonal levels and has a positive effect on the human psyche. It is recommended to wear it for depression, stress, schizophrenia, and autism. It also protects against cancer and blocks the development of tumors in the human body.

Sagilite is my favorite stone.
Changeable and unusually beautiful.
Sometimes he casts indigo, sometimes
Turns purple-blue, full of mystery.
He feels the mood of his owner,
Promises success and self-confidence.
Perhaps he is the messenger of the gods above,
And it will be a talisman in my life



The mineral pyrrhotite is quite widespread. The name came to us from the Greek language: “pirrotos” means fiery color. This name was given due to the fact that pyrrhotite and the stones of its group have a characteristic color from yellow-bronze to deep red. The mineral is polymorphic, that is, it does not have, in fact, a constant composition. It is classified as sulfides, the formula is not constant. More precisely, it is iron sulfide.

The stone has other very common names, we list them:

  • pyrrhotite;
  • magnetopyrite;
  • magnetic pyrite.

Composition and properties of pyrrhotite

The formula of the substance is: Fe(n)S(n+1). It clearly shows that pyrrhotite does not have a constant composition: iron and sulfur are combined in different proportions. The researchers note that compounds that have an inconsistent, variable composition are called berthollides. Chemists report that this is a class of non-stoichiometric substances.

Pyrrhotite occurs in continuous heterogeneous masses, the crystals most often being thin plates. It is quite rare to find prismatic or double pyramidal shapes. There is no doubt that the mineral has an excess of sulfur. This excess explains its magnetic properties. Moreover, the more sulfur, the more strongly the stone is magnetic. Of course, this effect is used in various ways in industry and technology.

Characteristics of pyrrhotite

You may notice that pyrrhotite is not afraid of sunlight, like many minerals, but of air. It oxidizes quickly and becomes dull as a result. Always opaque. It is noted that it has a metallic luster. Hardness: 4 on the Mohs scale. Density – 4.6 g/cm3.

As you can see, the parameters are quite high, but in fact, pyrrhotite has one drawback, which is why it is never used in jewelry and interior decoration: it is very fragile. There is no cleavage. But pyrrhotite conducts electricity well, which is why it is rarely used in electrical engineering.

Origin of pyrrhotite

Geologists pay attention to the fact that the origin of pyrrhotite is magmatic, hydrothermal. That is, the rock was formed under the influence of high temperatures and water vapor. It is interesting that in a number of cases the stone is placed in another category – sedimentary rocks, since, according to a number of characteristic features, such an origin occurs.

The material itself does not have much value. It is used as a raw material for the production of sulfur or iron. In some cases, amateurs confuse pyrrhotite nuggets with gold, as sometimes a golden reflection appears.

There are other similar minerals, here are some:

  • cubanite;
  • pentlandite;
  • chalcopyrite;
  • pyrite.

The magical properties of pyrrhotite

It turns out that pyrrhotite also has magical properties. In fact, the mineral is poorly studied, but many psychics and esotericists widely use the stone. It is believed that it changes the psychological state of a person. Two things are important here: where the stone (part of the body) is located and where the person is located. Depending on these two factors, the effect that will be produced can be predicted.

Fire and Ice“. Translation from Robert Frost

Some say: the world will die in fire,

Others talk about ice

I’ve lived a long time, and it seems to me

The fire will come soon.

But if someone told me
that death awaits us twice,
I wouldn’t be surprised. I found out,
that hatred is thicker than ice

And indifference is colder

eternal covers of ice.

And if there are not enough lights for death

Ice will do then…

They note that if you are in a bad mood, it is better not to wear the stone, as it will only worsen. If there is any joy, then the mineral will help prolong it as long as possible. If you are under the bright sun, you will be in a great mood.

The Avesta, a Zoroastrian collection of sacred texts, tells how one day the spirit of evil, the incarnation of the Devil, known as Angro Manyu, destroyed the stone Sky, which, like a skull, surrounded the world. And the sky became split. The fragments of the Primordial Sky turned into gems. Each gem retained the integrity of the universe, so they were worn as a reminder of the Primary Sky and integrity.


Fire Stones

Fire has long been considered the element that awakened all other elements to life. The color of fire is red, which is the color of blood, the source of life and energy. Fire people carry particularly strong energy, they are smart, active, and born leaders. They are ready to overcome any obstacle that comes their way, no matter how much effort they have to put into it.

Red stones of this element must be worn with special care, because they, like their owners, are charged to the limit with energy. Although they enhance performance and “awaken” almost all human abilities, they can cause discomfort. Excess Yang energy in them can cause headaches and nervous breakdowns.

Magic Box of Maria

Finding the magic box

One day, Maria was playing as usual, leaving all her toys scattered around. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was her friend Anna, who always kept her room tidy.

“Want to come to the park with me?” asked Anna. But when she saw the messy room, she frowned. “We can’t leave until this is cleaned up!” Maria sighed, unsure where to start.

Maria’s eyes lit up as she spotted the magical box her grandmother had gifted her. It was sitting on the shelf, adorned with intricate patterns and a faint glow. She carefully reached for the box and opened it with excitement. Inside, there were small trinkets and a note from her grandmother.

The note read, “Dear Maria, this magical box is filled with love and wonders. Use it whenever you need a bit of magic in your life. Remember, tidying up your surroundings can bring clarity to your mind. Enjoy the enchantment!”

While Maria was reading the note, tiny fairies jumped out of the magic box!

Opening the “Magic Box”. It's almost hard to believe we're at… | by Hannah Rose Maté | Child & Adolescent Global Mental Health | Medium

“We’re the Tidying Fairies,” they said. “Tell us where to put each toy and we’ll clean this up in no time!” Amazed, Maria directed them and soon her room was sparkling.

The girls laughed and played all afternoon. From that day, Maria remembered to tidy up herself sometimes too. And the magical box always helped when needed!

Best surprise clean

The fairies knew Maria had a big test at school, so they wanted to surprise her by cleaning the entire house as a treat. But oh boy, was it messy!

Fairy Dusti started collecting toys while Fairy Mop scrubbed the floors. Fairy Windex cleaned all the windows and Fairy Vac sucked up crumbs. Fairy Scrub scrubbed the bathroom till it sparkled.

They got so into tidying every nook and cranny that they lost track of time! Before they knew it, the school bus was dropping Maria off.

“Uh oh we aren’t finished!” cried Fairy Laundry, sorting the last load of clothes. With teamwork they sped through the final tasks. Just as Maria walked in, everything was immaculate!

The best way to clean wood floors might surprise you

But the fairies had used so much magic cleaning that they passed out on the couch. When Maria found them sleeping, she let out a giggle. To her surprise dinner was magically cooking too!

The fairies woke to smiles and thanks. It was the best surprise clean up ever, even if they overdid the magic a bit!

Outdoor tea party

Maria was so excited to invite her doll and stuffed animal friends to an outdoor tea party. But when she went to set up, she frowned at the messy backyard.

“It’s too dirty for a party!” she sighed. Just then, the fairies popped out of the magical box. “We’ll clean it with our magic!” said Fairy Dusti.

Fairy Gardenia took out her wand. “Ibis Hortus Perfectus!” she shouted. Instantly, the yard transformed! A cobblestone path wound through colorful flower beds.

Fairy Blossom made petal confetti rain down. Fairy Ladybug waved her wand, and toadstools popped up as fairy seats. Little lights flickered on like fireflies in the dusk.

Vintage Inspired Outdoor Tea Party Ideas -

Fairy Dew sprinkled magical water that made the flowers dance. Moss cushions appeared thanks to Fairy Moss. Even the trees sprouted teacups among their leaves!

“It’s a fairy tea party wonderland!” gasped Maria. Her friends loved the magic garden. As they sipped tea, fairies fluttered among the blooms. Maria knew she’d never forget this very special backyard party, all thanks to her tidying fairies!

Maria and sweet bunny Hoppy 

Aw, poor Maria was so upset that her sweet bunny Hoppy didn’t want to cuddle or play. When the fairies heard the sad news, they knew just what to do.

“Bunnies like clean, tidy spaces,” said Fairy Dusti. With a flick of their wands, the fairies got to work transforming Maria’s room.

Fairy Organizer sorted and folded all the clothes. Fairy Laundry washed the stuffed animals so they were fresh and fluffy. Fairy Sweep swept while Fairy Mop scrubbed until the floors sparkled.

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When the room was spick and span, it smelled sweetly of flowers. Hoppy’s little house was given fresh hay and veggies. “Now he has nothing to fear!” said Fairy Fluffer as she plumped pillows.

Maria called Hoppy in and he bounded right to her lap! “You like it now?” she asked. Hoppy sniffed around, realizing the room was safe. From that day on, the two were best friends, playing for hours thanks to the fairies’ magic makeover.

Maria’s birthday

It was Maria’s special day but she had no idea the fairies had a big surprise planned! While Maria was at her aunt’s house, the fairies popped out of the magical box.

“Let’s give Maria the best birthday ever!” they said. Fairy Dusti was put in charge of cleaning. She zoomed from room to room, having everything sparkling in no time.

Fairy Baker started mixing cakes and cookies. The scent floated through the house as everything was baking. Fairy Party planner helped by blowing up balloons and hanging up streamers.

Plates, cups and favors were gathered and arranged by Fairy Partytime. Soon the house looked like a rainbow exploded inside! They even hand-made cards and gifts for Maria.

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When the time came, they texted Maria’s mom to bring her home. As she walked in “Surprise!” they all cheered. Maria gasped – it was more wonderful than she ever imagined!

She joyfully thanked her magical friends. “You’re the best fairies ever. I’ll never forget this birthday because of you!” The tidying fairies beamed, happy they could create such special memories for Maria through their magic.

Written after communication with artificial intelligence


Main characteristics

The German chemist Martin Klaproth, while studying a group of micas in 1792, noticed some differences in one of the samples. It was he who first described it and came up with the name lepidolite (from the Greek lepis litos – “scaly stone”). The name fully describes the structure of the mineral: it consists of small layered formations, similar to scales.
lilialite – due to its lilac color;
barbot’s eyes – named after the geologist Nicholas Barbot de Marny;
lithionite – due to the high lithium content;
lithione silicate – is actually a description of the composition;
zinnwaldite – from a deposit in the Czech Republic.

Lepidolite or lithium mica is of magmatic, less often hydrothermal origin. The chemical formula is Kli2Al(Al,Si)3O10(F,OH)2. The composition almost always includes impurities of diatomic iron, rubidium, manganese, cesium, and sodium. It was from lepidolite that Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff first isolated the chemical element rubidium in 1861.

The crystals are monoclinic. Various lepidolite aggregates are found in nature. Solid dense masses have a hexagonal shape, characteristic of mica, and in cross section resemble sheets of books. Shell aggregates have a curved spherical shape. Fine-scaled and leafy aggregates are characterized by fine grain. Tabular crystals reach a length of 30 cm.

The most characteristic color of lepidolite is lilac. Minerals of white, gray, yellow, pale pink, pinkish-gray, and red-pink colors are also found. The color intensity in the mineral mass is heterogeneous. Often there are stones with a bright lilac center and pale pink edges.
The color of the mineral is largely influenced by the amount of magnesium and iron in the composition. To a lesser extent is the amount of lithium.

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Painted specimens of lepidolite have the property of pleochroism. This means that the color of the stone may vary slightly depending on the viewing angle. In ultraviolet rays it produces a pale yellow glow. Weakly susceptible to acids. Under mechanical stress, it breaks down into separate plates that have elasticity and resilience. Lepidolite also has an interesting feature: when heated, it melts and forms white enamel, and the flame turns carmine-red.

Basic physical indicators:

The luster ranges from glassy to pearlescent.
Hardness is low, 2.5 Mohs.
Transparency: transparent to translucent.
Density 2.8-2.9 g/cm³.
Cleavage is perfect in one direction.
The fracture is uneven.
The line is white.

Place of Birth

Lepidolite is a fairly common mineral. It is found in small quantities in many parts of the world. And large deposits can be found in pegmatite veins and greisen together with other minerals containing lithium: spodumene, feldspar, tourmaline, amblygonite and others.
The most famous lepidolite deposits are located in Brazil (Minas Gerais, Madeira deposits), in the Czech Republic (Ore Mountains), in Kazakhstan (Upper Espe Tarbagatay), on the island of Madagascar (Antsirabe), in Sweden (Ute Island), in the USA (Maine ), in Australia (Coolgardie) and in African Mozambique.

The only mine that produces the highest quality specimens for collectors and luxury jewelry is the Minas Gerais deposit in Brazil.


The high lithium content in this variety of mica allows the use of lepidolite as a source of lithium salts. And lithium, the lightest metal on our planet, is isolated from them in laboratory conditions. It is used in the metallurgical and pharmaceutical industries in the production of glass, lubricants, lithium batteries and many other manufacturing applications.
The metals rubidium and cesium are also mined from lepidolite.

Due to its visual attractiveness, lepidolite is also interesting for jewelers. Due to its layered structure, this stone is difficult to process into jewelry. However, craftsmen still make cabochons from this mineral. They are set in precious metals together with charoite, rubellite, kunzite, rose quartz, pink beryl and get beautiful jewelry. Lepidolite also acts as an ornamental stone: beautiful sculptures and figurines are carved from it.

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Collectors highly value this mineral for its interesting texture and original color. The best examples of this stone can be seen in photos of private collections. For this purpose, the highest quality lepidolite is subjected to a special collection cut, after which they end up in private collections.

Magic properties

Lepidolite produces receptive yin energy. That is why this mineral is useful for the fair sex to wear. It will stimulate and nourish the soft feminine energy in the girl. As a result, tenderness and complaisance will appear in her character, and she will become more attractive to men. He also helps a woman become a homemaker, an excellent housewife and reveal her culinary abilities. A wife who wears jewelry with lepidolite is not only able to make a man happy, but will also enjoy it herself.

The mineral’s ability to help a person’s creative endeavors is also known. A talisman made from this stone attracts success and fame. However, you should not hope that by wearing jewelry with lepidolite, you will increase your well-being; this mineral helps in creative activity, and not in the accumulation of wealth.

Lepidolite is responsible for the Sahasrara head chakra. That is why the owner of a product with lepidolite begins to develop philosophical thinking. He views life’s difficulties more simply, and therefore easily overcomes them. Such a person is not subject to mental trauma and unnecessary worries. Anger, irritation and other negative emotions are unusual for him.

Application in astrology

Astrologers classify lepidolite as a Libra stone. It is especially useful for them to have a product made of lepidolite. It will help Libra overcome indecision, a natural tendency to critical judgments and variability.

Lepidolite does not have any particular effect on other zodiac signs.

Medicinal properties

Lepidolite has its own energy, which has a positive effect on the human biofield. As a result, diseases caused by gaps in the human aura are gradually cured.

It is especially effective to wear jewelry with lepidolite for nightmares and insomnia, and for those prone to depression and schizophrenia.

Earrings with lepidolite should be worn for diseases of the head and brain, and for difficulties with sleep.

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Pendants and necklaces are worn in severe mental states, manic depression.

Rings help treat diseases of the cardiovascular system and strengthen all types of muscles.

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Bracelets have a calming effect on the nervous system and relieve fears.

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Lepidolite is a beautiful mineral that has found application in many areas of life. Externally, this stone is very similar to another mica mineral – pink muscovite. Visually distinguishing these minerals is almost impossible. Mineralogists distinguish them according to spectral analysis, which shows the amount of lithium in the composition, or using powder X-ray diffraction.
By purchasing a product with lepidolite, you will not only feel its positive effects, but also receive a beautiful piece of jewelry that will delight you with its beauty for many years.

I’m standing on the threshold of the universe,
The whirlwinds of space blow into your face,
Everything that is eternal and everything that is instantaneous
Sprinkled with star dust.
I touch the stars and
Captivated by the mirroriness of the world,
I can relentlessly for years
Waiting for greetings from the abyss of time.
And my heart is filled with warmth:
Among the snowdrifts of the mighty taiga
I see a green alien train,
I hear strangers’ steps.
I believe: in the future, merged with space,
We can go through the entire Galaxy
Someone will meet their Aelita,
Someone – rains of star substances.
In the meantime, the ships are in orbit
Turn after turn they make a turn,
I weave fantasy threads
A multi-color story wreath




Appearance and properties

This rare stone is often called jadeite’s cousin. They really look alike. In addition, the only place in the world where mosite is mined is one of the famous jadeite deposits in the north-west of Myanmar (formerly Burma). Other names for mosite: jade albite, chloromelanin, chromium albite.

This opaque stone is notable for its color, unique to the world of gems: bright green with black inclusions and light veins. Sometimes it resembles malachite, but the colors of mosite are much richer and brighter. It was originally mistaken for a variety of jadeite. However, in 1963, research showed that it is a completely different stone, although it contains jadeite.

Mau-sit-sit is not a mineral like jadeite, but a rock formed as a result of physical processes in the bowels of the earth. The exact composition of mosite has not yet been studied. Today it is known that in addition to jadeite, it contains:

cosmochlor is the cause of the bright green color;
chromite, which gives the color small black grains;
chromium amphibole;
A separate variety of moshit is the apple-green kai-taye.


Due to its rarity, Mau Sit Sit is not widely distributed, especially in the Western world. However, jewelers and stone-cutters are happy to use mosites polished in the form of cabochons or beads to make both expensive jewelry framed in gold or silver, and inexpensive costume jewelry, cufflinks, and rosaries.

Mau sit sit is much more popular in Asian countries. There, figurines of deities, animals, and plant ornaments are traditionally made from stones of the jade family (nephrite, jadeite). The expressive green mosite makes figurines of dragons, snakes and frogs especially natural.


Healing properties

The healing powers of mositis can stabilize the mental state, relieve depression, insomnia, and increase the vitality of the body.
It is also useful for those whose work involves excessive eye strain. It will help your eyes relax and maintain visual acuity.

Magic properties

In Mosit’s homeland, Myanmar, it is considered a stone of joy. A talisman from it makes a person sociable, positive, energetic, successful, ready for change for the better and ready to make efforts for this. However, these abilities of the mosite only manifest themselves in the open air. It is useless in enclosed spaces, so it is better to remove decorations from it at home.

This stone is suitable for Libra and Pisces; it can add optimism and self-confidence to them. It is also useful for Leos, but contraindicated for Virgos and Taurus.

The healing properties of mositis

They say that if you wear this stone constantly, it will help get rid of depression and help you forget bad things faster. It lifts your mood and helps fight melancholy.
With his miraculous abilities, he relieves a person from various types of inflammation and infections.
The stone also helps in stressful situations; improves sleep and treats insomnia; stabilizes blood pressure and metabolism.
Since mosit is green, it helps a person to calm down faster and relieve nervous tension.
It also lowers blood pressure and helps to relax the eyes.

Mosith and astrology

Since the stone only has a positive effect on a person’s well-being and health, it is suitable for all constellation signs without exception.
It helps Libra make the right decision, Virgos – to get rid of shyness, Aries – to learn to make concessions, Pisces – to achieve their goals, Scorpios – to relieve nervous tension and calm down.


Mosite is the most complex rock in its composition. It contains the highest amount of chromium than any other rock on the entire planet.
Symbolic animals are made from it: frogs, snakes, fish, dragons.
With his miraculous abilities, he relieves a person from various types of inflammation and infections.
Suitable for all constellation signs without exception.

Not all stones are suitable for a person. For some, amulets made from these stones bring happiness, good luck, and love. For others – pain, fear, torment.
Therefore, it is recommended to wear only those minerals that are most suitable for your zodiac sign. And also those that, according to experts, help improve your health.


There is no serious point in drawing a crystal
If you don’t love him, don’t animate him with thoughts
If you don’t invest in it – understanding of nature
If it exists, of course. If not, draw sunrises

Or maybe sunsets. Or black squares.


Appearance and properties

Cristobalite, as often happens, owes its name to the area where it was first found. This happened in 1887 in Mexico in a place called Cerro San Cristobal. Another name for this mineral is lussatite or lussatine.

Being a polymorphic modification of quartz, cristobalite has the same chemical formula, but differs in the structure of the crystal lattice. The mineral is usually transparent, colorless or white, grayish or yellowish. Crystals have the shape of octahedra or cubes, often forming spherulites – spherical clusters of crystals. Groups of such spherulites sometimes resemble a bunch of grapes.

There are high-temperature beta-cristobalite and low-temperature alpha-cristobalite. This mineral is formed in volcanic rocks, as well as in igneous rocks exposed to high temperatures. It is also a product of opal crystallization.

Place of Birth

Ukraine (Transcarpathia);
This mineral was also found in meteorites and in rock samples brought back from the Moon. Scientists have invented several technologies for producing synthetic cristobalite.


Cristobalite in its pure form is not used in jewelry, but it is found in many precious stones, adding decorative value to them:

obsidian – it is the snowflakes of cristobalite that create the so-called snow color of this mineral;



silicon tree;


It is also used for the manufacture of some artificial stones, for example, in imitation lapis lazuli.

Synthetic stone is used in the production of fiber optics, for the production of quartz glass, and in the chemical industry for the production of paints and plastics.

Healing properties

It is believed that cristobalite crystals have analgesic properties, lower blood pressure, have a relaxing, calming effect, relieve swelling, and treat problems of the genitourinary system.

Magic properties

These minerals are good energy batteries. They absorb the energy of the surrounding world, cleanse them of negativity and return them to the owner. These stones are indispensable for meditation. Magic balls and other attributes have long been made from obsidian containing cristobalite.

A cristobalite talisman helps the owner develop and realize his creative abilities, achieve recognition in society, keeps him from rash actions, and helps in making an informed decision. The stone will also protect those who are facing a fateful event or an unsafe trip.

Of the zodiac signs, he is most suitable for Aries. The stone will give this energetic, impetuous and courageous sign a little sanity and prudence. Virgo, Pisces and Gemini are better off minimizing contact with this mineral.

Concretions are like an explosion
In a very slow motion movie –
A group of crystals, emerging,
They grow from a point, splitting.
Nature is a small point of that
It can be complex or simple,
But for the inquisitive mind
Volumes have been written about this.

In geodes the opposite is true:
From the walls of caverns and voids,
Covering their surface,
The Crystals are a friendly family,
merging at the base,
It grows only towards the center of the void.
Inside which it creates –
Similar to palace halls,
In which the walls are made of crystals.

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